The contrast connectors they are those that link - semantically and pragmatically - a member of the discourse with another previous member in an oppositional relationship. As is common for all connectors, the meaning of these give instructions that guide the inferences that are obtained from the related elements.
Likewise, its use helps to enrich the discourse, giving it variety and a certain sophistication. In addition, it allows the expansion of the symbolic world enclosed in the texts. This is seen in sentences like: Rafael is fat but he runs fast Y TOAlthough the child was tired, he did not withdraw from the competition.
On the other hand, contrast connectors - or adversaries - are used in both oral and written speeches. The most used are adversative conjunctions (contrariety or opposition conjunctions).
In general, they are used to express concessions, restrictions and exclusions that provide contextual significance to discursive ideas..
It should be noted that its main function is linked to two vital activities of the verbal communication process. The first is the argumentative activity in which the coherence of the statements is important.
Meanwhile, the second is the way to order the speech. This is related to the structural support of what is said and the way it is said.
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In general, two classes of contrast connectors are distinguished. Restrictive connectors belong to the first class. In these, the fact expressed in the preceding proposition or propositions is not denied. In the sentence Rafaela was very young, but had extensive work experience you can see this particularity.
Meanwhile, when exclusive connectors are used, this negation does occur. This can be seen in: She was not silent; rather well, talked to each of the people who were there.
On the other hand, contrast connectors can indicate an opposing relationship of different elements within a sentence. This is the case of: It's not hers, otherwise of the.
But they can also establish the relationship between independent sentences. For example: I did not have much money. Nevertheless, I bought the best perfumes.
The contrast or opposition between two linguistic units that is made by contrast connectors can have a great variety of uses. Among them the following can be mentioned:
-Contrast of two sentences in which two facts are stated. Although these are contrary, both are reaffirmed without eliminating either of them. These can convey the idea of something unexpected and surprising that differs from the above: However, Nevertheless Y Conversely.
-Opposition of two discursive entities with elimination of one of them. In these cases, one of the sentences is denied in order to affirm the other. In this line is the contrast connector rather well.
-Pure opposition between the contents of both sentences. Under these conditions, the relationship between the sentences is of the concessive type (the impossibility of fulfilling what has been expressed is expressed). Within this class are even if, despite Y although, among others.
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