The 30 best good night phrases to share

Robert Johnston
The 30 best good night phrases to share

This compilation of the best good night phrases They will serve to close your day with a flourish or to make the people you love go to bed with a smile.

Coaching and other theories that talk about the regulation of emotions and the harmony of being, affirm that our happiness depends on how we start and end our day.

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The time to get up must be accompanied by positive information that helps us walk our routes in the best way. Similarly, bedtime should be a time to give thanks and reflect on our lives..

That's why you are good night phrases they become food for our soul and for that of the beings we love.

Good night phrases to share on WhatsApp

1. The night always has something to say ... listen to its silence.

2. May heaven be in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life.

3. Find the most beautiful of your memories and put it in your dreams.

4. To give thanks for every miracle lived today, to free oneself from the guilt of all the mistakes made today, to know how to thank and forgive before going to sleep, is to sow the best seeds for the next awakening..

5. May the dream routes give you the necessary messages to take you to a bright dawn.

6. No matter what you have experienced today, tomorrow will be another day, tomorrow will be another story.

7. Life is like a library, I hope that today has been a wonderful book, and that the book that you start at dawn is a phenomenal adventure.

8. Health because today we had what we need, we live what we feel and wanted with all our hearts. May the dream find us with a smile of gratitude for life.

9. That all that you lived during the day has filled your heart with reasons to have sweet dreams and build a beautiful sunrise.

10. It does not matter if your day was not the best, each challenge is a learning that leaves us closer to our own hearts. Rest easy, everything passes and tomorrow wears a new opportunity for you to do better.

11. Do not take your pain, fear and negative experiences to bed. Rest, relax, free yourself from guilt and let deep sleep heal what hurts in your heart and give you the necessary lights for a beautiful awakening.

12. If you enjoyed every moment of the day, if you thanked for each experience, if you endured the bitter drinks and toasted with the sweets, if you could be yourself without fear, if you loved with all your heart, then dreams will be happy to welcome you among his arms.Happy night!

13. Be grateful because you lived this day until the end, because you had opportunities that others dreamed of and because despite the difficulties, today you will go to bed with a smile on your face. You are a warrior of life and life celebrates each of your steps.

14. The night is the refuge of the dreamers, of the sensitive ones, of those who are not yet afraid of turning everything that life gives them into art and that is why each of their nights will be good.

15. That tonight you can bring your body, mind and soul into harmony. Remember that you only have this moment, hug yourself and let the tranquility invade everything. Tomorrow will be the time to start over.

Good night phrases to share with a special person

16. It all comes down to the last person you think of at night. That's where your heart is.

17. Sweet dreams of someone who makes me happy with her smile, who understands me with her eyes and who makes me feel loved with a single word ... have a nice night!

18. Let me look at your window tonight to see how an angel sleeps. Sorry if I bother you but I can't stop thinking about you. Knowing that you exist makes it really a good night.

19. Rest love, I left you the moon and the stars on so that you are not afraid to wake up in the dark.

20. May the most beautiful star in the sky illuminate your dreams, and bring you all the brightness that comes out of me just by thinking of you.

21. I am going to sleep, but I am calm because I know that you will continue to be present in my dreams.

22. "I long for the night to be able to dream that tomorrow comes when I will be able to caress you. See you tomorrow, my love."

23. In the darkness of the night I do not need the stars to illuminate me because the love you feel for me alone is enough for me to feel that at night the sun continues to shine in my life, because you are the best thing that God has given me.

24. Dream precious that just thinking of you is enough for me to understand that dreams do come true.

25. I wish with just words I could cross the night wide, light your sky with kisses and give you a hug that makes you feel immersed in the most beautiful of dreams.

26. One of my favorite parts of the day is going to bed and knowing that wherever you are you will be thinking of me, and that single certainty is already the best omen that I will have the most beautiful of dreams.

27. May this night be as soft as the aroma of jasmine and that in the midst of the magic of the night each star, each cricket song, each smile, each cloud, each voice, each moonbeam be like a warning that remind you that I'm thinking of you.

28. People like you deserve that nightmares are just a word in the dictionary, people like you only deserve that their dreams feel like the most beautiful of realities.

29. Thank you for making my day a lot of happy heartbeats, thank you because every night I can say that it is the best just for knowing that you love me..

30. May this night be full of happiness, happiness and harmony, that everything that dies in you becomes fertile land for your dreams to flourish and become stars that guide your way until dawn.

We hope that you are good night phrases help you to reflect and become the best allies to wish the best of nights to those people you love.

Remember that with a single word you can change people's lives, so use them wisely and fill the world with love with them..

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