The 10 Strongest Economic Regions of Colombia

Sherman Hoover

Between the stronger economic regions of Colombia They are: Bogotá, Antioquia, Valle del Cauca, Santander and Bolívar, among others. Colombia is the fourth most important economy in Latin America and is among the 31 most prominent in the entire planet, according to data from the International Monetary Fund.

With strong growth in the last decade, the country is only behind regional powers like Brazil, Mexico and Argentina in Latin America. It has a strong sector of production of primary goods, which are those that are destined to satisfy fundamental needs of people such as food or clothing.

The main Colombian industries are coffee, cattle, oil, emerald, floriculture, the automotive industry and textiles, but this country is also a major exporter of gold, sapphires and diamonds. In recent years, its provision of services has taken on outstanding relevance.

Despite being an advanced economy, Colombia has great problems of social inequality and imbalances in the production data of each region. For example: 65% of the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is distributed among only six departments, of the 32 in which its territory is divided.

List of the 10 strongest economic regions of Colombia

1- Bogota

According to local and international economic indicators, it is the main productive region of Colombia with a representation in the gross domestic product close to 25%.

With a very strong and advancing industrial sector, complemented by trade and financial sectors, Bogotá is a highly attractive place for investments..

This area of ​​the country represents a quarter of the total economy of Colombia. It stands out in the chemical and textile industry and in the manufacture of other products such as metals, machinery, equipment, printing, food, beverages, tobacco and wood..

 2- Antioquia

Located in the northeast of the country and with the Pacific Ocean as its limit, Antioquia represents 13% of Colombia's GDP, which places it as the second most productive area.

It distributes its economy among the three sectors: primary, secondary and tertiary, with strong subregions in the agricultural sector, manufacturing, tourism, services (which occupy a leading place) and commerce.

Coffee is its star product, Antioquia being the main producer in the country. Colombia was the first to export its goods to the world, just pushed by this infusion.

3- Valle del Cauca

This small western region of Colombia, located between mountain ranges, is the third most important in terms of the country's Gross Domestic Product..

Agriculture, fishing and non-metallic minerals are the drivers of the local economy, which, despite its good growth rates, has been losing prominence in the Colombian economy.

4- Santander

Located in the Andean region, it is a bit far from the economic indices of its three predecessors. However, its growth data places it at the top thanks to a successful industrialization process that will not take long to pay off in the future..

With a strong agricultural and tourism sector, Santander also has a thriving group of energy, oil and mining companies, as well as important metal-mechanic and poultry projects..

This department is the first producer of tobacco, cocoa and cassava in Colombia, three typical products of the country's economy..

5- Goal

Part of the Colombian Orinoquía, Meta is one of the largest departments in the country. This makes it an internal power, it occupies the fifth place in participation of the national GDP driven by livestock, agriculture and mining.

Among legal crops, rice, African palm, bananas and corn are its main strengths, accompanied by the extraction of oil and gas, which has taken a significant boost in recent decades..

Outside the law, in Meta there are large coca leaf plantations, which is used as the main component of cocaine. Although this left many economic gains, it turned the area into a dangerous place with a fierce internal struggle, accompanied by guerrillas, against drug trafficking..

6- Cundinamarca

Located in the center of the country and with Bogotá as its capital, this region has an economic life of its own outside the most important city in the country.

With a rich variety of natural resources, Cundinamarca is the sixth most important region of Colombia in terms of national gross domestic product.

Coal and salt, in the first place, push the economic indicators of the area. But also the presence of deposits of lime, iron, sulfur, emeralds, quartz, lead, gypsum, copper and marble, make its competitiveness is expanding.

In addition, outside the industrialization of Bogotá, this region has rich productions of coffee, corn, wheat, barley and sugar cane..

7- Bolivar

Located in the northern region, known as the Caribbean, and with Cartagena de Indias as the main city, it owes its name to the liberator Simón Bolivar.

This department has one of the most diverse economies in the country, with great production of goods and services from different industries, which place it in seventh place in Colombia.

Its great economic boost comes from the hand of the provision of services, especially in tourism and commerce, but it also has a thriving industrial sector.

Petrochemical companies keep Bolívar among the most important regions of the country, especially due to the boom in oil refining, other chemical derivatives and plastics.

Traditionally, it is one of the places where the agricultural sector had a great development. The timber industry and fishing, thanks to its proximity to the Pacific, are other prominent sectors.

8- Atlantic

Small in territorial terms, but with one of the largest population masses in the country, the Atlántico department is the eighth most prominent in economic terms of Colombia.

In the capital, Barranquilla, industry and commerce, thanks to the port, are the main sectors. However, in the interior, services and the agricultural issue drive the region.

Among its most outstanding products are those linked to the chemical, metalworking and pharmaceutical sectors. It also stands out in the food, beverage and paper industry. Its great capital is the workforce, with a huge number of working people.

9- Boyacá

It was one of the key regions for the independence of Colombia almost three centuries ago. It was in Boyacá where the founding battles of the nation occurred with Simón Bolivar as leader.

In addition, Boyacá has the particularity of having different productive areas in its territory, each with its strategic goods and services. It is the ninth most important in the national GDP.

Its Industrial Corridor groups 90% of the local industry, with a strong service sector. To this must be added a strong presence of commerce, agriculture, mining, tourism and handicrafts, which are also of vital importance for its economic reality..

Although investments are experiencing a moment of instability, exports, agriculture, mining (with large deposits of emerald and other stones and minerals) and livestock, keep this region afloat.

10- Tolima

Historically, it is a region whose production was linked to gold and tobacco, but slowly the agribusiness was gaining ground to complete an important economy for Colombia.

Its strategic location, between mountains, make it a very attractive place for tourism, a sector from which this department was able to extract its revenue, to make it one of its main sources of income..

Also mining, with gold as the star metal, and the textile industry push Tolima to the top ten of productive regions of Colombia at the moment.

While the cotton agribusiness is a strong mainstay, its privileged place is threatened by the importance of the domestic service sector. A sector that in Tolima is underdeveloped, which makes it lose competitiveness with other regions and departments, in addition to generating some kind of dependency..


  1. The economic regions of Colombia: an analysis of clusters, Juan David Barón, Banco de la República, 2002.
  2. Bank of the Republic. "External Debt of Colombia". Archived from the original on November 28, 2015. Accessed November 17, 2009.
  3. DANE Office of Synthesis and National Accounts and Banco de la República. Recovered from:
  4. Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá. Recovered from:

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