Discover the powerful art of detaching yourself from objects

Simon Doyle
Discover the powerful art of detaching yourself from objects

Before you start reading the article, I want to invite you to watch the following video (it lasts one minute):

What makes you think what I tell you in the video?

Surely at this time you are full of doubts and you are having a hard time making a decision.

I understand that it is not easy for you since today more than ever most of us live surrounded by objects. Our houses, cabinets, shelves, ... are full of things that we accumulate over the years and that although one day they had their reason for being and their usefulness, possibly it is no longer the case..

Let's analyze why this happens:

  • Possessions and objects give us security. This is something that we could put in quotation marks since this aspect should be seen in more detail since it is mainly a subjective sensation that in most cases has to do mainly with the attachment.
  • What is attachment? It is a concept that comes from the wonderful Attachment theory developed by the psychologist John Bowlby to study the type of affective bonding that we establish as children with our reference figures and how our emotional bonding style is later reflected in the relationships we establish with other people in adult life.

Going back to the point… What is attachment to a material object? It is the affective and emotional bond that we establish with a physically palpable thing characterized by the emotional and symbolic charge that we place on it..

  • For example: Think of a doll that your mother gave you when you were little. At first glance, someone from the outside in their presence would just see a figure, but for you it is something different, it is something more than that, since when you see or remember that toy the image of your mother comes to mind when you gave away, the times you played with him, it is also likely that your mind associates memories of your childhood and emotions and feelings of yesteryear are awakened in you, etc..
  • The connection with the objects that we have seen in the first two points makes it costs us to undo of many of the things we have even though we no longer use them and we know positively that we are not going to use them anymore.

Why would you have to detach yourself from some of your belongings?

I'm going to give you three reasons that seem fundamental to me:

1 # - Make room for new things to come. Although it may seem difficult to believe, if you live surrounded by things that no longer serve you and that occupy both physically and mentally your living space, there is little room left to accommodate all the new that life can offer you. So if you want to open yourself up to new airs and future experiences, addressing this topic is the first step..

2 # - Reconnect with yourself. If the environment in which you move is loaded with objects, little space will be left to you to find mental stillness to see clearly who you are, what you want and create something new, be it a project, do a hobby, etc..

And it is that from a blank page is when you will find a place to write your current story and see what is inside you. You change over time, also your tastes, concerns and without the presence of empty spaces around you it will be more difficult to connect with your essence and rediscover yourself..

3 # - Living Lighter Luggage. When we go lighter we feel more freedom.

You may be thinking ...:

"Yes Laura ... what you are telling me seems easy but in reality when I start cleaning I don't know what to get rid of or where to start ... I find it very difficult!"

Let's see…

How can you do it?

The belongings that accompany us throughout our lives are replete in our imaginary of memories, wishes, illusions and fantasies that if we are not aware of them and we look at them head-on and carefully, we will not be able to distinguish and we will continue to accumulate things.

Is easier than it looks like…

In an article and video I posted a long time ago, we saw an action plan to get rid of things that no longer work. You can see it here

But today I want to focus more on the part that hides behind this matter, Since no matter how much you propose to give or throw certain things, if not you work the emotions Y feelings that link you to them, this task is going to be much more complex and you may throw in the towel even before you start.

7 steps to follow:

  • Seeks an object that seems important to you and that you have stored in a drawer and that you have not used for a long time.
  • You already have it? Take it… I'll wait for you.
  • Look at it and say out loud because you keep saving it.
  • Verbalize what awakens in you that object. What emotions, memories, hopes ...
  • Do you realize that what comes to mind is precisely there, in your mind, and does not physically appear on the object?
  • Do you think you could still keep that I remember without your presence?
  • If your answer to this last question is YES, out there you already have a free way to Act.

- If your answer has been NOT, I propose to make a Photography to that object so you can store it in a scrapbook and that in this way it is easier for you to get rid of it.

Sometimes we keep things in the hope of using them one day without valuing the price we pay to take up space for years. When there are many things in the end, one does not even know where they are and possibly not use them again. Hasn't it happened to you that you were looking for something that you knew you kept and couldn't find?

Do not panic! There are seven steps that at first will seem a bit slow to perform but when you have already put it into practice with several objects, you will internalize and automate, and you will make the decision more quickly and with greater agility.

I propose a CHALLENGE: Eliminate at least your home today 3 objects.

Theory without practice is useless ... Take action!

And finally, to recommend a movie that I saw years ago and that has as a backdrop the theme that we have seen today: "The security of objects"

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