I leave you the best Pythagoras phrases, one of the wisest men in the history of mankind and a reference for many scientists and philosophers for his contributions in the different fields of science.
Born on the island of Samos (Greece), he was a philosopher and is considered the first pure mathematician. Various attributions are known to him such as the impulse of mathematics, the Pythagorean theorem, as well as his harmonic and numerical thoughts on music, the heavenly bodies or the universe. You may also be interested in these quotes from Socrates, these from Aristotle or these from Plato.
-Don't promise great things, do great things.
-Geometry is the knowledge of the eternally existent.
-There is no word or action that does not have its echo in eternity.
-Do not speak or act without first reflecting.
-Everything is made up of numbers.
-All men have been created by God to acquire knowledge and contemplate.
-The art of happy living consists of living in the present.
-Silence is better than uttering nonsense words.
-Souls never die, but always when leaving one dwelling place, they enter another. All things change, nothing perishes.
-Skill and need dwell close to each other.
-Put your soul at the disposal of all good and necessary things.
-Decisions are the hinges of fate.
-When the wise man opens his mouth, the beauties of his soul are brought to view, like statues in a temple.
-As long as laws are necessary for men, they are no longer fit for freedom.
-Time is the soul of this world.
-Do not talk little about several topics, but a lot about a few.
-We must avoid making enemies of our friends, and friends of our enemies..
-Holding on to these things, you will know the worlds of the gods and mortals that permeate and rule all.
-Numbers have their way of taking man by the hand and leading him down the path of reason.
-Don't be too quick to speak or slow to listen.
-Friends share all things.
-Do not rejoice in another man's misfortune.
-Virtue is harmony.
-The love that shines from within cannot be overshadowed by the obstacles of the world of consequences.
-Only those who are hostile to injustice are esteemed by divinity.
-The wind certainly stokes the fire, except the love that is born of habit.
-It is better to be silent than to argue with the ignorant.
-Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul.
-Man, know yourself; only then will you know the universe and God.
-Patience comes from the grace of the soul.
-Wisdom well learned will never be forgotten.
-A man is never bigger than when he gets down on his knees to help a child.
-He who speaks, sows. He who listens, collects.
-Numbers rule the universe.
-God built the universe based on numbers.
-Worry should lead to action, not depression.
-Power is a close neighbor of need.
-A fool is known for his speech, and a wise man for his silence.
-Reason is immortal, everything else is mortal.
-A hit from your friend is better than a kiss from your enemy.
-Instruct yourself, as time and patience improve everything.
-No reasons with those who deny the fundamental truths.
-The beginning of all governments begins with the education of our youth.
-Write your friend's flaws in the sand.
-Be silent or let your words be worth more than your silence.
-Don't even think about doing what shouldn't be done.
-Educate the children and it will not be necessary to punish the men.
-Meditate on my advice; love they; follow them; and the divine virtues will know how to guide you.
-Repentance deserves forgiveness.
-Without justice, no kingdom can prosper.
-Refusing to walk the popular roads, walk the little frequented paths.
-He who sows the seeds of murder and pain, cannot reap happiness and love.
-Do not say a few things in many words, but many things in a few words.
-Lust weakens both mind and body.
-When a reasonable soul renounces its divine nature, it becomes bestial; go dead.
-It is difficult to walk in one, and at the same time in several of the paths of life.
-No one except God is wise.
-Anger begins in stupidity and ends in regret.
-I must say that the probability of us dying seems to be extremely high.
-Before anything else, control your tongue.
-The government exists only for the good of the governed.
-Above all things, respect yourself.
-It is better to suffer than to do evil.
-As soon as you wake up, put in order the tasks to do in the coming day.
-No one except God is wise.
-Always choose the strength of the soul over strength of the body.
-It is a requirement to choose the most outstanding life.
-In a state of anger we must refrain from both speaking and acting.
-Silence is the first stone of the temple of wisdom.
-Salt is born from the purest parents: the sun and the sea.
-He who buries gold hides the truth.
-There is geometry in the sound of the strings. There is music in the spaces between the stars.
-Numbers are the ones that govern forms and ideas, and are the origin of gods and demons.
-Don't let the dream close your eyes before reflecting on your actions today. What things have been done well? What things don't? What was left to do?
-Don't overspend like someone who neglects what is good, and don't be stingy; the middle point is the best in all cases.
-Practice justice in both words and actions, and don't get in the habit of acting without thinking things through..
-Learn the silence. With the serene stillness of a meditative mind, listen, absorb, transcribe and transform.
-The sumptuously adorned horse is not generous, but one whose nature is illustrious; nor is the man who possesses great wealth worthy, but he whose soul is generous.
-As long as man remains the ruthless destroyer of less evolved life forms, he will never know health or peace..
-Friends are like adventure companions, they must help each other to persevere on the path to a happier life.
-Every celestial body, in fact every atom, produces a particular sound according to its movement, its rhythm and its vibration..
-No one who does not rule over himself can be free. No man is free if he cannot control himself.
-Wealth is a weak anchor, and glory cannot bear a man; this is the law of God, only virtue is firm and cannot be shaken by a storm.
-Many words occur about men, average and noble alike; do not be impressed by them, nor allow yourself to be limited.
-In the theater of human life, only God and angels are empowered to be spectators.
-Through silence, a man's discretion is known; and a fool, by keeping silent, pretends to be wise.
-There is nothing simpler, but that becomes so complicated, as what you do reluctantly.
-If you have a bruised heart, handle it as you would a bruised eye. There are only two remedies for the suffering of the soul: hope and patience..
-The strength of the mind rests on sobriety; since this keeps your reason unobstructed by passion.
-The oldest words, and also the shortest: "yes" and "no", are those that require more thought..
-If you intend to do something good, don't put it off for tomorrow! You don't know if something can happen to you tonight.
-The ultimate goal of music is to connect our soul with the divine nature, not with entertainment..
-Don't try to hide your mistakes with the help of false words. Instead, correct your mistakes by examining.
-The king who is faithful to the truth and rules according to justice, will reign in peace; but if he does the opposite, he looks for another to reign for him.
-Remember that all men affirm that wisdom is the best good, but that few energetically seek it.
-Govern yourself so that your soul is always in good condition regardless of what happens to your body.
-Stingy men are the cause of their own suffering, since they do not see or hear the good that is near them and few know firmly how to free themselves from their problems..
-Do not let anyone convince you, neither by words nor by acts of doing or saying anything that is not the best for you.
-There are two types of tears in the eyes of a woman: the first of pain and the second of deception.
-A good soul has neither too great a joy nor sadness, because it rejoices in goodness and is sad in evil..
-It is necessary to find that which is infinitely great within that which is infinitely small to feel the presence of God.
-Numbers are the highest level of knowledge. They are the essence of knowledge itself.
-We must not abandon our post without the permission of Him, who orders us to do so; the position of man is life.
-It is a requirement to defend those who are wrongly accused of having acted in a detrimental way, but to praise those who excel in some way..
-The soul of man is divided into three parts: intelligence, reason and passion. Intelligence and passion are possessed by other animals, but reason, only man.
-Envy has been, is, and will be the destruction of many. Truly, not a good thing.
-Above the cloud with its shadow is the star with its light. Above all things, respect yourself.
-The truth is something so perfect that if God made himself visible to men, he would choose light as body and truth as soul..
-A true and perfect friendship is one that makes up a heart and a mind from many hearts and bodies..
-Rest satisfied that you have done things well, and let others speak as they please.
-The biggest and greatest gain is gaining a true friend; and the biggest loss is the waste of time.
-Be aware that death comes to everyone, and that wealth will sometimes be acquired and sometimes lost..
-Respect gods before demigods, heroes before men, and your parents as first among men; but respect yourself before everyone else.
-Practice restraint on the following things: appetite first, followed by sleep, lust, and anger.
-All sounds and vibrations make up a universal harmony in which each element, preserving its own function and character, contributes to the whole..
-Experiencing life in a finite and limited body is specific to the purpose of discovering and manifesting a supernatural existence..
-If there is light, then also darkness; the same applies to cold and heat; height and depth; […]; the calm and the tempest; prosperity and adversity; and life and death.
-It is not appropriate to have a blunt sword or to use free speech ineffectively. Nor should the sun of the world be deprived, nor the freedom of expression of scholarship.
-In life, some choose fame and others money, but the best option is that of those few who spend their time contemplating nature as lovers of wisdom.
-Some are slaves of greed or money, but others are interested in understanding life. The latter, proclaimed philosophers, value discovering nature above all else.
-We must declare war on five things: on the sufferings of the body, on the ignorances of the mind, on the passions of the body, on the riots in the city and on family discords..
-Most people, whether by birth or by nature, lack the means to grow in wealth or power; but all have the ability to advance in knowledge.
-Thought is an idea in transit that, once released, the words used are not remembered, and can never be retracted. Neither can the manifested intention be erased.
-The truth must be sought with a mind purified of the passions of the body. Having overcome bad things, you will experience the union of mortal divinity with mortal man..
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