Eating disorders What are they and how are they classified?

Philip Kelley
Eating disorders What are they and how are they classified?

We have all heard of the so-called Eating Disorders or Disorders. However, knowing exactly what they are or when we are suffering from them is something quite different. Therefore, we are going to try to present you with some clarifications that will allow you to know what you are dealing with..

First of all, what, exactly, is an eating disorder?

The National Institute of Mental Health define eating disorders as follows. It is a type of disorder or disease that causes serious repercussions on people's daily diet, either in a reduced way or in an excessive way. People who suffer from them are usually not aware of it.

As a consequence, serious treatment problems are hidden. They are characterized by great impulses of anxiety or anguish directly related to the image they have of themselves. In other words, they are sick people who need psychological treatment. What they suffer is not a mere variation in a certain diet, but a mental problem that contains major concerns.

These types of disorders are most common in adolescence, where social problems are transferred to the identity, self-esteem and even the personality of the individual.

This does not imply, however, that there are no cases during childhood or adulthood, and even in old age. Likewise, although there is a clear preponderance of these eating disorders in women, they also occur more frequently among men than might be expected. Let us remember that, above all, it is a disease and must be treated as such.

So what are the most common types of eating disorders??

There are numerous types of eating disorders and disorders, and their classification will vary. Factors such as culture, the agreements of different medical institutions or social advances will affect. However, there is some consensus on the following types of eating disorders:

Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. They sound like you, right?

Nervous Anorexia

Anorexia nervosa can be characterized by a drastic and obvious weight loss, which is the goal of the person who suffers it and what they aspire to..

  • Characteristics:

This individual will try to reject the idea of ​​weight or healthy body and will be terrified of weight gain. It is about a person whose self-image is influenced by certain distorted character perceptions. He will try to deny the evidence against his physical discomfort and will vehemently cling to the idea of ​​staying in this state.

They will also want to have a reduced or essential consumption, that is, they eat as little as possible. They are scarce or restricted feedings. Among other symptoms, it can eliminate menstruation in women and girls and cause serious physical problems, such as anemia or malnutrition.

  • Behaviors:

These people will have a great obsession with his physique and with food. Because of this, they will be weighed several times a day. They will consume food in a very reduced way, and even ration it in a meticulous and programmed way.

Some individuals with this eating disorder may also go through periods of massive binge eating. In turn, these binges will be followed by relapses into anorexia and behaviors such as excessive exercise, induction of vomiting or the consumption of diuretic products..

It is a serious eating disorder, but all is not lost. The National Institute of Mental Health states that some individuals with this disorder have a good recovery after proper treatment. Others will relapse and, in some cases, the disease may worsen and become chronically established..

Bulimia Nervosa

Contrary to what is often commonly understood, Bulimia nervosa, in reality, is not the same as Anorexia.

On this occasion, Bulimia is characterized by the fact that the individual ingests large amounts of food and immediately feels guilty for doing so, with a lack of control of the impulses that he has not been able to stop..

  • Characteristics:

To compensate for this binge and to be able to have some emotional balance, you feel that you must get rid of the ingested amounts of food. Will perform aggressive behaviors to control their weight, such as induced vomiting, ingestion of laxatives or diuretics. Likewise, you will also have continuous fasts or do sports excessively. The individual may combine these techniques or perform only a few.

Now, if with Anorexia the person had serious health and physical problems related to their weight, a bulimic person can have a normal weight and even a little overweight. What it has in common with the eating disorder of anorexia is the distorted and obsessive image they have of themselves, so that they never achieve satisfaction with respect to their own physique, causing these harmful attitudes.

  • Behaviors:

It is often embarrassing and bulimic people can go unnoticed. It is a serious problem, either because they perform these behaviors in secret or because, apparently, they have a normal weight. Are these actions of bingeing and cleaning those that repeat several times a week or even a day.

Binge eating disorder

Binge eating disorder is characterized by massive food consumption no impulse or power control.

  • Characteristics:

It differs from Bulimia in that purging behaviors do not occur in this disorder. Because they do not control the amounts of food, it is a common eating disorder among people with overweight problems. Therefore, it leads to serious health problems related to blood pressure or cardiovascular diseases..

  • Behaviors:

It is common that after each binge they experience anxiety, guilt or remorse. This will lead them to commit these excessive food intakes again..

Ultimately, what we must remember about Eating Disorders is that they are considered serious diseases. They should be treated by specialists together with the help of those close to the individual who suffers them.

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