The 27 branches of medicine and their most relevant characteristics

Sherman Hoover
The 27 branches of medicine and their most relevant characteristics

The branches of medicine they are a perfect example of how complex our body can be. Medicine is a science specialized in health and the human body. The above implies that it is an area of ​​much study, because as you should imagine our body is an absolutely complex structure.

This means that branches of medicine are born as a response to the deepening of each of the aspects of the human organism and its particularities.

Next we will talk about some of the branches of medicine and its line of deepening so that you get the idea of ​​the wide range of specialization opportunities offered by this profession.

Branches of medicine 

These are some of the most widespread branches of medicine, and what is their contribution when it comes to understanding the human body, curing and preventing diseases.

Clinical branches of medicine


This is the medical specialization that takes care of delve into the pathologies generated by autoimmunity mechanisms.


In this branch of medicine, the pharmacological, physiological and clinical characteristics of anesthesia and its effects on the human body are studied..


This discipline of medicine studies everything related to the heart and circulatory system to understand how it works and effectively treat related pathologies.


This is one of the branches of medicine which focuses on the study of the digestive system, its characteristics and diseases related to this.


Endocrinology deals with the study of the endocrine system and the diseases that can attack it, generating other types of diseases that affect the body in general..


This branch of medicine focuses on the study and care of the elderly. This includes the study of recurrent diseases at this stage of life and their prevention.


Hematology is the branch of medicine that focuses on the study of blood, associated diseases and any process that has a hematological root.


Infectology focuses its area of ​​study on diseases generated by infectious agents such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and all kinds of parasites that can negatively influence human health.

Aerospace medicine 

This type of medicine, as its name indicates, focuses on diseases and conditions that can arise within unusual or hostile contexts, such as travel to space, submarines or even in professions such as aviation..

Work Medicine

This type of medical approach is associated with the various diseases that may arise within different work environments, thanks to the exercise of a job or profession..

Sports medicine

This branch of medicine, as its name implies, is focused on diseases and effects of physical activity on the body..

Physical and rehabilitation medicine 

This type of medicine focuses on the recovery of people who have suffered disabling processes due to illnesses or accidents..

Internal Medicine

The specialization in internal medicine focuses mainly on the care of patients who have conditions associated with the internal organs or systems.

Branches of medicine: specializations 

Forensic and legal medicine 

This type of medicine is responsible for applying relational medical knowledge with legal and justice courts.

Veterinary Medicine

Veterinary medicine focuses primarily on the application of medical knowledge to animals. This study applies to both domestic and wild animals.


This is one of the branches of medicine that focuses directly on the study and treatment of diseases that affect the respiratory system.


Nephrology is dedicated to the study of kidney functions in order to treat and prevent diseases that affect the kidneys..


The neurological approach in medicine is mainly focused on the study, treatment and prevention of diseases that affect the nervous system.


In the specialization of nutriology or nutrition and dietetics as it is known in various countries, the area of ​​study is mainly human food and nutrition and its effect on health.


Ophthalmology focuses on diseases that affect vision and the eyes. The ophthalmologist delves into each of the parts involved in visual health.


Oncology is one of the branches of medicine that focus on the care of cancer patients, both from prevention and from relevant care to patients with these conditions.


From pediatrics, it delves into children and everything related to their health. This is why the pediatrician focuses directly on the care and prevention of diseases that mainly affect children..


Within the branches of medicine, psychiatry is particularly responsible for the treatment of mental illnesses.


This study delves into the substances and the effects they have directly on the body.


Dentistry focuses on the care and prevention of diseases associated with the teeth, gums, jaws and each part associated with the correct functioning of the teeth..


This type of specialty focuses on everything related to pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.


Traumatology focuses directly on diseases associated with the locomotor system.

Branches of medicine: Surgical 

When we speak of surgical branches of medicine, we refer to all those specialties that focus on the practice of surgery. In this case, taking into account that many of the surgeries that are discussed are directly associated with some of the branches mentioned above, we will not delve into their application, but will only state their name.

  • Cardiovascular surgery
  • Digestive system surgery
  • Orthopedic and therapeutic surgery
  • Pediatric surgery
  • Thoracic surgery
  • Neurosurgery

As you can see, the branches of medicine They are quite broad and in this list we do not include some specializations associated with areas related to the previous ones. However, with this summary, you can get an idea of ​​what the branches of medicine more relevant with their characteristics, so that you have a general image of the panorama.

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