The early pregnancy, At an early age or youth, it is between 11 and 19 years old, although this tends to vary according to the institution.
Without a doubt, it is a rather tricky subject to talk about, if not taboo. Many are the individuals who can become scandalized by premature pregnancy, or on the contrary, normalize it. The mentality and character of the people with whom the pregnant woman relates and above all, the socio-economic situation depends on this..
In this section the data is enlightening. Only in our country, and according to the National Institute of Statistics, between the years 2000 and 2008, there were a total of 1209 pregnancies in girls aged under 14.
If we move towards 15 years of age, we see how the figure shoots up, practically multiplying by four with a total of 4119 teenage pregnancies in the same period of time.
With respect to the last year for which these data are recorded, there were 177 births in girls aged 14 or less, and 537 in those who were already 15 years old.
If we decide to move a few years later and focus on the international level, in 2011 the country with the highest birth rate in young people was Niger, with a total of 206 births per thousand, followed by Nicaragua, which opened the ban on Latin American countries where it already reduces it by exactly half with 103. Third place on the podium corresponds to the Dominican Republic with only two less than its predecessor.
In the old continent, taking into account the data for 2008, the Netherlands takes the cake with the birth rate with 7.8 per thousand, and as we have mentioned before, with Spain closely followed in second position with 7.5.
From a psychological perspective, young adolescents seek new experiences and sensations in a stage in which a great amount of changes and transformations take place at breakneck speeds, making a great effort to try to be independent.
We are going to point out and specify what could be the causes of teenage pregnancy:
There is no room for doubt when we talk that it is one of the main and biggest problems. The practice of sex without any type of precaution can lead to the pregnant woman, whether desired or unwanted, where 18% of adolescents between 15 and 19 years old do not use any method of contraception and allowing themselves to align with another data that tells us that 80 % of pregnancies at that age are unwanted.
A profile assigned to women (mostly in underdeveloped countries) and based above all on the more traditional mentalities and which is usually a cause of births.
Traditional in places where it is still a traditional practice to marry a young woman with another person (whether elderly or not) in a forced and forced manner, mainly by families..
The close circles of the adolescent age, mainly of the friendships that can lead to the practice of sex simply by the fact that it is something? That you have to do yes or yes?.
A bad relationship with parents translates into insecurities, ignorance and self-esteem problems.
The ingestion of this type of consumption translates into a lack of control of our body and the creation of involuntary acts.
Due to a lack of information either in our home or, directly, in our education center, especially in schools, we can carry out acts that are beyond our knowledge, and of course their consequences. This is something that is being claimed every time in schools.
Unfortunately, this cause is one of the most striking and dramatic, and in which special emphasis must be placed to try to raise awareness among the population, where between 11 and 20% of pregnancies during adolescence are the result of sexual abuse.
This seems incredible when we consider a study by the Guttmacher Institute that concluded that 60% of young women who had sex before reaching the age of 15 were forced.
Different problems can occur when referring to early pregnancy. Even more so if you finally decide to go ahead and give birth.
When we talk about pre-eclampsia, we talk about hypertension of the arteries. Another effect is proteinuria, an appearance of excess protein in the urine. For it to be called preeclampsia as such, both effects must be produced.
The consequences can lead to serious damage to the kidneys, and if this worsens, other vital organs such as the liver, the brain or even the blood itself can be damaged. Finally, if it is not controlled, the life of the future baby or even the woman could be endangered.
Officially, premature birth is called the one produced between weeks 28 and 37 of pregnancy. Between week 20 and 28 it would be known as immature labor and if this happened before week number 20 it would be considered an abortion.
It is an obstetric and neonatal problem that has fatal consequences for women, among which we find urinary tract infections, diabetes or severe anemia, among many others..
It can also lead to abortion or even uterine anomalies such as cervical incompetence, while the malformation of the fetus is always going to be a risk that will be present at all times. This can lead us back to the first complication, which is the placenta previa..
How can you see if there are chances of getting a preterm birth? Some symptoms of this will translate into constant strong contractions, vaginal bleeding, or a constant feeling that the child is pushing down as if pushing out..
We know anemia as a type of infection created in the blood. In adolescent pregnancy it is produced due to the low levels of possession of hemoglobin and therefore of iron, since they are carriers of this mineral in such a way that we find two types of anemia:
It should be noted as data that the current levels of hemoglobin in the blood of a pregnant woman range between 12-16g / dL, while the non-pregnant woman shows a change with levels between 11-14g / dL.
This is something that affects a third of pregnant teenagers. One of the problems that can occur is the entry of bacteria into the bag, since it is open. This is called amnionitis or chorioamnioniti. The solution? A voluntary delivery should be caused if you do not want the mother or the little one to suffer some kind of really serious problem.
As a curiosity, sometimes there can be a veiled delivery, where curiously the baby is born with its amniotic bag in perfect condition. It should be noted that this type of delivery does not lead to any type of health problem for the mother or the newborn..
The consequences can occur mainly at psychological levels that affect the morality of the woman (or the couple in general) or at social levels where discrimination or abandonment become quite common problems.
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