The 100 Best Nach Scratch Phrases (for Reflection)

Abraham McLaughlin

I leave you the best Nach Scratch phrases, best known for being a Spanish poet and rapper, of Albacete origin, but raised in Alicante. His verses have the characteristic of being a criticism of injustice, hypocrisy, the power elite, love, society and interpersonal relationships.

You may also be interested in these phrases of Eminem.

Nach at the ASYPAM Solidarity Festival. Fountain. Wikimedia Commons - Ruben Ortega [CC BY-SA 4.0 (]

-If the goal is to have fun, life is not the party I expected and that is not why I am going to get depressed. -Thinking out loud.

-I traveled the world, I saw joys and regrets, but the most intense trip was the one that I made myself inside. -Lefties die before.

-What you say, do you think it provokes me? The narrower the mind, the bigger the mouth. -The light years.

-Nothing to do for the weakest. Seeing that their icons only fall like butts, preferring to die standing than live on their knees. -Silence shots.

-My martial art is to ignore the one who provokes. There are those who speak with their eyes, there are those who look through their mouths. But make no mistake, I also know how to kill fast, and I know that there are caresses that mark you like a whip. -Lefties die before.

-Television can teach us, inspire us, even make us dream, but […] it will become humanity's most destructive weapon. Able to manipulate and lie, control and play with our minds. -Quiz Show.

-They say that I walk backwards and here you see me, with my head held high and the world under my feet. -Challenge.

-Brute force disgusts me, I leave it to the Nazi or the cani who solves any struggle the easy way. -Manifest.

-I am looking for an unattainable calm, the atmosphere here is not reliable ... I want to be alone if only everything will be fine, that no one speaks to me, that they do not break this silence, it is mine. Today I want to feel the cold. -Nothing nor nobody.

-Do you think it is unfair? Say it! You are not the only one, do you protest like a citizen or shut up like a subject? -The realm of the absurd.

-And if life is an instant, today I want to forget that I exist ... I want to escape to my desert without being seen, leave this circle, fly to another place, stay still, there loneliness is my charm. -Nothing nor nobody.

-We live seeing peaks that are getting closer and closer, we die if routine watches behind our door. -Tightrope.

-We are children of a lesser god, we patch up every mistake, drawing a better world in our minds. -Angel.

-Who wants to walk the earth being able to fly and fly? So climbing any mountain, crossing any sea, loving is finding the paradise that every human being always wanted to enter. -My days.

-Be you the change you want to see in the world, be that lightning that fell and that rumbled deep inside. -Verb.

-You will feel the end so far away, but you will grow old, and you will make a mistake if you ask for advice at the time. -A life ahead.

-R for revolution, A for attitude, P for Poetry. -Three acronyms.

-I do not have the truth although I pursue it, I think so, the important thing is to be alive with desire. -Manifest.

-If a poor man steals in this kingdom, an uncomfortable thief goes to prison. And if a rich man does it, they call him a kleptomaniac and he goes to the psychologist. -The realm of the absurd.

-Look around, where is the error? Who is so foolish to call a black "man of color"? -The realm of the absurd.

-You dream of being Don Juan, wasting champagne. I prefer to see who does not have and give them bread. -Manifest.

-Of sex without commitment and its silent, tired and fed up pleasure I returned to my sad and dark room. This is how I understood that without love there is no future. -Love comes and goes.

-Sometimes we forget that the best in life is free. -Free.

-It is the value of a decadent kingdom, where the country that watches over world peace is the one that sells the most weapons. -The realm of the absurd.

-I am the bad taste of unrequited love. The gladiator who defeated the emperor. -To be or not to be.

-My government is another example of cynicism, a socialist party that does not practice socialism. -Slaves of fate.

-Convinced heroes, persecuted by the CIA, pour out their agony for freedom being censored, and in cold blood mercilessly murdered by cowardly rulers, my RAP burns by reminding them, by telling the world that their struggle was not in vain. -Silence shots.

-What would I give to be rich? And if I were rich, what would I give? -The storyteller.

-Why do they call it "love" when it is only dependence and a momentary need for heat? Why do they call it "love" when they go from flower to flower? -I shit in love.

-I fell in love with so many things that it hurt, I enjoyed a thousand battles, it didn't matter if I lost. -Living.

-Don't leave the pack, shut up and swallow, they know what bills you owe, they know what bills you pay. -Slaves of fate.

-I wanted company and I got a monologue, I wanted a happy ending and I stayed in the prologue. -Nothing nor nobody.

-To earn respect, many play at hating themselves and hiding, and that is fooling themselves. -To be or not to be.

-There is only one life and one meaning to give him, and I will not wait for time because he never stopped to wait for me. -The voice of the greats.

-Where is the ideal to help, you have to pay even to breathe, look for another planet to emigrate to. -Slaves of fate.

-I practice joy and it is not just any whim, one day I discovered that the more you spend it, the more you have left. -The light years.

-The technology that provides abundance has left us destitute, our science has made us cynical, […] we have started to think but we have stopped feeling. We have become slaves of fate. -Slaves of fate.

-Looking into my thoughts, they take me back to my childhood, when I still couldn't distinguish wisdom from ignorance. -Open your mind.

-With no other handicap than getting on a track and spitting out my realities, for you they are weaknesses, for me sensibilities. -Manifest.

-You notice the lie as it breathes, you feel how anger stares at you, you observe the greed that revolves around your generation, while in a corner you go blind from rum. -The demon camouflaged in the asphalt.

-Everything I do is reflected in these sheets, because of the blood and sweat spilled they have become red. -Hunger for victory.

-And you, do you walk with the world at your feet or behind your back. -The storyteller.

-Live while you can, what is the use of all the waiting, who tells you how much time is left? Now is your gift, take advantage of it; there is something between the ground and the sky, enjoy it! -Life while you can.

-They speak to us of peace by showing us a weapon, they give us freedom but they tell us when to use it, fed up with so much talk, with empty words, fed up with this stale democracy without efficacy. -Thinking out loud.

-I know the secrets that you keep under lock and key, and it is that I had two teachers: Mr. Book and Mr. Street. -The storyteller.

-My main motivation is in ink, fame did not change me. It is you who looks differently! -Thinking out loud.

-There are two forms of suffering: hard work, or regret. -Thinking out loud.

-You are the enigmatic metric that envelops my being and saves it, the language with which the gods speak, you are music. -The language of the gods.

-It is typical to see how politicians insult each other, and they manufacture nuclear bombs to never use them? -The realm of the absurd.

-My future self came to see me and gave me some advice. He said, "Work hard, then stump them." -Legend.

-Have you noticed that water is like a mirror? That sometimes you want to get closer to something and you feel further away? Have you noticed how long a day lasts? […] What is in the mind to be young or old? -Almanaut.

-A liar here is famous for his charm, a lawyer will make one look like a saint! -The realm of the absurd.

-We are made of clay and not stone, created to make love and not war. -The sixth commandment.

-Tell me where you were when anxiety drowned me, when every thought made me retch and every pore of my skin trembled. -Neither were nor will be.

-Woman with drive that inspires tenderness and dreams, a very big heart for such a small world. -Penelope.

-I look at the world and see how it suffers and rots, the rottenness of man covers it. Promises and oaths turned to ashes, debt-based economies that enslave us. -Requiem.

-With an imperfect sigh I think that you are the perfection to which I aspire, and still rave. -I saw you pass.

-The horizons of love are so immense that sometimes there is no choice but to learn to lose and simply accept what the heart decides to do. -Clandestine.

-And to those I love, I tell them to endure, do not lose heart, that our days of glory are approaching, that only those who deserve it will be free. -Dusk.

-Beyond the shadow there is a world that amazes, I will find my own direction if luck names me. -Beyond the shadow.

-I come from a place where they said that success was impossible. -Manifest.

-Little by little you begin to understand that you are not half the woman you were yesterday. -Penelope.

-To love is the greatest madness unless you love yourself madly. -Manifest.

-I have nothing to lose or gain, so I travel aimlessly to nowhere. -Cardboard castles.

-And today I sing to love, crazy love, love of me for you, and of you for another, love of a meeting, blessed love, raw love. Love of a life or a minute. -Free love.

-Those who don't have rap as a habit, don't speak, those who don't understand it, keep quiet because they're confusing. -Rap life 2002.

-My dreams are lies that one day will cease to be. -Manifest.

-That's life, in this troubled world there will be whoever wants your death, and whoever is to death with you. -Numbers 1, Abram ft. Nach.

-Peace is never being on any side. Peace is not explaining to anyone the where or when. Peace, is to erase, to create new worlds. […] Peace to all those who suffered and still trust, to those whose pain has never prevented them from smiling. -Lefties die before.

-There is no better teacher than error, nor more sweetness than the one who suffers and then heals his pain. -Manifest.

-I looked at myself with the eyes of someone who hates me, and I felt elated because everything is psychological. -Manifest.

-And I achieved peace, with loneliness as an ally because rather than feeling pain, it is better not to feel anything. -Love comes and goes.

-Beyond steel and against me the whole world, they say that it is never too late to start again. -Beyond the shadow.

-They impose the rules on us and we never resist. The president's bosses dictate the present. Do you think that whoever governs doesn't really lie to you? -Slaves of fate.

-Yours is the sea if you seek it, yours is the land if you want to dig, yours is the fire if you want to burn, yours is the air, yours is the art and the flowers, do you want to stay? -A life ahead.

-All I see is desire, revenge and trap in the nation where corruption and underworld encamp, a stamp of apathy, conformism and envy, the tepid fragility that my families deal with. -Hunger for victory.

-When I look around and can't find you, I feel that something of me also left at that moment. -Angel.

-The prison system creates mistrust, you have to pay a bond that only the rich can get. -Slaves of fate.

-It is that whoever does not have a plug is a buffoon in this fiefdom where God has two names, one is a dollar, another is a euro. -The realm of the absurd.

-The problems grow for the famous and nothing happens, they will bathe their ass in pink sauce to gain fame. -Quiz Show.

-Greed has polluted the souls of men, it has erected barricades of envy and resentment in the world, it has led us to misery and slaughter. -Slaves of fate.

-And history repeats itself, there is an exemplary punishment and a thousand ways to end those who scream, those who shake their consciences and talk about utopias. -Silence shots.

-I don't know if you understand me, Mr. Entrepreneur, that I need a salary, that I have almost no clothes or wardrobe, I don't know if you understand me, Commissioner, how difficult it is to be poor and get daily bread. -Penelope.

-Nobody gave me wings but I learned to fly; I didn't stop your bullets but I learned to dodge. -Challenge.

-Tell me, why do they fall asleep? Why do they lose themselves? They grow up too fast and do not understand, that their lives are passing by, that there is no way out, when they want to rectify they are already lost. -Problem boy.

-I will never put my soul up for sale, I'd rather be a happy nobody to be a dead legend. -Interlude.

-Your mission will be to have fun and also laugh, what good will it be to suffer if you have to leave later? -A life ahead.

-A I love you, a see you later and a why, a luck that protects me because I looked for it. -Dusk.

-The world is yours, put it into poems, life is beautiful, let it flow through your veins. -A life ahead.

-Without ties or hugs, everything breaks into pieces. -Chains.

-Events bind you, but thought is free. -Verb.

-They say that nobody stops the hours, that nobody stops the waves; They say it's only you when you talk to yourself and talk alone. They say that you only control five percent, that the rest is destiny; They say that this divine universe has already traced the path. -Exodus.

-What difference does my wrinkle give if my delivery is blind! If the universe is the marble someone plays with. -Manifest.

-Free your mind and so you will be happy, live for others without stopping thinking about yourself. -A life ahead.

-We do not live in the moment or heal wounds. Loves on a whim and hates of entertainment. -Time escapes.

- That the different does not cause fear, that they say I love you more, that love beats money. -Changing the world.

-Making scenarios an antidote to poison, living without restraint and feeling full, making my audience raise their hands to the sky. -The light years.

-The warrior is wise, he makes the scene a sanctuary, a heaven for disciples, a hell for adversaries. -The warrior's path.

-Today the asphalt burns and I feel like a coward for saying I love you too late. -The storyteller.

-I'm still free, nothing is complicated by your side. You set me free, I am unrecognizable since I met you, more alive and more sensitive, because you are here, counting your seconds with me. -I love you.

-Empty man, why do people distrust, why if you are legal they kick you every day? Why do those who least deserve it always have more? Why do bastards laugh and the honest suffer? -Based on real facts.

-Look for windows and not mirrors for inspiration. -Light years.

-This is more than rhyming you, it is more than entertaining you, it is having you face to face and making a hole in your mind. -Rap life 2002.

-We all have a story that needs to be told, and we keep a secret that nobody knows anything about; We talk to the pillow but it doesn't respond. The truth is out there, yes ... but it hides. -Chains.

-There are sons of bitches outside, they only look at his navel, […] putting his most serious, indifferent face, when they see that the homeless man bleeds his misery on the sidewalk in front of him. -Manifest.

-If after the gloom the grave awaits you, it is normal for you to sink, but when you fall deep, be convinced at the moment that there are prisons that you create and get inside. -Urbanology.

-In these times of flight love comes and goes. When all is lost another light will come, it will kill the bleak cold of loneliness. -Love comes and goes.

-Open your consciousness and look at the walls, they will say that you can be yourself without noticing other beings. -Verb.

-Even if I wanted to raise my children in a fairy tale, I know that the world is ending and they will have nothing left. -Manifest.

-My freedom is secret and my notebook is always incomplete because the mind of a poet does not stay still. -Thinking out loud.

-I live in an era where fools settle in, where taking care of language is no longer fashionable. I live in an era where children are corroded, where Wisin and Yandel outsell Leonard Cohen. -Lefties die before.

-Today I am blurred and the glass is not fogged, and it is because someone has forgotten the dethroned prince who uses broken dolls and paints his broken dreams in a broken world. -Interlude.

-Money never changed me, maybe it gave me some luxury, but the flow of phrases never slowed down; I squeeze my conscious mind of a new step that I open myself, although I know that my fans instead of raps ask for miracles. -Thinking out loud.

-Awakened minds that forget and abandon, hatreds that forgive, remnants that suddenly emerge. It is amazing to see how the binomial humiliates the powerful, and gives the weak the strength of a hundred colossi. -Binomial.

-Knowing how to live from day to day makes us wise. -Binomial.

-My contradictions are: the discussion between balls, mind and heart. -Thinking out loud.

-The thing that I take most seriously in this life is not to take life too seriously. -Urbanology.

-And with God I kept a pact too sad, he never talks to me and I don't say it doesn't exist. -Nothing nor nobody.

-After so many turns and I am still at the same door, so many dead ends, so many nights on alert. But if I don't work, every day is a wound, if they try to throw me down, it is because they see that I am up. -Lefties die before.

-I got my dream, thanks to my nonconformity, I know that many in Spain cannot say the same. -Light years.

-The reality is this and reality sucks, but my walkmans connect and nobody bothers me anymore. -Walkman.

-I am my essence and my destiny, my luck and my mentor, I am the one who redeems himself if I cannot find a redeemer. -Hunger for victory.

-Don't worry, if it can be done, you don't have to stop, it's to know yourself, never give up, don't limit yourself. -To be or not to be.

-What will have the fame that you all want to try? Bitter or sweet, I know it always seduces when swallowed. -Thinking out loud.

-I compare my life with the roll of a die and it comes out zero… and I only hope to be more certain. -Diffuse poetry.

-If you think about it, life hits you, but when you least expect it, your reward comes, so be patient. -Every hit, Abram ft. Nach.

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