The 100 Best Feminist Phrases (Smart)

Charles McCarthy
The 100 Best Feminist Phrases (Smart)

I leave you a list of the best feminist phrases from great authors like Jane Austen, Margaret Atwood, Hillary Clinton, Eleanor Roosevelt and many more.

You may also be interested in these phrases of intelligent women.

-A feminist is anyone who recognizes equality and full humanity in women and men.-Gloria Steinem.

-No woman can call herself "free" when she is not in control of her own body.-Margaret Sanger.

-For most of the story, anonymous, she was a woman.-Virginia Woolf, English writer.

-Feminism is not simply about being a woman in a position of power. It is about a fight against inequalities.-Jessica Valenti.

-Feminism goes against a deeply ingrained set of beliefs and assumptions that women, too often, hold.-Kavita Ramdas.

-Women are the true architects of society.-Harriet Beecher Stower.

-Feminism is not just an idea, it is a philosophy. It's about women's equality in all areas.-Roxane Gay, American teacher and writer.

-When you educate a man, you educate a man; When you educate a woman, you educate a generation.-Brigham Young.

-I'm strong, I'm ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a "bitch", that's fine.-Madonna.

-A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.-Gloria Steinem.

-"Feminism" is a radical notion that women are human beings.-Cheris Kramarae. 

-I hate men who fear the force of women.-Anaís Nin.

-I know enough to understand that no woman should ever marry a man who hates his mother.-Martha Gellhorn.

-It is not my responsibility to be beautiful. I am not alive for that purpose. My existence is not about how desirable they find me.-Warsan Shire.

-One is not born a woman. One becomes a woman.-Simone de Beauvoir.

-Men should think twice before making widowhood the only path for women to power.-Gloria Steinem.

-Women are not raped because they are not careful enough. Women are raped because someone rapes them.-Jessica Valenti.

-Our religion, laws, customs, are founded on the belief that woman was made for man.-Elisabeth Cady Stanton.

-We cannot succeed when half of us are being held.-Malala Yousafzai.

-Feminism is hated because women are hated. Anti-feminism is a direct expression of misogyny, it is the political defense for hatred towards women.-Andrea Dworkin.

-What women haven't learned yet is that no one empowers them. They just take it.-Roseanne Barr.

-Feminism is not about hating men. It is about challenging the absurd gender distinctions that boys and girls learn from infancy and carry into adult life.-Robert Webb.

-Beating a woman is not something cultural, it is a crime, and should be directed and treated as such.-Hillary Clinton.

-What is really needed is that they educate men not to rape. Go to the root and start there.-Kurt Cobain.

-Beauty is not a rent that you have to pay to occupy a space marked as "woman" .- Diana Vreeland.

-Feminism has not fought any war. He has not murdered his opponents. He has not created concentration camps, starved his enemies, or practiced cruelty. Their battles have been for education, for the right to vote, for better working conditions.-Dale Spender, Australian writer.

-Although we have the courage to raise our daughters as our sons, we rarely have the courage to raise our sons as our daughters.-Gloria Steinem.

-It is vain to wait for the virtue of women until they are to some extent independent of men.-Mary Wollstonecraft.

-A woman is like a tea bag. You never know how strong he is until he gets in hot water.-Eleanor Roosevelt.

-Women have always been the strongest in the world. Men are always looking for a small pillow in women to support their heads.-Coco Chanel.

-The rights of women and girls is the unfinished business of the 21st century.-Hillary Clinton.

-Whatever women do, they have to do twice as well as men to be considered half as good. Fortunately, this is not difficult.-Charlotte Whitton.

-When men are oppressed, it is a tragedy. When women are oppressed, it is tradition.-Letty Cottin Pogrebin.

-The Victorian woman became her ovaries, just as today's woman has become her “beauty.” - Naomi Wolf.

-The only way for a woman to find herself, to know herself as a person, is through her own creative work.-Betty Friedan.

-Male domination is so ingrained in our collective unconscious that we no longer even see it.-Pierre Bourdieu.

-I hate hearing you talk about all women as if they were just fine ladies, rather than rational individuals. The point is, none of us want to be in calm waters for our entire lives.-Jane Austen.

-We must free half of the human race, women, so that they can help free the other half.-Emmeline Pankhurst.

-I would love for every man in the world who doesn't call himself a feminist to explain to the women in his life why he doesn't believe in equality for women.-Louise Brealey.

-Men are as much of this land as are women. Make sure to treat both of them equally! -George Carlin.

-At this point, women are still treated as secondary problems. Still this type of attitudes is accepted by many leaders for the mere fact of ignoring very uncomfortable truths.-Angelina Jolie.

-The empowerment and education of women all over the planet can never fail to lead to a more loving, tolerant, just and peaceful life for all.-Aung San Suu Kyi.

-The point is not that women simply take the power out of men's hands, that would not change anything in the world. Precisely, the objective is focused on destroying a notion of power.-Simone de Beauvoir.

-If there is a God in the world, I am very convinced that it is a he, because no woman could make and spoil things in such a fatal way.-George Carlin.

-My wish is not that women have power over men, but that they be able to have power over themselves.-Mary Shelley.

-No country can truly prosper if it limits the potential of its women and deprives itself of the contributions of half of its citizens.-Michelle Obama.

-A woman should not accept things, on the contrary, she should constantly challenge, should never be amazed by what she has built around her and should always be proud of the struggle she makes to express herself.-Margaret Sanger.

-Considering women as an inferior image only generates terror in children, is it really good for the world? -Christopher Hitchens.

-I never tire of saying that women have a brain and a uterus, and can use both.-Karren Brady.

-I conclude that my enemy is not lipstick, but guilt itself. We deserve a lipstick if we want it.-Naomi Wolf.

-We women know that we are the first to be affected by war and the last to be taken into account when it ends.- Angelina Jolie.

-Women are leaders wherever they look, from the CEO who runs a Fortune 500 company, to a stay-at-home mom who raises her children and runs her household. Our country was built by capable women, and, we will continue to tear down walls and challenge stereotypes.-Nancy Pelosi.

-I consider myself too smart, resourceful, and demanding for someone to have to take care of me entirely. Nobody knows me or loves me completely, I must remind myself that I only have myself.-Simone de Beauvoir.

-I am a feminist and have been a woman for many years. It would be an idiot to consider not being on my side.-Maya Angelou.

-Men are afraid of women who laugh at them. Women, on the other hand, are afraid that men will kill them.-Margaret Atwood.

-He is a gentleman and I am the daughter of one, therefore, so far we are the same.-Jane Austen.

-There is no female mind, the brain is not a sex organ. Or have you ever talked about a female liver? -Charlotte Perkins.

-Women make up half of society. Our society will remain backward and immobilized, unless it allows women to be liberated, enlightened and educated.-Saddam Hussein.

-Success is a distant word, when half of us find ourselves held back.-Malala Yousafzai.

-To this day, women consider that: "Surely we no longer require feminism, because we are all liberated and society accepts us as we are." That phrase is all a fuss and is not true at all.-Yoko Ono.

-It is time that we all looked at gender as a spectrum rather than two sets of merely opposing ideals. We should stop defining each other by who we are not and start defining ourselves by who we really are.-Emma Watson.

-I know that, like all women in the countryside, I have more strength than I appear to have.-Evita Peron.

-Do you have a vagina? And you want to take care of that? If you answered “yes” to both questions, congratulations, you are a feminist! -Caitlin Moran.

-Wherever you meet an amazing man, you will find a great mother or wife standing behind him, or at least that's what they used to say. It would be interesting to know how many women have had amazing fathers and wonderful husbands behind them.-Dorothy L. Sayers.

-I have never met a woman who is not strong, but many times, they do not let her out. Then there is a tragedy and suddenly, the fortress arrives. My message is to let the force emerge before tragedy emerges.-Diane von Furstenberg.

-Feminism is always related as a radical movement and the truth is that it should be.-Ellen Page.

-As the woman that I am, I don't have a country of origin, I don't want any. For me, my country is the whole world. Virginia Woolf.

-Women are always told, "You're not going to get it, it's too complicated, you can't do that, don't enter that competition because they will never win it." To what I tell you, the only thing they need is confidence in themselves, the rest is achieved on the way.-Zaha Hadid.

-I myself have never been able to figure out exactly what feminism means: I only know that people call me a feminist every time I express feelings that differentiate me from a teddy bear.-Rebecca West.

-In large part, and I must confess, the most fun thing about being a feminist is taking it upon yourself to scare men.-Julie Burchill.

-Feminism is not a devilish word. It doesn't mean you detest men, it doesn't mean you hate women who have nice legs and a tan. Feminism means you believe in equality.-Kate Nash.

-Every suburban wife fights alone against herself. As she made beds, bought food, ate peanut butter sandwiches with her children, and lay next to her husband at night, she was terrified to question the silent question: Is this all? -Betty Friedan.

-If you want something to be said, ask a man, however, if you want something done, take it upon yourself to ask a woman.-Margaret Thatcher.

-In thinking of being a feminist she has come to create opinions that she is anti-masculine and cannot associate with the opposite sex, however, feminism is about equality and human rights.-Lena Dunham.

-If the first woman God created was strong enough to turn the world upside down, these women should multiply to turn the world upside down! -Sojourner Truth.

-I hate men who fear the strength that women have.-Anaïs Nin.

-Feminism has never been an excuse to get a job for a woman, it is about making life fairer for women around the planet.-Gloria Steinem.

-I don't know of any woman who has an orgasm for making the kitchen floor shine.-Betty Friedan.

-In the future, there will be no female leaders, there will only be leaders.-Sheryl Sandberg.

-There is a place reserved in hell for all those women who are incapable of helping other women.-Madeleine Albright.

-I consider the rights of women and girls to be a pending issue in the 21st century.- Hillary Clinton.

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