Is obesity a reason for depression? Cosmetic surgery could prevent it

Egbert Haynes
Is obesity a reason for depression? Cosmetic surgery could prevent it

Obesity is a health problem that affects a significant number of people worldwide, each year the World Health Organization (WHO) reveals alarming figures, the United States being the first on the list.

Apart from having serious consequences on the body, the psychological impact has an alarming potential to lead to depression, which if not treated in time could have very serious consequences for the patient. However, there are various alternatives to reduce body mass Y increase self-esteem.

Cosmetic surgery: enemy of depression and overweight

Currently one of the most used methods for localized body mass reduction  is lipolysis. This surgery consists of burning the excess lipids in the area indicated by the specialist, in order to transform it into glycerol and fatty acids, in this way it will be easier to eliminate them from the body while the patient is walking or moving..

Unlike other cosmetic surgeries, lipolysis is not a very invasive treatment, on the contrary, it has the necessary intervention to generate a transformation, so the scars, pain and other side effects only last a couple of days. Detailed information on this can be found on pages such as

Being this treatment a new methodology for the rapid and effective reduction of localized fat, the process of recovering self-esteem and self-confidence could come gradually, taking into account the necessary intervention of psychologists to improve the concept of self-image and thus avoid depression.

How is lipolysis performed?

Because it is a minimally invasive treatment, it usually lasts approximately two hours, the first step being the application of local anesthesia and then the use of the laser to conclude with the aspiration of the area and the retraction of the skin.

The patient will recover in a matter of days and the only essential requirement is to use a girdle that shapes the body for a period of two weeks or as indicated by the specialist, it all depends on the clinical case. During the period of recovery from the intervention, the pains that will appear are usually not as strong compared to other surgeries, so the healing process will not be difficult to cope with.

The most common areas where this type of procedure is usually performed are in the abdomen, thighs and arms. However, it can also be applied for the reduction of fat in the neck, back and even the ankles.

As it is a modern and powerful technique, it can be implemented in almost any desired area. Besides, it is a ideal treatment for people who only want to modify specific or not very large parts of their body in order to improve your appearance.

Do not fall into depression because of those extra kilos

Sometimes the only losing weight through cosmetic surgery allows the patient to improve their self-esteem. In general, people who do not feel self-esteem need more than a surgical intervention to improve their self-concept, so it is necessary to go to a mental health professional, where it can be evaluated what really affects the distortion of body image or the rejection that he has of himself.

There are countless clinical centers where they help patients regain self-esteem. However, the European Institute of Positive Psychology is one of the most recommended, since it offers various aspects for the care of its patients.

The institute uses a therapeutic method called Forte IEPP, which consists of a positive therapy shorter than traditions. In the same way, it focuses on making use of the resources that the person has in order to develop them and reduce discomfort.

It is through acceptance, that the greatest fears can be overcome, discovering the origin of why an excessive increase in weight or why the rejection of the own image, would help reduce the problem itself, together with the help of mental health professionals and why not? with the help offered by advances in aesthetic medicine with lipolysis.

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