The 33 Best Phrases of Charles Ans

Robert Johnston
The 33 Best Phrases of Charles Ans

We leave you the best phrases of Charles Ans, one of the most prominent hip hop exponents of the moment. This Mexican artist, born in Sonora under the name of Carlos Miguel Segura Ramírez, has a successful 5-year career in the musical field.

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-We are going to hate each other like today and like never before. You know, mommy, there is no answer to your questions. My only wish is that you never forget me, either for love or for being a son of a bitch. -The last song.

-I remembered those good times together, and they only filled you with insults, today my heart is full of mourning, because I gave you love and they only stepped on the fruits. -What you have left.

-I go without refrains miles from home, problems gather as the hours go by. I am distracted between containers and bumps, and I feel better when people are drunk. -Yet.

-In a prosperous life, a more intimate life, where more than one tried to be my victim. They are only symptoms of intimacy and life, life is not to cry but to dance breathe. -At a slow pace.

-Today I only flow to feel good, there are no beautiful words, I still do not see Eden, I continue. No rush in the game Missing the amen, I'm going to sing my whole life until I ask mey dey. -There are no pretty words.

-Yeah! Here everything is fine, my black, although I do not deny the nostalgia in each pedal. Hey, here everything is fine, here everything is fine, at least that remains for me. -Here everything is fine.

-They were long cold nights, I was just a martyr dedicated to cutting them. But to lose you have to screw it up, I looked for the opportunity to give it away. -The story and your cross.

-There I was, at the bus stop, remembering the advice that you gave me one day, that there is no better value than love and attitude, and if you learn to listen it will always be a virtue. -The bus stop.

-Today I would give my life to see you again, in this life that does not stop fucking. Today I would give my life for your love from yesterday, although I know that what is gone is gone. -Today I would give my life.

-I'm going to sing you a piece that is not danced, I'm going to lose myself to the beat of your skirt. I plan to run like sweat on your back, and thus end up in your garland garden. -A piece that is not danced.

-You are the light, maybe my salvation. Oh, a death sentence in this constellation. Of stars and moons, of drinks and rum, of galaxies or days that time took away. -A piece that is not danced.

-Yes, despite the cold the weather brought us together. Yes, luckily for me the sun was slow to come up. Yes, it was another Tuesday that you leave for both of us, where I forget about this and remember to be me. -If it's never going to dawn.

-Today I came to put on the table all the resentment that once was in my head. When something is finished another story begins; some pray, others prefer beer -On the table.

-I'm not one of those who cry over a couple of drinks, like your older brother when he tells you about his life. Rather I am addicted to sex, My neighbor hit me, and your girlfriend and her friend's bitch know that. -World of Vipers.

-Leave white days and many others that are gray, there are the good days and the others where you pretend.- I don't think to cry.

-There is every madman with his theme on every corner, the wise man only listens, the madman always gives his opinion. And like everything in life, this is a discipline, with which I get along well, smoking behind the curtain. -Cut # 2.

-May the years go by and life take its course making me happy. I understand that one day you have to leave, but when I die tell them about me. -Afternoon.

-And you know ... I never cared what he said, I swallowed several words without knowing what they hurt. I accepted complaints but not that they spit on me, and if I listened to their things later I went to knock on wood. -The time has come.

-I came out of some corner, man, that neighborhood, where sex, love and the same people come together, where it all started as a joke, and those freestyle they were to pass the hours. -I'm just a drunkard.

-The night is good, the problem is to convince you, we'll end up far from here if I'm lucky. I have no idea if I'm going to see you again, but for now I'm glad to meet you. -Far from here.

-Tonight I'm going to sing my way to the top, I'm going to lose my breath when those horns sound. I am going to vent my sorrows having fun on this stage, hearing my name always fascinates me. -Tonight.

-You can close the lock of your lips and your legs, and even if you wink at me it is difficult for me to understand it, the verses of this lazy person can only be your offering, or as time passes the worst of your sentences. -My eyes did not want to see.

-You know, and although life hurts there are always haters and many others who love you. Oh, I never had you so present and if I look for you on other lips you always know different. -Although life hurts.

-Many criticize what they cannot see, with success comes fame, money, power, but what can I tell you if I know two-three, who lost their minds and took off their feet. -Cut # 1.

-In this circus of madmen and divas, drugs from hand to hand, provocative skirts. I'm no stranger to all this crap, but look for me in the background toasting, the glass is mine. -The cup is mine.

-Better smile for still alive to this date, and doubt anyone who also suspects you. -I don't intend to cry.

- We got lost as always, without warning, without goals or plan, just something to smoke. Without suitcases, there is only coffee to go, if we walk along the edge of the same place. -Without suitcases.

-I never held a blessing, only my mother's and not having to ask her for forgiveness. From the nose in my gifts there was never coal. They always treated me well and I never lacked love -On the table.

-I rather invite you to smoke it, and under your hair I'm just going to pass it to you, between petals and candies we are going to burn ourselves, to wake up tomorrow without having to talk to them. -Petals.

-Do not fool yourself alone, be an honest person, that only with time some answers come. Live smiling that life is a party, and if a door closes, a shit still open. -The bus stop.

-They are just paper boats adrift, I ask for applause for my group and a pair of hands up, we came to change the rules and expectations and live life, and yes, live life. -The sheet.

-I learned to lose faith, but not emotion, and in solitude crying I found the best song. -If it's never going to dawn.

-I am a writer, among beginner poets, and I will be a bohemian until my body can endure, which over time I have become the best lover, and being an alcoholic today is quite a thing for me. -Bohemian heart.

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