Elon Musk's 50 Best Phrases [with Pictures]

Philip Kelley
Elon Musk's 50 Best Phrases [with Pictures]

I leave you the best quotes of Elon musk, one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world, founder of PayPal, Tesla Motors and SpaceX. They will help you to know their way of thinking and acting.

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-Persistence is very important. You should not quit unless you are forced to..

-Patience is a hard lesson and I'm learning it.

-The first step is to establish that something is possible; then the probability will occur.

-I think it is possible for normal people to choose to be extraordinary..

-Pay attention to and solicit negative feedback, particularly from friends. Hardly anyone does that and it is very helpful.

-I could see it happen or be part of it.

-I think this is the best advice: constantly think about how you could do things better.

-Some people don't like change, but you need to embrace it if the alternative is disaster..

-If something is important enough, you should give it a try. Even if the likely outcome is failure.

-Life is too short for long-term grudges.

-Great companies are built on great products.

-It's okay to have all your eggs in one basket as long as you control everything that happens in it..

-Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough.

-Really, the only thing that makes sense is to strive for more collective enlightenment..

-America is where great things are possible.

-I would never give up, I would have to be dead or incapacitated.

-Now is the time to take risks, when you don't have children.

-Anyone who has truly fought adversity never forgets it..

-It taught me that the difficult thing is knowing what questions to ask, but that once you do, the rest is really easy..

-In whatever you decide to do, there will always be a margin for failure; That is why I think that whatever you are going to do, you must do it with love. You must like it.

-People work best when they know what the goal is and why. It is important that people want to come to work in the morning and enjoy working.

-I think it is very important to have a feedback loop, where you are constantly thinking about what you have done and how it could be done better..

-You want to have a future where you expect things to be better, not one where you expect things to be worse..

-If you are trying to start a business, it is like baking a cake. You have to have all the ingredients in the right proportion.

-Starting and growing a business is as much about innovation, drive and determination from the people who make it up, as well as the product they sell..

-Don't invest in something that you know won't make the product better.

-Either you join a group of people you admire who you really think are great or you recruit brilliant minds..

-When you enter to compete in a market that is already being exploited, you must make sure that your product is not only a little better than that of the competition, but much better..

-What does it mean to work hard? In my case, when my brother and I started our first company, instead of renting an office, we rented a small apartment and slept on the couch..

-Work hard every hour while awake is what it takes to be successful if you are starting a new company..

-You do not have to change the world, if you are doing something that is good for society, that has great value, fight for it!

-I believe that artificial intelligence is the most important issue that will affect humanity in the near future.

-Do we want to be that species that finds another planet with intelligent life or to be a multiplanetary species?

-Mars is the only planet where we really have the opportunity to establish a new civilization..

-The reasons why you get up in the morning cannot always be to solve problems, there must be something exciting that encourages you to continue.

-Internet, self-sustaining energy and the exploration of space; Those are the three areas where I think humanity has the most opportunity to expand as a species..

-I just look to the future and ask myself what would really work for us as a species?

-If there was a button to make everyone stop using non-renewable energy, I would not press it, it would be irresponsible.

-In the future we will look at gasoline as a fuel source, as today we look at coal, and I am not talking about a distant future, but a maximum of a century.

-Trust me, I know a little about Mars.

-Releasing the energy is easy, containing the energy safely is the hard part.

-I think that the risk of superintelligence is that they would surpass us to levels that we could not even imagine in a very short time.

-You shouldn't rampage into something you don't fully understand.

-Only the Sun could supply the whole world with energy a thousand times more than fossil fuel.

-I never expected to create companies or anything like that.

-If you create something useful, money will be the end result.

-I am always looking for that detail that does not work to be able to do things better.

-I don't expect people to just see me and believe me. But I think if you look back I deserve the benefit of the doubt.

-I learned what I needed to achieve what I wanted, and I think that all people can do it, but they limit themselves.

Some facts about Musk

Vision and goals

Musk is the founder, CEO and CTO of Space X; co-founder and CEO of Tesla Motors; President of SolarCity; co-president of OpenAI; co-founder of Zip2; and co-founder of PayPal.

Musk has stated that the goals of SolarCity, Tesla Motors and Space X revolve around his vision to change the world and humanity..

Its goals include reducing global warming through the production and consumption of sustainable energy, and reducing the risk of extinction for humanity by making life multiplanetary, by establishing human beings on Mars..

Childhood and adolescence 

Musk was born on June 28, 1971 in Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa. He has a brother, Kimbal (born 1972) and a little sister, Tosca (born 1974).

Her paternal grandmother was British, and she also has Pennsylvania ancestry. After his parents divorced in 1980, Musk lived most of his time with his father..

At age 10, he developed an interest in computing with the Commodore VIC-20. He taught himself to code at age 12 and sold a video game called Blastar to a magazine called PC and Office Technology for about $ 500. There is currently an online version of the game.

Musk was bullied as a child and was once hospitalized when a group of children threw him down the stairs.

At the beginning of his education he studied in private schools, attending the Waterkloof House Preparatory School. He later graduated from Pretoria Boys High School and moved to Canada in June 1989, just after he turned 18 and obtained Canadian citizenship from his Canadian-born mother..


At age 19, Musk was accepted to Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. In 1992, after spending two years at the University of Queens, he went on to the University of Pennsylvania, where at the age of 24 he received a BA in Physics from Penn's College of Arts and Sciences and a BA in Economics from the Wharton School of the University. of Pennsylvania.

In 1995 Musk moved to California to begin a Ph.D. in applied physics at Stanford University, but left the program two days later to pursue his entrepreneurial aspirations in the areas of the Internet, renewable energy, and outer space. In 2002 he became a US citizen.

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  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk

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