Smart drug types and side effects

Egbert Haynes

The smart drugs or nootropicsThey are cognitive enhancers to enhance memory, learning ability, concentration or skills to improve writing. The word nootropic derives from the Greek "nóos" (mind) and "trope" (direction); term coined by the scientist Corneliu E. Giurgea (1923-1995) in 1972.

Giurgea indicated that smart drugs were drugs that met the following characteristics: they improve learning and memory, have few side effects, protect from physical or chemical damage to the brain, improve neuron firing mechanisms, among others..

Today nootropics are defined as medications, drugs, drugs, supplements or functional foods that have the ability to help improve certain abilities such as cognition, intelligence, creativity, memory, motivation, attention or concentration. In short, they are pills that will keep you alert and will increase your work, social or sports productivity..

Taking care of Nootroo, a worldwide supplier of nootropics, their capsules have an immediate effect around 30 minutes and their effect lasts between 6 and 8 hours. Recommend not taking more than 3 pills in less than 24 hours.

When the media reported that their use was prevalent in Silicon Valley among its members, smart drugs began to gain considerable relevance. Currently, especially in the United States, we can find 'smart bars', places where students consume energy drinks combined with powdered nootropic pills.

Although its use is spreading, within the scientific community, there is still no consensus where the real capacity of nootropics in the mind and body is quantified.

Article index

  • 1 Types of nootropics
    • 1.1 We race
    • 1.2 Hill
    • 1.3 Ampakinas
    • 1.4 Derivatives of vitamin B
    • 1.5 Peptides
    • 1.6 Foods with nootropic substitute components
    • 1.7 Natural nootropics
  • 2 Side effects of nootropics
    • 2.1 Headaches
    • 2.2 Intestinal problems
    • 2.3 Fatigue
    • 2.4 Insomnia
    • 2.5 Others

Types of nootropics

Nootropics are obtained from chemical compositions, so their evolution is constant and therefore their classification is wide and growing. Today the most common types of synthetic drugs are:

We race

It is not clear if they are nootropic due to their pharmacological properties. They were the first to be put on the market and are among the most consumed because they do not need a prescription.

There are more than twenty different racetae, and all are characterized by having a very similar chemical structure. We can mention the following:

  • Piracetam
  • Etiracetam
  • Nefiracetam
  • Oxiracetam
  • Pramiracetam
  • Coluracetam
  • Phenylpiracetam
  • Brivaracetam
  • Fasoracetam
  • Dimiracetam
  • Imuracetam
  • Levetiracetam
  • Nicoractam
  • Selectracem

Racetams release acetylcholine, one of the most powerful neurotransmitters in the brain. Serves to transmit nerve impulses and other signals through the synapse (network of neurons).

They also serve as neuronal protectors, accelerating the growth of brain cells and slowing their deterioration and death, which causes an improvement in several different areas of the brain..


Choline is the molecule from which acetylcholine is obtained, the neurotransmitter involved in brain functions such as memory or muscle control. Its importance is such that it is the second most important neurotransmitter in our brain.

There are several types of choline supplements, with alpha-GPC, citicoline, or centropheonin being the most common. Its consumers claim to improve their memory faculties and greater fluency when concentrating.  

Choline bitartrate can also be found on the market, cheaper but with less effective results. It is also associated with side effects such as headache.


One of the most recent to hit the market. They are strong nootropics, known to increase glutamate levels in the blood. Glutamate is one of the most important neurotransmitters for synaptic plasticity, that is, the one in charge of learning and memory.

Its effects are very similar to those produced by caffeine, but with the difference of not causing side effects such as insomnia, agitation or anxiety. In any case, being such a novel product, it has not yet been possible to draw conclusions about its possible side effects.

Derivatives of vitamin B

Many of the synthetic nootropites have been developed from vitamin B. This can also be found in the form of a smart drug, being sulbutiamine (or Arcalion), the best known.

Its treatment is effective in fighting fatigue, increasing alertness and increasing energy levels. In addition, it is also composed of vitamin B1 (or thiamine), known as the vitamin of good mood.

Scientists, based on studies with mice, suggest that sulbutiamine could improve cognitive performance in patients with Alzheimer's, schizophrenia or hyperactivity, although no human studies have been done so far.


Better known as noopept. It was developed by Russian researchers when they were looking for an alternative supplement to pramiracetam. Although some consider it to be a type of racetae, the peptides act differently.

This powerful supplement can be taken orally and is effective in penetrating the blood-brain barrier. A dose of one 10-30 mg can provide an improvement in thinking function, short and long term memory and an increase in learning capacity, being between 500 and 1000 times stronger than Piracetam (racetam).

Peptides are classified according to the number of amino acids in three groups:

  • Oligopeptide: 2 to 10 amino acids.
  • Polypeptide: 10 to 100 amino acids.
  • Protein: more than 100 amino acids.

Foods with nootropic replacement components

Within nature, we can find foods that help promote concentration and motivation of people.

  • Walnuts: Known in many central European countries as the student food, they are rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and omega-3 fatty acid, which promote intellectual performance..
  • Fish oil: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, it is highly recommended for people with learning disabilities or as a preventive defense against mental illnesses such as depression, schizophrenia or hyperactivity. Fresh salmon or tuna oil are some examples of recommended fish oil.
  • Beer yeast: It is high in B vitamins, minerals such as phosphorus or magnesium, and high-quality proteins, all very beneficial for brain performance and brain health.

Natural nootropics

Also called 'Herbal Natural', they are supplements developed from plants. Their function is the same as that of synthetic drugs, such as improvements in the ability to concentrate and brain health, but they are less effective.

The advantage over nootropics in capsules is that they are not addictive and are much cheaper. They can be found in health food stores or nutrition stores.

 Some of the most commonly consumed herbal nootropics are:

  • Bacopi Monneri
  • Vinpocetine
  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Huperzine-A
  • Onnit Alpha Brain

Side effects of nootropics

The strongholds of smart drugs have always ensured that there is no danger of suffering any kind of side effect. However, few are the conclusive studies that this statement is true, having developed in turn a countercurrent that tries to show that it can produce adverse effects. We list those that usually coincide in this type of study:


It is believed to be the most common, especially in racetam and piracetam class nootropics. The reason is the overexcitation to which the central nervous system is subjected, which produces a type of "burn" that leads to pain and migraines.

It is a side effect that can be counteracted interestingly by increasing doses of choline, one of the types of nootropics mentioned above. Choline meets your chemical needs and relieves headaches.

Intestinal problems

The excessive use of nootropics can become a serious threat to the intestinal system. Irritation, nausea, diarrhea, bloating or discomfort from pain are some of the most common symptoms..

The solution is to reduce the dose to recommended levels for the body and, if this does not work, take another type of nootropic such as noopept, which requires lower doses and is therefore better processed in the gastrointestinal system..


As with intestinal problems, excessive consumption leads to fatigue. The burning sensation inside can last for several hours, completely removing the concentration of the individual.

Reducing the dose or consulting a specialist to recommend another nootropic are the most frequently used solutions..


The main function of nootropics is to increase energy levels, causing alert levels to skyrocket and become insulated. It is an effect very similar to that produced by energy drinks or soft drinks with a lot of sugar.

The difference is that, even if it is possible to fall asleep, the individual feels that the sleep has not produced the restorative effect and wakes up with the feeling of exhaustion.

The solution is to avoid taking strong nootropics in the afternoon and evening, so that by bedtime, energy levels have decreased. Another option is to supplement heavily loaded nootropics with others such as inositol or melatonin, supplements that help promote more effective REM sleep..


Although these effects are less common, each nootropic supplement has a different mechanism of action and therefore can lead to an original side effect. They are usually associated with excessively high intakes or adverse reactions to the body. Some of these effects are:

  • Anxiety
  • Nervousness
  • Mood disorders
  • Restlessness
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Daze
  • Skin irritation
  • Rashes

The conclusions should be demonstrated as the scientific community can verify how smart drugs really benefit or affect them. Meanwhile, it seems that using them safely should not be the cause of any kind of physical or mental problem..

In any case, it is always advisable to consult with experts about the possible causes and dosage in order not to suffer any type of risk to our health..

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