Today I come with a list of the best detective novels of history, both short and long and of some of the best writers in history. The detective or detective novel covers a large number of books. Along with horror, adventure and romantic novels, it is one of the genres most used by writers when it comes to telling stories.
Police novels are characterized by showing a strange and enigmatic main character that helps develop a whole story full of mysteries and different plot twists. On the other hand, the protagonists are usually discerning detectives or citizens who help to ultimately solve the problems raised during the novels..
A classic, being Agatha Christie's best-selling work with 100 million copies.
As well forward its title, the story tells how 10 people are involved in several deaths that occurred in the past. These are invited to an island, where they will die one by one.
Very complete book that collects all the work of Conan Doyle on his star character: Sherlock Holmes. In it you can read nothing more and nothing less than the 4 novels and the 57 original stories created by and for the detective.
Most of the stories are told by Dr. John Watson, while others are told by Sherlock Holmes, and a minor part by an omniscient narrator..
An icon of the detective novel. Written in 1930, it tells the story of a gang of thieves who desperately search for a jewel shaped like a falcon..
The protagonist, Sam Spade, will be in charge of looking for the clue of these thieves and solving the proposed plot.
Rusty Sabich will be in charge of taking the case that investigates the rape and death in full campaign of the assistant attorney general by his boss.
As a result of this investigation, a series of facts will come to light that will make the story develop in a totally different way than expected..
The play begins with a curious challenge for the protagonist, Alan Grant, Scotland Yard inspector: Could you guess someone's character just from their looks??
It is based on a portrait of Richard III, one of the most bloodthirsty monarchs in history. His conclusion would be the innocence of the king.
As a result of this, the inspector will begin a series of controversial and enigmatic investigations.
A newly married couple is preparing to spend their honeymoon in a country mansion. The problem comes when they find the corpse of the owner in the cellar.
The husband, Lord Peter, is precisely one of the most famous detectives in England, which will lead him to try to solve the case.
Philip Chandler is one of the best detectives of the 20th century. This is hired to solve a delicate case.
Sternwood a paralyzed millionaire receives a note threatening to blackmail him by targeting his youngest daughter.
The book begins with an offer to Alec Leamas, the former head of English espionage in Germany. This is based on killing the leader of the spy organization of the German country.
The protagonist agrees without a second thought, which will lead to an intriguing spy story..
Lola MacHor receives an SMS saying that Juan Iturri, an Interpol inspector, is in danger. Juan just got kidnapped.
The case will be handled by Villegas, the best Spanish antiterrorist expert, who must save the inspector in less than a week, or he will be assassinated..
Mrs. Ferrars murders her husband to later commit suicide after being extorted.
This is when the famous detective Hercule Poirot enters the scene to discover the identity of the extortionist. Most likely, the end of this work will not leave you indifferent.
A Hercule Poirot already consolidated in the works of Agatha Christie will try to discover the murder of a young rich girl during a cruise on the Nile.
Much of the work will take place during the course of the journey. As a curiosity, this book features a film published in 1978.
Work that tells the life of an assassin hired by French terrorists to kill the president of the same country.
The book received the Edgar Award in the category of best novel in 1972, awarded by the Mystery Writers of America.
A man shoots his wife's attacker to death. After this fact, he is arrested and charged with murder.
The plot, developed in the courts, will give details about the different personal stories and the crime itself.
Baltimore Clarice Starling, a student at the FBI school, is called in to investigate a murder of a group of women carried out by a certain Buffalo Bill. To gather information, Clarice, goes to a psychiatrist accused of cannibalism: Dr. Hannibal Lecter.
If you want to know how this incredible story continues, it is best that you read the book, it does not have any waste.
The Bosphorus witnesses the death of Dimitrios, who appears murdered in its waters.
This work reflects the tensions of an interwar Europe that hides tensions between the different powers of the moment.
Nola Kellergan's death causes Harry Quebert to be arrested and charged with murder. The reason? Nola's body had been found buried in her garden.
Marcus, a young and acclaimed writer begins to write about the event while seeking to prove Harry's innocence.
A series of suicides of high school students prompts Decker and his detectives to begin investigating a series of friendships and toxic relationships that may be the reason for the multiple deaths..
Manuel Bianquetti must face a transfer to the Cádiz police station, where he will have to face the murder of a sixteen-year-old girl.
Without the authorization of senior officials, he will carry out an investigation on his own to try to discover and catch the culprit of said crime..
Book of continuous time jumps and unexpected twists in the plot. In it, the story of the Baltimore family is told. Its mysteries will catch you from the first to the last pages.
A second lieutenant receives the call from the head of international operations: his presence is needed at the Spanish base in Afghanistan.
A soldier has just been found with his throat slit next to a folding sickle. To solve this case, the second lieutenant will have to put all the meat on the grill to discover the who and why of the murder..
Lord Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane team up to investigate a series of vandalism and threatening notes directed at the University of Oxford.
Maxim de Winter's new wife arrives at the country mansion. Everything seems to be going well until the memory of her husband's late wife, Rebecca, manifests.
A young girl receives a beautiful diamond known as Moonstone for her birthday, that same night the stone disappears. In the search for it, it is discovered that it has a tortuous origin.
The novel focuses on the investigation of the "IPCRESS Archive" carried out by an unnamed spy. The plot will take you to events full of action and secrets within British intelligence..
The last time a young student was seen, she was lying on her bed on the university campus. The police will promise to find her.
A man decides to assassinate a dictator and before doing so he is captured. He manages to escape, but is later pursued by agents of the dictator and with no opportunity to ask the British authorities for help..
Philip Marlowe is a detective who happens to meet Terry Lennox. The investigator helps him take a flight out of the country, only to discover that he may be accused of being an accessory to a murder.
Dr. Bickleigh lives unhappily and with a possessive wife. He meets another woman, so he decides to plan a way to separate from his wife and marry her lover..
The mystery begins with the discovery of a mutilated body in a grave where it should not be. Detective Lord Peter Wimsey will seek to link the clues, although these, at times, lead him to a dead end.
Mother and daughter are accused of a serious crime, the kidnapping and mistreatment of a young woman. Robert Blair and his law firm will defend women who appear to be innocent.
Richard Hannay is blamed for the murder of a man, he will seek to prove his innocence while trying to unmask the conspiracy they are plotting against Great Britain.
What other detective novels do you think deserve to be on this list? Leave your opinion in the comments!
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