The justification of a project It is a section that is used to explain the need that leads the researcher to carry out a certain research project, expressing the convenience and benefits obtained by carrying it out. It is intended to motivate the reader to continue reading the text, in addition to trying to convince potential investors to invest in the project.
The justification of the project is presented both in the preliminary project phase or presentation of a research proposal, as well as in the final drafting of the project, once it has concluded..
In the case of the preliminary draft, it is usually located before or after the objectives section. When it comes to the final writing of the project, it is usually included within the introduction section.
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Mainly, the justification should answer a series of questions that explain the reasons why it is important to carry out the research. Such as why the chosen topic is important, what the results obtained are for, and how significant the proposal is.
Ultimately, the justification of a project must be capable of demonstrating the viability, relevance and significance of the project within an expert community on the subject dealt with by the research..
The reasons given why it is important to carry out the project may be scientific, for example knowing the structure and transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus to develop a vaccine. However, the reasons could also be economic, social, knowledge acquisition, theoretical or philosophical..
The reasons to justify a project can be different:
What reasons are not adequate to justify a project?
When writing a justification, it should be taken into account that this section does not work independently in relation to the entire research project. That is, the correct writing of a justification depends on the selection of the topic and the statement of the problem or exploration of the research context.
Therefore, to write a justification, it is recommended to carry out the following actions:
It is the first step in any investigation. This topic must be relevant to the field within which the project is framed.
Strategies that allow the reduction of water consumption in Mexico City.
Although this section is not part of the wording of the justification, it is the one that precedes it. This is where the questions to be resolved when carrying out the investigation arise. It is also at this point where the setting within which the ongoing investigation will be carried out is contextualized..
To facilitate the writing of the justification, it is of great importance to elaborate a precise description or statement of the problem, explaining in this way everything that is intended to be solved with the investigative process.
Currently, the government of Mexico City allocates around $ 25,000 million pesos in subsidies, taking care of 30% of the cost of water consumption rates.
A recent study reveals that the total consumption, per person, of the subsidized people is twice that of the people who pay the full or unsubsidized rate. This indicates that subsidized populations tend to waste a great deal of water.
On the other hand, surveys and activities have been carried out, where it appears that for subsidized users it is not important to reduce their water consumption, given that they do not assume the full costs of the service.
This problem has never been addressed, generating an annual growth in the number of people and the cost for the government, affecting the allocation of public money, which could be invested for other purposes..
Based on this, this project is interested in knowing what are the possible strategies that allow the reduction in water consumption in the subsidized populations of Mexico City.
At this point we come to the justification of the project and to write it we will take into account what has been explained throughout this article. All the reasons or reasons why it is important to carry out the investigation should be stated here.
Carrying out this research is important, since the identification of strategies that allow reducing water consumption in users of subsidized populations will have a beneficial impact on both the local economy and the environment..
Additionally, the successful identification of these strategies seeks their replicability in other contexts, where the same problems that currently occur in Mexico City may arise..
This research seeks to generate the conditions to unify and reduce the level of water consumption per inhabitant. Issue that, over time, will reduce investment in subsidies and increase the possibility of making investments in other areas.
This justification is adequate because:
Below are some examples of justifications for different types of projects.
The following example is based on an investigation to determine what type of interactions occur between the student and the teacher, and how they affect the academic training processes:
Today there are enormous challenges in academic training processes at any level. Determining and defining the types of interaction that take place between students and teachers, inside and outside the classroom, is essential to understand how academic processes are affected.
Understanding these phenomena is essential, since it will improve the conditions of the student training processes, while ensuring better working and personal conditions for teachers..
Example of an urban intervention project in the downtown area of the city of Guadalajara, Mexico, in which it is intended to build a pedestrian walkway.
From the above, it is necessary to build a pedestrian walkway, located on Avenida Revolución, which allows greater comfort for frequent passers-by in the area, thus improving entry and exit to commercial premises without putting their safety at risk. . Also, allow bars and restaurants to make use of part of the sidewalk.
Example of a food distribution company project, in which the feasibility, profitability and impact that would be obtained will be studied, adding a new product to its traditional line.
For this reason, the need arises to study what kind of impact the entry of the new product would have on the company's portfolio, starting with an analysis of the position it occupies today in the market..
On the other hand, verify if the conditions of the company are optimal to start the project, or how much investment would need to be made to carry it out.
Finally, carry out a projection of how profitable the project is and what type of actions must be carried out for its execution..
Example of an innovation project that aims to spread drip irrigation systems.
It is clear from the above the need to spread the drip irrigation strategy in crops located in areas with low water flow, taking into account that this system has never been applied for this type of context..
Drip irrigation systems are cheaper alternatives to traditional ones and can be manufactured locally, which facilitates their access in almost any population in the world.
In addition to this, the yields obtained by this method are even higher than those of traditional irrigation, and have the advantage of consuming less water resources and employing less labor..
Example of an investment project of a timber company that intends to install a new machine to automate the cutting process.
As can be seen, it is necessary to implement new machinery in the company, which highlights the amount of material that is wasted in the wood cutting process, how long does it take to do it, and what is the operating cost of the process.
The knowledge of this data, supplied by the new machine, allows to make a better allocation of resources, to know in depth the operation of the company's supply chain and to reorganize the workforce in such a way that it is more profitable..
Investigation project.
Choice of research topic.
Scientific investigation.
Steps of the scientific method.
Objectives of a company.
Research objective.
Types of research.
Investigation report.
Scientific article.
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