Asynchronous or asynchronous communication is that which is carried out through the internet at different times, that is, there is a time gap between the sending of the information and its reception.
It contrasts with synchronous communication, in which the sender and receiver exchange information at the same time. The two can be found in the same applications and platforms, and even alternate in the same activity or event.
Both, synchronous and asynchronous, are part of the so-called CMC (Communication Through Computers, for its acronym in English).
The emblematic form of asynchronous communication, in addition to having been the first to become popular, would become email, as part of the so-called Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
An example prior to the arrival of personal computers and the Internet would allow us to point out letter communication as asynchronous, and telephone calls as a form of synchronous communication..
In asynchronous communication, the transmission of data or information is not subject to precise times, nor does the sender wait for an immediate or simultaneous response from the receiver..
Once sent, the information remains and can be archived or reviewed by both the sender and the recipients..
Communication and information exchange are slower than synchronous communication, since the sender and receiver are not communicating in real time.
In asynchronous communication the messages are generally more elaborate than in synchronous communication. In fact, this form of communication allows the sending of reports, files and data of different types.
Asynchronous communication allows two or more people to work for an indeterminate time on the same project or document, incorporating information or new data (as is currently done in remote storage systems, such as the so-called "clouds").
Asynchronous communications can be accompanied or supported by attachments such as documents, graphics, or videos..
There are at least four types of asynchronous communication: user-to-user communication, communication between multiple users, audiovisual communication, and written communication..
When the sender directs the message to a particular recipient, as in emails.
When the sender sends the message with a copy to different users; or when a group collaborates in the development of a project or document: several people with access to the same document in the "cloud", for example.
When the message is made through audio or video files. The most common example is the daily use of applications such as Instagram, Twitter or WhatsApp.
It is the most frequent form of asynchronous communication, as evidenced by millions of text messages and emails that are exchanged daily, from computers, telephones and other electronic devices.
It allows to build teams of collaborators working from their homes and from different cities or countries, regardless of the time differences that can hinder real-time communications.
Asynchronous communication enables work from home with less pressure than synchronous communication. This can help reduce stress among workers..
For a remote worker (someone who works from home, remotely), asynchronous communication is less invasive than simultaneous or synchronous connection. The worker chooses his work schedule.
Asynchronous communication allows participants to reflect and exchange ideas and more elaborate and worked proposals.
With asynchronous communication, the sender and receiver do not have to be connected at the same time. The message can wait indefinitely for the receiver to join the network.
Asynchronous communication is less fluid than real-time communication. The receiver's response to the message may take a long time, or even not occur.
In situations or events that warrant a quick response, it is naturally less efficient than synchronous communication. The use of emails or messages is relevant when the activity has a certain margin of time.
Although today many applications confirm whether the receiver received the message, there is always the question of whether it was read and will generate a response.
As there is no established schedule in communication, it is possible that the person with whom you are trying to communicate is disconnected.
It has a historical antecedent in epistolary correspondence (the use of letters or telegrams to communicate) and the use of systems such as telex, or fax. Email was one of the first revolutionary changes in communications, thanks to the internet.
Even with advances in communication and information technologies, in the field of real-time communication millions of messages, files and videos continue to move through networks such as Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo Mail, Zoho Mail, etc..
Forums and chat are used daily by billions of users, leaving written or audio messages, and checking them from time to time. There are chat rooms and forums on many platforms and applications, such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Zoom, Twitter, etc..
Messaging applications are also a widely used resource in both synchronous and asynchronous communication, with not very clear time limits between both forms of communication..
Some of the most used messaging applications are WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Signal, Line, Viber, Snapchat, Instagram, etc..
Most messaging apps have task management lists and allow you to send the same file, message, graphic, or video to a large number of people.
In internet and intranet services (the internal networks of companies, offices or educational institutions), they have the possibility that several users can work on the same document.
One of the most notable innovations in recent years has been the appearance of the Cloud: computing services through the Internet that allow information to be stored and processed in remote data centers, accessible to different users..
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