Horoscope What is the date of the zodiac signs?

Philip Kelley
Horoscope What is the date of the zodiac signs?

To know what is the date of the zodiac signs It is super important if you are interested in astrology, and the information that this ancestral knowledge has to tell you about your life.

The study of the zodiac signs is an art, and you should know that this is a small introduction, because beyond recognizing the date of the zodiac signs, there are many other factors that influence the information that your birth chart can provide you..

As for the zodiacal signs, you need to know that the most relevant within our astral chart are the sun sign which corresponds to your date of birth, the moon sign that tells us about the position of the moon within your natal chart at the time of your birth and your rising sign which corresponds to the sign that was on the horizon at the exact time you arrived in the world.

Today we will only focus on the date of the zodiac signs and a small explanation of their most important characteristics. We will focus on the sun sign, which is the sign that corresponds to you according to your day of birth..

What is the date of the zodiac signs?

Next we will tell you the date of the zodiac signs, and you will learn a little about their most marked features.

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

Aries is one of the zodiac signs that belongs to the fire element. The natives of this sign are passionate, with great creativity, they have the makings of leaders and they like to be in control. They are adventurous, open-minded, and are capable of giving everything for the beings they love..

The element of Aries is Fire.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

The natives of Taurus are stubborn, structured, they want to order the world as they please. They are the most familiar signs of the zodiac and would give anything for their family. They are protective. They do not like adventures or fleeting romances, they want a partner who meets their expectations, and that is why they do everything they can to prevent anyone from leaving their comfort zone.

The element of Taurus is Earth.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

Among these horoscope dates is Gemini, a dual sign by nature. Although they change easily, they are deeply annoyed when other people change. They are somewhat confused, although of agile and alert intelligence. They are excellent communicators and have the ability to easily influence others. They love relationships, so even though they go out of their way for their partner, they sometimes feel inclined towards adventure and novelty..

The element of Gemini is Air.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancerians are one of the most sensitive signs of the zodiac. Their biggest problem is that they tend to live in the past and take everything personally and that is why their mind makes them suffer. They are excellent at planning ahead and love love, like most water signs they are hopeless romantics and greatly enjoy being able to give and receive love..

The element of Cancer is Water.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

On these dates of the horoscope we place the natives of Leo. They are beings full of energy, dynamism, joy and passion. They are the center of attention and if they are not, they try very hard to be so because they are quite narcissistic. They are natural leaders, they love being around people, luxury, parties and adventures because their adventurous spirit drives them to hedonism.

The element of Leo is Fire.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

Virgo is one of the most structured signs of the zodiac. They are proactive people, natural leaders, they feel comfortable when they have everything under control. They feel complete using logic and that is why they are quite decisive. They are caring and simple people with the ability to find happiness in small details. They are people of great knowledge and kindness.

The element of Virgo is Earth.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

Libras are the most indecisive of the zodiac, this gets them into multiple problems with others and with themselves as they immerse themselves in unreal problems. Libras are creative, caring people with diverse artistic talents, constantly seeking external approval to achieve balance in their lives. To be happy they need to have everything in a relative balance, however they tend to self-sabotage because they are attracted to the drama.

The element of Libra is Air.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

On these dates of the horoscope we find the fiery Scorpio or Scorpio. These people are passionate, lovers of pleasures, intense, curious, adventurous and very sexual. Their greatest weaknesses are their explosive character, their intense need to be right and their high level of competitiveness; they have multiple interests, which benefit them well channeled and poorly channeled leads them to leave everything by halves..

The element of Scorpio is Water.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

Sagittarians are vital people, full of energy, lovers of adventure and hate routine more than anything in the world. They are excellent friends, fiery couples and can love several people at the same time, so it is difficult for them to consolidate as a couple. However, when they find a partner who joins their fast pace of life and accepts them as they are, they are the most loyal companions that can exist..

The element of Sagittarius is Fire

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

Capricorns are the eternal lovers of appearances, they care a lot about what others think of them and that is why they try to be "perfect" people. They are super intelligent, great companions and friends, their conversations will make you hallucinate because they know about many things and they have a great gift of listening.

They are super psycho-rigid and they care a lot about social status, they like expensive things and aesthetically beautiful couples, although when they are in love they give themselves to the end.

The element of Capricorn is Earth.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Aquarius is the most popular sign, everyone loves them and they are the kings where they arrive. They have exquisite taste, they are excellent decorators, and they make friends anywhere because they are excellent conversationalists and know how to break the ice..

Aquarians are very flying beings and that is why, although they give everything in love, they always like to seduce and meet other people because they love to feel admired..

The element of Aquarius is Air.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

Among the signs of the zodiac, Pisces are the eternal dreamers, idealists and overflowing imagination, that is why they are great artists..

Pisces are extremely loving, hopeless romantics, and love lovers, however they tend to obsess over impossible loves which triggers a lot of broken hearts along the way. Pisces are intuitive and sensitive, so it is impossible to lie to them, their sixth sense is super developed.

The element of Pisces is Water.

We hope that this information will serve as a door not only to discover the date of the zodiacal signs, but also to discover some of their most important characteristics.

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