Our life is full of conflicts, some minor, from day to day, that do not worry us or steal too much time from us, watching a program on TV or another, choosing what to eat ... negotiate or get angry, they can make us uncomfortable but they do not cause us serious problems ... .
But there are other types of conflicts that can cause us serious problems, at work, for example, or in our life as a couple or even with our family. Actually What is a conflict? According to the RAE, a conflict is "combat, fight, fight", "problem, question, subject of discussion" "trouble, unfortunate situation with difficult exit" ...
So we could define conflicts in a thousand and one ways but what makes the difference is the way to solve them.
Let's see an example:
You need to ask for a day off from work because you have a wedding but you find out that that same day your partner celebrates her birthday with some friends. You tell her about it and tell her that you need the day off but she tells you that she wants to ask for it too.
Behind conflicts are usually our needs. In this example you both have the need to go to your celebration.
In the lose-lose situation, both of you remain unsatisfied, frustrated, angry and probably from that moment on the relationship will no longer be the same and will lead to more problems in the future.
In the lose-win situation, one of the parties is satisfied but the other is not. This seems like a good solution at the moment, but in the long run it may not be. It is possible that the next time your colleague needs something, she will not bother to ask you and go to the boss, which can harm you, in addition to the work climate becoming rare.
In the latter case, in the win-win situation, both of you are satisfied. You have been able to negotiate, to go beyond the conflict, to know the need of the other person and be able to give in to resolve it so that both parties are satisfied.
In conflict resolution the communication It is key, expressing our needs, knowing those of the other party is vital to be able to solve them so that both win. And although sometimes it may seem like the needs of one party and the other do not have to be incompatible. Speak from respect, understand and be able to put yourself in the shoes of the other person, empathize and know what they are feeling.
Speak from the self, from my needs, without reproach towards the other. You can ask but not accuse, making requests for improvement and calmly.
Opening our minds, being imaginative, looking for different ways to resolve conflicts will help us understand them not as something negative, but as something that helps us grow and evolve.ar.
Therefore, the next time you face a conflict, take the opportunity, do not miss it.!
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