The development of perception in the child

Basil Manning
The development of perception in the child


  • Sensory development in the child
  • The development of the perception of space in the child
  • The perception of form in the child
  • The child's perception of time
  • The development of the child's perception and observation
    • References

Sensory development in the child

When the receptors are born in the child, they are ready for their function.

In the last months of gestation, the sensory pathways mature, first those of the tactile and muscular sense, but also those of the sense of smell and taste, and later those of the visual sense and finally those of the auditory sense. However, some parts of the cortex are ready to use at the time of birth, but others develop after birth. This is why one cannot speak of a development of the sensory organs and their specific activity, which manifests itself in perception..

According to Krasnogorski and Rählmann, children from the sixth month of life, from the period in which they begin to pick up an object, in a different way to all colors, therefore it is said that they already distinguished them.

However, these experiments have not taken into account that waves of different lengths produce sensations not only of color, but also of a certain clarity. According to the Purkine phenomenon, in twilight vision, as in day vision in adults with congenital color blindness, the degree of relative clarity of the collars increases according to their distance from the red end of the spectrum; For this reason it is possible that the infant does not distinguish the colors as such, but only their degree of luminosity.

Peiper examined the sensitivity to the degrees of luminosity in premature infants, it was seen that in them the same deviation of clarity or luminosity from the red end to the violet end of the spectrum was observed as in adults, thus he demonstrated that in humans it is already Before being born, he developed the faculty of sensation or sensitivity to degrees of luminosity. It assumes that the hearing organ in the newborn, and even in the fetus, is sensitive to acoustic stimuli. Krasnogorski, using the method of conditioned reflexes, found that the infant still does not distinguish well between tones and chords. Children seven to eight months old can distinguish the smell of camphor from perfumes. Skin sensitivity reaches a great differentiation very prematurely. Not only during preschool age, but also during school years there is a further development and refinement of acoustic optical differentiations. According to Foucalt, the optical and auditory acuity increases in schoolchildren from six to fourteen and fifteen years old ... at that time it exceeds the optical and auditory acuity of adults. The distinction of clarity or luminosity increases from six to seventeen years (according to Gilbert) by two and a half times.

The contradiction that exists in the different data on the child's sensory development is explained by the fact that the maturity of the sensory organs is linked in the first place, to the ability to better use the organs due to exercise, since it plays an important role in the child's sensory development, the ability to interpret sensory data with increasing intelligence. This fact is related to the general intellectual development of the child.

The intellectual development of the child is not due to his individual sensitivity, too limited for this purpose despite the existence of all types of sensations, but to social knowledge, which through language and the treatment of human beings with each other makes personal property of every individual.

Within the development of the sensations and perceptions of the child, the development of the perception of space and time plays an important role..

The development of the perception of space in the child

The child recognizes space to the extent that he learns to master it.

Baldwin, Stern, distinguish in children a "primitive space" or "oral space", a "close space" or "grasping space" and a "distant space", which the child learns to master and which he gradually discovers, as that learns to move on its own.

Far space is poorly differentiated at first. Due to the immaturity of adaptation and convergence, one-year-olds do not even perceive objects that are distant, which constitute for them only an indeterminate background.

The evaluation of the distance is also related to the evaluation of the dimensions of the different objects. For small distances and simple figures there is already a constancy of dimension or magnitude, in the second year of age. The exact evaluation of the dimensions of an object in different alternatives coincides with the understanding of the shortening of the perspective of the objects. Understanding the represented perspectives is the most complex aspect of spatial representation and is developed later..

The essential point of the general development of the understanding of space is the transition from the calculation system (coordinates) fixed in the body itself to a system with freely mobile reference points.

The perception of form in the child

Very early the child perceives the objective concrete forms. In preschool children, the form is already one of the fundamental factors of knowledge that discerns things. If preschool children are taught an abstract geometric shape, they “objectify” it for the most part, that is, they give it a naively objective interpretation: a circle is a ball.

Since color predominates in preschool age, it is necessary when working with these children to take advantage of the influence or effectiveness of color. But at the same time, it is no less important to direct children's attention towards differences in shapes, which is necessary for the study of reading and later the mastery of geometric fundamentals..

For the correct perception of the form, the development of the constancy of the perception of the form has essential significance, when altering or changing the optical or visual angle..

Children perceive shape at first with relative independence from the situation. The representation of numbers presupposes in the preschool child both counting and the immediate perception of objects. The development of the perception of quantity occurs, essentially, as follows:

a) the child perceives a group of objects and reproduces them taking into account their specific qualitative characteristics.

b) The perception of a group of objects taking into account only the qualitative characteristics passes in the subsequent development of the capacity for abstraction to the perceptual form, in which the spatial arrangement of the objects in partial or total abstraction is taken into account of its specific qualitative peculiarities.

c) The child passes with the development of the representation of numbers, and the domain of arithmetic operations to the perception of a group of objects, for which part of the calculation of the objects that subtracts or abstracts from their qualitative spatial peculiarities.

The child's perception of time

The words now, today, yesterday and tomorrow can indicate in their use, each time a different sector of real time.

At premature developmental levels, the child is oriented in time based on essentially qualitative extratemporal signs.

The further development of skills for a more correct location and understanding of the order of succession is related to the awareness of causal dependencies and the domain of quantitative relationships of the magnitudes of time.

The development of perception and observation of the child

The child's perception develops within the process of oriented activity, practical objective action, play, creative activity, etc., it extends and deepens and becomes an independent activity of observation..

Perception largely depends on affective-motor and emotional reactions. The emotional factors of the child are linked to the intellectual factors.

The schematic and extremely coordinating perception of many aspects of reality, which the child does not yet understand, exists alongside a more divided and linked perception of a few aspects of reality. Applied to different contexts, several forms of perception exist simultaneously in the child. As the child's circle of interest and knowledge expands, his thinking develops.

With the development of perception, scientific reasoning also develops, a broader system of theoretical knowledge is increasingly mastered, which leads to the development of higher forms of generalized perception..

The perception full of meaning of complex and unusual psychological situations and the perception of complicated acts and events, which reveal the character of the acting person, is generally formed later, between the ages of twelve and fourteen, when greater interest is manifested. for psychological relationships and a greater and deeper understanding.

In the course of the child's intellectual development, the formation and development of observation have a special meaning.
Binet checks three successive stages:

  • the stage of the enumeration of isolated objects (3 to 7 years)
  • the stage of the description (from 7 years)
  • the stage of interpretation, an image is perceived and interpreted as a sensitive unit.

At each level of development, the child can grasp both the whole and the parts. The different levels and forms of perception exist in the child as a rule simultaneously and do not accumulate externally, nor are they juxtaposed or superimposed..

The true levels of observation, which reflect the levels of the child's intellectual development, are levels of interpretation..

The content of interpretation is modified, which is understood by children at different levels of observation and the depth of cognitive penetration into it. We distinguish: comparative interpretation, conclusive interpretation, conclusive interpretation that also describes abstract characteristics.

New forms of observation are developed within the process of teaching and education, which are processes, where there is a domain of new objective content.


Understanding Sensory Development.

Basic sensory development. Incredible

Vestibular visual coordination. Occupational therapy associates.

Sensory development: touch, taste and smell, sensations of movement, auditory system, visual system, sensory systems in concert: sensation of body position.

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