The term "luck", which comes from the Latin sors Y sortis, It is defined as a circumstance or chain of events, which occurs fortuitously or by chance.
Therefore, the quick answer is yes, luck exists. Why? Because it is true that unexpected or accidental events occur in our lives. In addition, these events can have a positive or negative consequence. Therefore, it can be said that both good luck and bad luck also exist.
However, the dilemma arises with the way each of us understands luck. That is, with the different interpretations of the cause that causes these events to occur.
Here, the rational perspective, that relates to luck with chance and probability; and perspective irrational, that equates luck with faith.
In addition, there is another approach that considers that luck is conditioned by the predisposition of each one to have it, in the form of positivism or negativism.
It is the most rational interpretation of luck, and relates it to statistics, probability and chance.
From a rational point of view, the probability of an event occurring is given by known causal relationships. Let's see a practical example:
As we can see, this theory considers luck as a casual circumstance and random, but always controlled under some premises.
However, there are other approaches alternative rationalists, who analyze situations that are out of control, such as genetic makeup, accidents or coincidences. In this sense, new types of luck emerge:
On the opposite side to the rational position, there is the irrational one. This, considers luck as a series of events inexplicable and supernatural.
Furthermore, it is thought that it is possible interfere with results of those events, making them favorable.
The best known ways for this aspect to attract luck are the use of symbols, such as horseshoes or four-leaf clovers.
They also highlight the belief in numerology (study of the meaning of numbers), the Feng shui, or in the relationship between horoscopes and luck.
In any case, we can observe how this belief tries to give an explanation to luck, and show that it is possible exercise control about it.
If we compare it with the case of probability, with the example of the die, an attempt was made to answer why the number 6 came out, but no attempt was made to modify what came out.
However, the irrational point of view seems to go further, stating that it is possible to intervene in the result, and make a person roll the number 6 more times.
It can be said then that, if with probability all causes are controlled, with faith one could monitor both causes and results. Let's analyze some of the ways With which it is intended to explain luck and influence its consequences:
This would include beliefs in numerology and astrology, among other. These interpretations consider that the luck of an individual is determined by several factors, such as their date of birth or related numbers (numerology); or the position of the planets at the time you were born (astrology, horoscopes etc.). In these cases, the fate of the people would already be predetermined, so they focus on knowing the cause to, to some extent, try to change the course and the final consequences. Let's take a fictitious example:
According to numerology, the answer is: yes; someday Carmen will win the lottery. For its part, statistics would say that of "we'll see", since it would be possible, but it would also be possible to win with any other number that is available.
In this field we can include the prayers, rituals, symbols or objects of luck (horseshoe, four-leaf clover) or the Feng shui (harmonious occupation of a space to achieve positive influences).
Although these options have different characteristics and procedures, they all have the same goal of controlling and modifying luck at will. Let's see a practical example:
Again, the answer will depend on the point of view from which you want to analyze. From the rational interpretation, the answer would be that both good and bad things can happen.
Others, on the other hand, will trust that the horseshoe will bring luck; (and if not, it is that Maria has not placed it well). Even another theory would affirm that María will be lucky not because of the horseshoe, but because of the confidence that it has given her..
A similar case was studied by Lysann damisch, A professor at the University of Cologne, Germany, who asked half of her students to take an exam with their lucky charms, and they ended up with better results. Was it the amulets, or was the confidence that the students felt? We will talk about this later..
Within different religious beliefs, and even cultures and countries, luck is also the subject of countless interpretations.
However, they usually coincide in which the outcome of an event depends on a higher being, which causes or allows that to happen. However, doctrines such as buddhism, do not believe in the random aspect of luck itself, since they always attribute a moral cause.
However, in Thailand, for example, some Buddhist monks often wear protective amulets that have been previously blessed..
In this interpretation, control over luck is attributed to the person himself, and not to a supreme entity or to statistics.
Thus, concepts like effort, tolerance, perseverance, self-confidence and positivity, become not only the causes of good luck, but also the results, since the person enters a circle from which he can see that life depends on how the we face each one, and that every effort has its reward.
Basically, it is about not begging for luck what it is only achieved with work.
According Richard Wiseman, Professor of Public Understanding of Psychology in the UK, there are three fundamental factors that explain why some people are luckier than others.
Conversely, If we let things happen to chance, or believe that our fate depends on other people, we would end blaming others by our own mistakes. We would search excuses foreign to ourselves, and we would learn the wrong concept that if something bad happens to us, it is a punishment.
All this causes tension, insecurity, fear and makes us face a passive attitude towards life. So you can not move forward. It is very hard to think that we are not in control of our actions and that we have no choice.
What can we learn from this interpretation?
The answer is yes, Good luck exists! Everything will depend on how you want to face it. As we have seen, the term "luck" is so clear, but at the same time so widespread in society, that it's up to you to decide how to interpret it. What did you say Arthur Schopenhauer, "luck shuffles the cards, but we are the ones who play".
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