Eva Perón biography, relationships, politics, death

Basil Manning
Eva Perón biography, relationships, politics, death

Eva Peron (1919 -1952) was an Argentine policy famous for being one of the most influential policies of the 19th century. In addition, she was an actress and served as the first lady of the South American country between 1946 and 1952. She also presided over and founded the Feminine Peronist Party.

He began his life humbly in the popes of Argentina and migrated to the capital when he was very young, since he wanted to dedicate himself to an artistic career. Her first meeting with Juan Perón occurred in 1944 and they married the following year..

Portrait of Eva Perón by Annemarie Heinrich (1912-2005) / Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

During the government of her husband, who ascended to the presidency in 1946, Eva Perón was famous for her fight in favor of the unions in her country. Since 1947, he promoted the women's suffrage law and after obtaining it, he continued to demand equal rights for women in other areas..

Among the achievements of Perón in matters of civil equality, they highlighted that the spouses were equal before the law and that in the event of separation the custody of the offspring was shared by both parents.

On the other hand, it created the so-called Feminine Peronist Party, in which women who had just received political rights for the first time were integrated. He also established a foundation called Eva Perón, through which he created projects of different kinds..

She was nominated for the position of vice president in 1951, but resigned the nomination..

Her figure has been controversial, since many see her as a leader and promoter of feminism in Argentina, while others perceive her as a populist who served to dominate the propaganda machine of Peronism.

Article index

  • 1 Birth
  • 2 Childhood
    • 2.1 Buenos Aires
  • 3 Artistic ascent
    • 3.1 Stability
    • 3.2 Socio-political context
  • 4 Relationship between Eva and Juan Domingo Perón
  • 5 Politics
    • 5.1 International tour
    • 5.2 Work in Argentina
    • 5.3 Universal elections
  • 6 Disease
    • 6.1 Last days
  • 7 Death
    • 7.1 Kidnapping of his corpse
  • 8 References


Eva María Duarte was born on May 7, 1919 in the city of Junín, Argentina. There is controversy around his birth, since it is known that with the help of General Juan Perón, his birth certificate was adulterated at the time of marriage.

In the false document it was declared that Eva had been born in 1922; with subsequent investigations in which his baptism certificate was included it was clarified that the true year of birth was 1919.

As for the place, there are also different versions: according to some sources, he came to the world on his father's farm, which was located in La Unión. However, the most widely accepted story is that he was born in Junín, where there was a suitable hospital..

Eva was the natural daughter of Juan Duarte, a conservative politician and landowner, with her then lover Juana Ibarguren. His father had a formal family and his wife was named Adela Uhart, who was also his cousin. The Duarte - Uhart had 14 children within the marriage.

The couple made up of Duarte and Ibarguren had a total of five children, of which Eva was the youngest; the first was Blanca (1908 - 2005), then Elisa (1910 - 1967) arrived, followed by Juan Ramón (1914 - 1953) and Erminda (1916 - 2012).

According to some sources, Juan Duarte's wife died before Eva's birth, so at that time her father was a widower and not married..


Eva Duarte in her First Communion

It is believed that during the first years of her life, Eva Duarte and her siblings lived comfortably, since their father watched over them and their mother, Juana Ibarguren. An order that reigned in their lives until the death of Juan Duarte.

A traffic accident was the reason for the death of the Duarte's father in January 1926. Some have popularized the idea that Eva's family was humiliated by other relatives of her father during the wake of this.

In any case, these assertions have been denied by close people who witnessed Juan Duarte's funeral and who attested that Juana Ibarguren's children were allowed to say goodbye to their father in peace..

The situations that Eva and her family had to face from that moment on were not easy. First of all, they moved permanently to Junín, where Juana got a job as a seamstress and in other activities that allowed her to support her children..

Eva Perón marked with a circle. School photo. 5th. Grade. Junín. 1933. Eva is sitting on the left. Source: Unknown author / Public domain

In addition, to support the family, the older children began to take jobs to be able to make their economic contributions with the home..

Eva Perón (right) and her siblings

From that time Eva María Duarte began to show interest in the performing arts. The girl frequently participated in local theater plays, as well as in other cultural events in the city.

Buenos Aires

Before finishing school, in 1934, Eva traveled for the first time to the capital of Argentina. He soon returned home to Junín, as he was unable to find work at that first opportunity. Then he tried again and so it was that at the beginning of 1935 Eva Duarte went definitively to Buenos Aires.

The version that relates her to the singer Agustín Magaldi and in which it is stated that it was he who took her to the capital seems to be false. According to one of Duarte's sisters, her mother accompanied Eva until she found a job.

When Eva settled in Buenos Aires, the city was experiencing a strong wave of internal immigration. Argentines from rural areas, as well as foreigners from neighboring countries, came because of the offer of jobs in the new industries that were established in the capital city..

The members of this wave of immigrants were nicknamed "black heads" and were treated in a derogatory way. The transition towards the industrial economic model in the South American country was the trigger for this environment.

The days of agricultural Argentina were over and they needed workers for the many factories that opened their doors in the Buenos Aires area..

The first position Eva Duarte found was working as a beginning actress in Eva Franco's company; It was 1935. At that time her brother Juan, who also lived in Buenos Aires, was one of those closest to her.

Artistic rise

Eva obtained other minor theatrical roles and in 1936 she was hired by the Argentine Comedy Comedy Company. Together with this acting group he started on his first national tour.

On June 26, 1936, her first photograph was published in a newspaper along with a caption that made reference to her outstanding work as an actress during that theatrical season..

At that time Eva Duarte took all the opportunities that arose in her way. She worked as a model, acted in supporting movie roles, and made a name for herself as a radio host and actress..

By 1938 she had gained enough popularity in her guild to be named a lead actress in a new company called Teatro del Aire. Then it was time to formally join the guild and joined the Argentine Association of Actors under the number 639/0.

He got roles in movies like Seconds out! (1937) and The most unhappy in town (1941). The Candijelas Company signed it in 1941 and since then Eva began to participate in a series of radio soap operas that were broadcast on a station in the Argentine capital..

Eva Duarte began to carry out a program called Great women of all time, which was broadcast every night, beginning in September 1943.


After her sacrificial beginning, Eva Duarte managed to achieve economic stability thanks to her artistic work: in 1942 she bought an apartment in Recoleta, one of the most exclusive areas of Buenos Aires..

The Argentine Radio Association was the first trade union organization of the workers of that media and its foundation happened in August 1943. One of the promoters of this was Eva and she was also named president of that pioneering union in its field..

Socio-political context

Argentina was going through a delicate moment in its national history. In Eva Duarte's country, industrialization was imminent and led to rapid growth of the working class..

Politics was also affected by the changes, since what is known as the Revolution of 43 occurred: a stage that began with a coup that was perpetrated on June 4 and was led by Arturo Rawson and Pedro Ramírez.

At that time Juan Perón still did not have a major role in the new government, but the Department of Labor was assigned to him, which was later renamed the Secretary of Labor. From that moment, Perón got closer to the Argentine unions..

This gave Juan Perón an important status within the government apparatus and in 1944 he managed to climb to the post of minister of war..

Relationship between Eva and Juan Domingo Perón

Marriage of Eva María Duarte and Juan Domingo Perón

In January 1944, some important figures gathered at the Luna Park stadium to raise funds for the benefit of the victims of the San Juan earthquake. During that gala the young Eva Duarte met General Juan Domingo Perón.

Shortly after they began an intimate relationship and Perón moved to the same building where Eva had her apartment. Meanwhile, she continued to develop her artistic career and in 1945 she landed the lead role in the film. The prodigal.

The murky political waters resulted in a new coup after which Juan Perón was arrested and forced to resign from his post. However, on October 17, 1945, a massive demonstration promoted by the unions demanded the release of Perón.

The workers obtained their demand, in addition, at that time Perón also appeared publicly announcing his resignation from the Argentine Army.

Less than a week after being released, Juan Perón married Eva Duarte and on December 10, 1945 they celebrated their ecclesiastical wedding.


Eva Perón's immersion in the political life of her country occurred when the electoral machinery that supported her husband began. From the beginning of 1946, when the candidacy of Juan Perón started, the public commitments of his wife began.

Eva Duarte on the train during the campaign for the 1946 elections

Eva's constant appearances were something new in the country, since the typically macho society did not see with good eyes that women participate in political events. That thought was so ingrained that, in fact, women couldn't vote.

On February 24, 1946, Argentines went to the polls and the result was that the president of the nation was to be Juan Perón. She took possession of the first magistracy on June 4 of the same year and Eva Perón became the first Argentine lady.

Upon assuming this position, she continued to promote the female vote and equal political rights..

Then, by Eva's proposal, a very short bill was created that was finally approved on September 9, 1947, said law referred to the rights of Argentine women to participate in politics..

Eva Perón, 1947

International tour

Eva Perón left Argentina in June 1947 for an international tour that began in Europe. She was invited by the Spanish government to represent her husband and took a tour that lasted 64 days.

He was in Spain, Italy, with a stop in the Vatican, Portugal, France and Switzerland. In addition, before returning to his country, he passed through Brazil and Uruguay. On Spanish soil, Perón was received by General Francisco Franco and he granted her the Grand Cross of Isabel la Católica..

He observed European social policies during his trip; During his time at the Vatican he got an audience with Pope Pius XII, then when visiting Portugal he was able to meet King Juan Carlos of Spain, who was in exile at that time..

I work in Argentina

Eva Duarte delivering a speech

On June 19, 1948, he created the Eva Perón Foundation, an institution through which he channeled most of his social efforts. The objective of this organization was to help women, children, the elderly and the sick.

The founding of the Peronist Feminine Party occurred a year later, a platform that was run entirely by women. This party was conceived to gain influence in that group with newly acquired political participation..

It is believed that in this way Eva Perón served to transmit Peronism in a more accessible way to the people. He was a charismatic figure with whom the masses could feel identified and in whom they could place their trust..

Eva Perón constantly related to union leaders with whom her husband's government always maintained a strong alliance.

Also in 1949 Eva promoted the legal equality of the spouses in a constitutional reform that took place then. Likewise, another of the changes that he promoted was the shared parental authority of the children and the rights of children and the elderly.

The equity measures for the custody of children were reversed in 1955 and the model in which the man had better eligibility to obtain parental authority was re-applied..

Universal elections

Eva Perón and a bishop, 1947

The first elections with female participation in Argentina were held in 1951. They were not only included as voters, but also as candidates; in fact, 23 deputies and six senators were elected.

Motivated by Eva Perón's close relationship with the Argentine unions, the latter proposed her for the position of vice president. They asked for an immediate and public response; she answered ambiguously and then said that she could not accept.

Some believe that Eva's refusal was due to internal pressure from the Peronist party, which did not conceive that a woman could hold so much power. In any case, the version that has the most support is that his answer was based on his delicate state of health.

In fact, on November 11, 1951 Eva Perón, like many other Argentines, voted for the first time, but she did so from a hospital bed, because she was recovering from a hysterectomy that was performed on the 6th of the same month..

Eva Perón on the balcony of the Casa Rosada in 1951


Eva Perón was operated on for appendicitis in 1950, but since 1946 she had a history of poor health due to symptoms that included fainting and dizziness. Despite this intervention, his losses continued.

A biopsy was performed in August 1951 and the result of that study was that the first lady had cervical cancer, the same disease that took Juan Perón from his first wife in 1938.

Perón holds Eva while delivering a speech in the Plaza de Mayo on May 1, 1952. On the left, Interior Minister Ángel Borlenghi

Perón underwent radiotherapy treatment that did not work. Since mid-1951, the president's wife was confined to her home due to the weakness caused by her illness; since then he stopped his appearances in public for a while.

Evita Perón, first lady of Argentina, with Golda Meir, Israeli politician and future prime minister of Israel, on April 9, 1951

Although she did not know it, the surgical intervention that was performed at the end of 1951 was performed by an American oncologist named George Pack. The official version was that the doctor had been Ricardo Finochietto and it was not until 1991 that the truth was known.

Last days

In early 1952 he returned for a time to his regular activities. In those months Eva Perón managed to attend awards, conferences, trips and other public commitments that were part of her normal life as first lady.

He was present at the celebrations of May 1, 1952 and that year he delivered one of his most emblematic speeches in which he attacked and threatened the anti-Peronists:

“I ask God not to allow those insects to raise their hands against Perón, because that day was cool! That day, my general, I will go out with the working people, I will go out with the women of the people, I will go out with the shirtless of the homeland, so as not to leave any brick that is not Peronist standing. ".

On June 4, Eva accompanied Juan Perón to his swearing-in after re-election, despite the fact that the advice of medical professionals recommended that he remain at rest. Thus ended his public appearances, since the disease did not allow him to go out again..

After spending weeks convalescing, Eva Perón fell into a coma on July 18, 1952.


Cover of the newspaper Clarín for the death of Eva Perón. Source: Clarín / Public domain

Eva María Duarte de Perón passed away on July 26, 1952 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The actress and politician spent her last days unconscious until finally her body stopped responding and she died. His body was embalmed by Doctor Pedro Ara.

Embalmed corpse of Eva Duarte with doctor Pedro Ara

The remains of the late first lady were transferred the following day to the Ministry of Labor and Welfare. The body remained there until August 9, when they took it to the National Congress to pay it official honors..

Finally, his body was located at the headquarters of the General Confederation of Labor of the Argentine Republic, a building that had in fact been donated by Eva Perón herself to said union..

He remained there until the “Monument to the Shirtless” was completed, created especially for his body to rest. In life Eva Perón used to refer to the people as “descamisados”, especially the lower and working classes.

Kidnapping of his corpse

General Juan Perón was overthrown by a military uprising that occurred in 1955. After that uprising, Eva Perón's remains were extracted and disappeared for 14 years. That controversial event gave rise to the formation of multiple legends.

Although it is not easy to separate fact from fiction, it has been confirmed that Eva Perón's body was transferred to Italy under a false name. Under the figure of an alleged repatriation, his remains were located in Milan and they remained buried there for more than a decade..

In fact, it was in 1971 when General Lanusse, then president of Argentina, ordered the corps to be transferred to Spain..

In 1974, Evita's body, as it was popularly known, returned to her native country and, finally, two years later her family claimed it to deposit it in a family vault located in the Recoleta cemetery, in Buenos Aires..


  1. En.wikipedia.org. 2020. Eva Peron. [online] Available at: en.wikipedia.org [Accessed 19 June 2020].
  2. Encyclopedia Britannica. 2020. Eva Perón | Biography & Facts. [online] Available at: britannica.com [Accessed 19 June 2020].
  3. Cloppet, I., 2020. Juan Duarte (Uhart) And His Daughter Evita: Basques With Grandeur. [online] Euskonews.eus. Available at: euskonews.eus [Accessed 19 June 2020].
  4. Institute of Studies and Political Training of the Justicialista Party. 2020. May 1, 1952 - Last Speech by Eva Perón. [online] Available at: gestar.org.ar [Accessed 19 June 2020].
  5. Web.museoevita.org.ar. 2020. Evita Museum - National Institute of Historical Research Eva Perón. [online] Available at: web.museoevita.org.ar [Accessed 19 June 2020].
  6. Zanatta, L., 2009. Eva Perón: a political biography. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.

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