The way we see the problem is the problem

Abraham McLaughlin
The way we see the problem is the problem

People are often intrigued when they see good things happening in the lives of individuals, families, and even companies. They admire that personal strength and maturity, that family unit or that work team, or that synergistic organizational culture that knows how to adapt so well.

And the question that is immediately asked is very revealing of its basic paradigm. How did you do it? Show me the technique, what you are really saying is: I want some advice or a quick solution to ease my pain in this situation..

People then find people who meet their demand and teach them what they wanted to learn; For some time, those skills and techniques seem to pay off. But after a while, new acute symptoms appear.

The problem is in the way we see the problem, because the way we interpret what happens to us is what will cause us discomfort or well-being. (Stephen R. Covey).

A new level of thinking

Albert Einstein observed that the problems we face cannot be solved in the same paradigm of thought that we were in when we created them..

When we look around and within ourselves, and recognize the problems created while living and interacting with the personality ethic, we begin to understand that they are deep, fundamental problems that cannot be solved within the superficial level on which they were created..

We need a new level, a deeper level of thinking, to overcome those deep concerns.

Our approach to personal and interpersonal effectiveness is principled and character-based; is: inside out.

From the inside out means, start with the person, start with the innermost part.

The inside-out approach says that private victories precede public victories, that we must make promises to ourselves and keep them before ourselves and only then make and keep promises before others..

From the inside out it is a process, a continuous process of renewal based on the natural laws that govern human growth and progress..

The outside-in paradigm generates unhappy people who feel sacrificed and immobilized, focused on the defects of other people and on the circumstances to which they attribute responsibility for their stagnant situation.

Personal balance depends on the ability to harmonize what we think, what we feel and what we do. Reaching this state of harmony will be easier if we initiate the changes from the mind, the body, with practices such as thought restructuring, reflection, exercise, listening to music or laughing, which release neurotransmitters of happiness and favor a mental state. positive.

A positive thought generates a positive feeling and, consequently, a positive behavior.

In turn, positive feelings facilitate positive thoughts and behaviors, and healthy acts generate healthy thoughts and feelings. (Stephen R. Covey).

Focus your thinking constructively

  • Start by recognizing your areas of opportunity, strengths, your qualities, abilities, achievements during your life.
  • Believe in yourself, you are a creative and intelligent being.
  • What you do, do it with meaning, that is, to achieve professional and other achievements, first it is convenient to reflect on what is or what gives meaning to your life.
  • Value and enjoy for each step you take and for what you achieved.
  • Sometimes it is necessary not to take yourself too seriously, which does not mean that you are not responsible with the goals of your life, because this way you will have a harmony and balance of thought, emotion and healthy behavior.
  • Accepting that you have to correct or modify something in your life will make you continue to learn and grow not only professionally, but as an integral being.
  • Create realistic and positive thinking about the goals you want to achieve.
  • Think that what you do you can do the best you can and if something does not go the way you wanted, reconnect with what you are after.
  • Build a functional thought, something like: problems are not catastrophic, they are things, situations to solve, they are simply challenges that make my life more interesting.
  • Reinvent yourself every day.

Positive thoughts have a huge impact on your life, believe it or not. In fact, wealth, money, and success are results; all are consequences of your actions, your actions and what you do on a day-to-day basis, but most importantly, your mental, emotional and physical health.

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