The ecoregions of Bolivia They are areas formed by territories that share similar species, the same environmental conditions and similar ecological dynamics. In general, each ecoregion is independent of the rest.
In Bolivia, it is currently considered that there are 12 ecoregions. Because five of these are subdivided, 23 different ecological regions can be distinguished.
These ecoregions are characterized by the species they harbor, by their ecological conditions and, on some occasions, by the geographical limits that separate them..
This ecoregion is made up of all the Bolivian forests of the Amazon basin. They are always green, and their biological and geographical elements are typical of the Amazon jungle..
This ecoregion is one of the most complex in the entire country, and due to the large number of species it harbors, it is usually divided into five subregions.
These subregions are the Amazon flood forests, the sub-Andean Amazon forests, the pre-Andean Amazon forests, those of Pando, and those of Beni and Santa Cruz..
This ecoregion is a large extension of tropical savanna that extends in the eastern part of Bolivia and also occupies space in other countries, especially Brazil..
It is also very rich in both animal and plant species, although it is especially so in terms of arthropods and insects..
Also known as flooded grasslands, these ecoregions are made up of swamps.
Most of the species that inhabit them are herbaceous plants. They are characterized by having a lot of humidity, a tropical or subtropical climate, and very fertile soils..
This ecoregion is made up of a large forest located in the department of Santa Cruz.
It covers more than 20 million hectares and is the largest tropical dry forest in the world.
It is a large region with a semi-arid climate, with very little population and little diversity of animal and plant species..
Its importance is mainly due to the large concentration of natural gas and oil deposits there.
It is a region formed by mountainous jungles and forests in the eastern part of the Andes. It is located between 300 and 3800 meters above sea level, so the vegetation and fauna change depending on the altitude.
The Tucuman-Bolivian forest is characterized by its distribution in floors depending on the height of the terrain.
One of the most typical plant species of this ecoregion is the white and yellow stick.
It is found mostly in southern Bolivia. It includes a large number of forests and groupings of shrubs that can be seen especially on the slopes of the mountains.
It is characterized by a continental climate, with variations in temperatures and rainfall depending on the geographical location..
This ecoregion is located mainly in central and southern Bolivia, at altitudes between 2,300 and 3,400 meters above sea level. Its most characteristic species are birds and leguminous plants..
It is located in the southern part of Bolivia. It is characterized mainly by large concentrations of shrubs and some low trees.
These are high mountain plateaus typical of the central area of the Andes. It has moderately high rainfall, which gives it a certain variability in terms of flora and fauna.
Like the northern puna, it is a high mountain plateau. Its main difference with the previous ecoregion is the low amount of rainfall that occurs throughout the year.
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