A miscarriage or miscarriage can be an extremely sad and devastating experience for many women. They often feel guilty when they experience a perinatal loss; especially if they have had other miscarriages before.
However, a pregnancy that ends due to a miscarriage is a much more common experience than it might seem among women..
A miscarriage is known as embryonic or fetal death and the consequent loss of the pregnancy that occurs naturally before reaching the 20th week of gestation..
The main threat of abortion is vaginal bleeding (without cervical dilation) that occurs before 20 weeks, and indicates the probability of abortion in a woman with a confirmed viable intrauterine pregnancy. Diagnosis is made through clinical criteria and ultrasound.
Generally, when the first signs appear, the most common treatment is to do complete rest, gynecological control and, if the abortion has already occurred or seems inevitable, the observation and the uterine emptying (curettage).
Miscarriage occurs in at least 15-20% of all recognized pregnancies, or one in five, and usually occurs before the 13th week of pregnancy.
The spontaneous abortion rate increases with maternal age, being less than 15% under 35 years, 25% between 35 and 40 years and more than 50% in women over 40 years.
More than 80% of abortions occur before week 12. The probability of terminating a pregnancy after week 9 appears to be less than 3%. In some cases, a woman may experience a miscarriage without even realizing it..
Some women have repeat miscarriages. We speak of repeat abortions when there are three or more successive abortions or five or more non-consecutively.
The main factor causing a miscarriage is the presence of some chromosomal defect in the fetus. It is believed that up to 70% of miscarriages are caused by this reason.
This does not mean that parents have to have any kind of problem related to their ability to conceive a baby. What it means is that that particular egg and that particular sperm have given rise to an embryo that cannot develop or implant properly..
Other factors causing a miscarriage are:
There are countless risk factors that are believed to increase the risk of miscarriage, including:
Because miscarriages are very common during the first trimester, doctors (usually) do not perform medical tests to determine the exact causes that led to the miscarriage..
If a woman is experiencing repeat miscarriages, both the woman in question and her partner should be screened for the presence of any fertility problems..
Typical signs of a miscarriage are bleeding and abdominal cramps. In the event that a pregnant woman presents these symptoms, it will be important to make an urgent medical consultation, indicating if the bleeding is accompanied by mild cramps or back pain.
When the signs of an abortion begin to appear, even in those women who do not believe they are pregnant, it is always best to err on the side of caution and undergo the necessary medical tests without wasting time.
Going through a miscarriage can be quite a devastating experience. It is not strange that many women, apart from an intense feeling of sadness for the loss, present remorse and guilt for believing that they have done something wrong.
Spontaneous abortion, in addition to being able to generate complications at an organic level, has a strong impact on a psychological level with symptoms of depression and anxiety, its negative effects can be prolonged for months and influence subsequent pregnancies.
On the other hand, feelings of guilt and shame in women who experience miscarriages are exacerbated by wrong thoughts and beliefs about their causes, according to a 2013 study in the United States..
Research showed that up to 47% of women who suffer a miscarriage feel guilty about it. Up to 76% of them thought that their abortion had occurred due to high levels of stress, 64% that it had been due to lifting a heavy object, 28% due to having carried an IUD (intrauterine device) for some time prior to pregnancy , and 22% for having taken oral contraceptives (the pill) before becoming pregnant.
Thus, more than 40 percent of the women in this study believed that they had had the abortion because they had done something wrong during their pregnancy, and almost 30 percent felt very ashamed.
But we must be aware that in most cases this is not the case, abortion is something that had to happen, most likely because it was an unviable fetus. In any case, in the cases in which the doctors knew what the cause of the abortion was and communicated it to the woman, their guilt disappeared, but unfortunately this did not happen when the doctors did not find the cause of the spontaneous abortion.
A strong feeling of loss also accompanies all the emotions mentioned above. But experiencing a sense of loss involves starting a grief, and grief is a process that all people must go through to deal with any kind of loss. Accepting the grieving process allows you to explore the meaning of pregnancy and incorporate the abortion experience into your life journey.
The woman's body will also experience hormonal changes that can affect her emotional state immediately after the abortion. You have to allow time for the body to adapt.
At first, the woman may feel denial: "This doesn't seem real" or "This can't be happening to me." After denial, you may feel depressed and angry: "I feel sad and angry because this has happened to me." In time, acceptance will come.
It is also important not to worry too much if you feel sad, but to recognize that sadness can be part of any important life process. However, if sadness persists for a long period of time and continues to interfere with your daily life, it may be good to seek professional advice and support..
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