Confinement has kept many Spaniards awake

Alexander Pearson
Confinement has kept many Spaniards awake

Confinement has changed the quality of life of the majority of Spaniards, it has restricted freedoms and is being especially hard for those people and families who live in small flats, confined in them without terraces or gardens where they can have an outlet where they can relax, practice gardening, yoga, outdoor sports and avoiding the mind, and this has affected the quality of sleep.

Thus, now more than ever having healthy sleep habits or good sleep hygiene is vitally important to our health.

Try Maintaining the following sleep practices constantly and consciously will help us to be able to sleep better, and therefore to fall asleep more easily:

1- Follow a sleep schedule

Try to stick to a set bedtime and wake-up routine, even on the weekends. This helps regulate the body's natural clock and may help you fall asleep and stay asleep at night..

2- Practice a relaxing ritual before going to bed

Do a relaxing activity and make it a daily routine just before going to bed, away from bright lights such as computers, cell phones, televisions, etc. helps separate sleep time from activities that can cause excitement, stress, or anxiety, which can make it harder to fall asleep, sleep soundly, or stay asleep.

If you have trouble sleeping, avoid naps, especially during the afternoon.

The siesta is a very Spanish custom that helps us to spend the day in a more rested way, but if one discovers with their practice that later they cannot fall asleep at bedtime, it may be useful to eliminate naps, no matter how short they are.

3- Exercise daily

Vigorous exercise is best for falling into Morpheus's arms, but even light exercise is better than no activity..

Exercising at any time of day is recommended to rest better at night, but preferably this should be done in the morning, but if this is not possible at least not less than two hours before going to bed, otherwise the opposite effect and we will be too active to be able to sleep well.

4- The room matters

Examining the room where you sleep before going to bed is essential, it is recommended that the room be ventilated and cool, between 20 and 17 degrees Celsius, one hour before going to bed. It is recommended that there is no noise in the room that could disturb sleep.

Finally, the room must be free of any light. This includes interruptions to a bed partner's sleep, such as snoring.

Consider using blackout curtains, eye masks, earplugs, "white noise" machines, humidifiers, fans, and other devices to help us sleep better. It is recommended that mobile devices are out of the room where you sleep.

5- Choose a soft and comfortable mattress and pillow

Check to see if the mattress that has been in use for years may have exceeded its life expectancy, which is typically 8-10 years for most good quality mattresses. Opt for soft and comfortable pillows. Renew your mattress if necessary and change the pillow.

6- Use bright light to help manage circadian rhythms

Avoid bright light at night and expose yourself to sunlight in the morning. This will keep your circadian rhythms in check..

7- Avoid alcohol, caffeine, theine, cigarettes and large meals at night

Alcohol, theine, cigarettes, and caffeine can disturb your sleep. Eating large or spicy foods can cause indigestion discomfort that can make sleep difficult. If you can, avoid eating large meals for two to three hours before bed.

Try a light snack 45 minutes before bed if you are still hungry. And opt for a hot glass with a little honey before going to bed, it will help you fall asleep..

8- Relax

The body needs time to go into sleep mode, so try to spend the last hour before bed doing a relaxing activity such as reading, gentle yoga, meditation, relaxation exercises, or breathing..

If you have trouble falling asleep, avoid electronics and especially watch TV before bed or do it in the middle of the night.

If you still can't sleep, when this happens, go to another room and do something relaxing until you feel tired again..

If you associate a particular activity or item with sleep anxiety, skip it from your bedtime routine. If you are still having trouble sleeping, feel free to talk to your doctor or find a sleep professional..

You may also benefit from recording your sleep in a sleep diary to help you better assess common patterns or problems you may see with your sleep or your sleep habits..

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