In this article I leave you the best Gandalf quotes in The Lord of the Rings and in The Hobitt, one of the most important, powerful and charismatic characters in the John Ronald Reuel Tolkien sagas.
You may also be interested in these phrases from writers or these from Hollywood cinema.
-It is not important to know how much time is left, but what to do with the time granted to you.
-It is not the physical strength that matters, but the strength of the spirit.
-The world is not in the books and maps. It's out there!
-I know many things that only the wise know.
-Whoever strikes first, if he strikes hard enough, he will not have to strike again.
-I have no advice to give to those who despair.
-Only those who see the end beyond all doubt despair.
-One must follow the path that need chooses.
-If you come back, you won't be the same.
-Hate often turns against itself.
-The journey does not end here. Death is just a path that we all have to take.
-I will not say do not cry, because not all tears are bitter.
-Danger comes at night when you least expect it.
-Only you can decide with the time you have given yourself.
-A magician is never late. Not soon, Frodo Baggins. It arrives just when it is proposed.
-It is useless to speculate what tomorrow will bring.
-Darkness for dark affairs.
-You can find the things you lost but never gave up.
-Even the very wise cannot see all the roads.
-A treacherous weapon is always a danger to the hand.
-You can not pass! (Al Balrog).
-A burned hand is the best teacher. Then any warning about fire hits the heart.
-I consider you a great person, Mr. Baggins, and I appreciate you very much; but ultimately you are just a simple individual in a huge world! "
-Many of those who live deserve to die and some of those who die deserve life. Can you bring life back? Then do not rush to dispense death, for not even the wisest knows the end of all roads.
-One ring to rule them all. A ring to find them. One ring to attract them all and bind them in the dark.
-Guard your forked tongue behind your poisonous snake fangs. I have not defeated fire and death to exchange fallacies with a mangy worm like you.
-You can ask what use my actions are when we have verified that they are completely useless.
-Courage is the best defense we have now.
-The ancient wisdom was forgotten in the West. The kings made tombs more beautiful than the houses of the living, giving more value to the name of their ancestors than that of their children.
-Not all gold glitters, not all wandering people are lost; frost does not reach deep roots; the vigorous old man does not wither.
-Hobbits are truly amazing creatures. You can learn all their customs in a month and after a hundred years they continue to surprise you.
-Run foolish.
-Certainly more than ever I guess.
-I will help you carry this load, Frodo Baggins, as long as you are the one who carries it.
-He who breaks something to find out what it is, has abandoned the path of wisdom.
-Many people like to know in advance what is going to be served at the table; but those who have worked in the preparation of the feast prefer to keep the secret; because surprise makes words of praise louder.
-Generous acts are not to be held back by cold advice.
-The explanations young people need are long and tiring.
-Even the most skilled spiders can leave a slack thread.
-We cannot escape. A shadow moves in the dark.
-For wicked eyes the truth can be hidden behind a grimace.
-This is often the case with the events that move the wheels of the world; little hands do it because they must.
-Good stories deserve a good ending.
-It is wisdom to recognize the need, when all the other courses have already been considered, although it may seem crazy to those who are tied to false hopes..
-Hope is not victory.
-The visitor who escaped through the roof will think twice before going back through the door.
-He cannot be a tyrant and a counselor at the same time.
-A traitor can betray himself and unwittingly do good.
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