Study psychopathology Effective study technique

Philip Kelley
Study psychopathology Effective study technique

After finishing first without studying any of the so-called "mental illnesses", in the second year we found one of the subjects, in my opinion, the most interesting of the career: Psychopathology.

In it they show us the wide range of mental disorders in all its splendor: Dysmorphopsia, Hyperacusis, Metachromia, Paresthesia, Formication (with "m"), and this is just one example of the number of disorders that appear in the book. Some practically unpronounceable: Autometamorphopsia (tries to say it 5 times in a row without stopping) ...

Study Psychopathology: Effective Study Technique

I will try to share with you a system that, although it has nothing new, will help us retain all these names in our memory and also the study time will be more fun.

Basically it is about writing down on a sheet all the names of diseases that we see in the book together with the page number where they appear: Cryptoamnesia - 158Dyspareunia - 325… etc.

Once we have the sheet of paper filled with all the names, We will cut them with scissors as labels and place them in a container.

Later we will take out pieces of paper one by one and we will try to remember the meaning of each name. In case of not remembering a definition, the number will help us to find it on the corresponding page of the book.

It's much more fun have a person help us in our task and let her be the one to take out the papers and we will explain the meaning of those words.

The little "feedback" by way of surprise or surprise that we will receive from that person will help us to better retain each of the concepts in memory. In addition, it is also an excuse for the people around us to see what this race in which we have gotten ourselves is about.

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