The 6 best horror movies based on real events

Charles McCarthy
The 6 best horror movies based on real events

The best horror movies based on real events are the ones that attract us the most, precisely because being connected with reality we create in our mind the illusion that it could happen to anyone, including us.

Next, we will tell you about the best scary movies based on real events.

To make this compilation we have taken in consideration of the magnitude of the events narrated, the ability of the actors to bring realism to the scenes, as well as the testimonies of users who have already seen them and have left their opinions on different opinion pages and social networks.

We hope you enjoy!

The best scary movies based on real events

The Entity (1982)

The entity has been a phenomenal and unsurpassed film, described by many as one of the best in the 80's. It tells the true story of Doris Bither, a woman who was allegedly abused by an entity that was invisible. Will it be true?

Those who were dedicated to investigating the case, concluded that it was a highly dangerous spiritual force full of malignancy. We cannot tell you the end, but you will surely want to see it again and again.

A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

You may wonder the existence of the events that are narrated in this film, but the truth is that its director was inspired by the real events experienced by some refugees, survivors of the Death Fields, in Cambodia, who had nightmares so terrifying they were afraid to sleep so they wouldn't have to experience them.

Many of these people spent up to more than a week awake, awake, terrified of their dreams.. One of them decided to sleep and was later found dead.

Just so you know, there are many disorders associated with sleep; one of them are night terrors, and anyone can suffer from them, but, in addition to that, they can also be as terrifying as the scenes that are related in this film that is now a classic.

Henry: Portrait of a Killer (1986)

Truly, this is one of the best horror movies based on true events; the story will simply leave you feeling dread and uneasy.

The script was written based on the life of the serial killer Henry Lee Lucas, a perfect psychopath of the 60s and 70s, who, as if that were not enough, committed atrocities with a tailor-made accomplice, Ottis Toole.

However, Henry Lee's story is very disturbing. He was born in the environment of a violent family, in whose bosom he received multiple mistreatments. His mother never wanted him, didn't even want to have him, so she used to humiliate him and hit him.

As if it were not enough for a child, his mother also forced him to wear girlish costumes and forced him to play a prostitution role. Henry's sexual encounters began at the age of 13 and are just as unusual and turbulent, as they were with animals and with his stepbrother, who was older than him.

Henry's life was very stormy. Today many psychology students They usually analyze this film, because, in addition to prison, Henry was also admitted to a psychiatric hospital after being blamed for killing his parents.

Later, he married, but he married a woman who had two daughters, so that he could abuse his stepdaughters while his mother went to work..

The story full of dread does not stop. It is a film production to see it, and have a strong stomach, because the situation worsens when he meets his lover and accomplice, Ottis Toole, who was another murderer and, also, cannibal and arsonist.

They team up with another 15-year-old girl and the story becomes even more tangled. The murders of this pair may exceed 600 victims, it will never be known. But, the movie is quite a plot worth watching, if you have the guts for it..

The Exorcist (1973)

This movie, which also seems unreal, narrates the events suffered by a 14-year-old boy in 1949, according to the Whashington Post. This little boy had certain personality disorders, but his case was taken as a demonic possession and therefore they made several exorcisms.

It is not the only scary movie based on this type of true story. Only, frequently, some names or key data are changed. In this film, which is also a cult film, the protagonist - instead of being a child - is a little girl who is 12 years old..

The Blob '(Terror has no form)

This production, which is also part of the best horror movies based on real events, is completely amazing because it deals with a supposed alien mass that comes to earth and eats the people who live in a town.

Yes, this seems like it only fits in the mind of a film director, but the truth is that the idea arose after the reports made by two security officers of the Philadelphia police in the year 1950.

According to these officers, they “saw that something was floating on the ground” and that it also “had a jelly-like shape”, like some kind of fog. But when one of them tried to be brave and face the crowd, it mysteriously disappeared.

Terror in Amityville (1979)

This film narrates the heartbreaking events that a family experiences after moving to a house in which several murders had been committed. The family says they lived hell with all the strange things that happened there, but many believe it was a fraud.

In any case, it continues to be a film worth watching and reflecting on what is narrated in it. Critics argue that this story has gaps, but in the end, it always leaves the viewer's imagination to work..

This is our list of the best scary movies based on real events, can you think of another?, What other would you include?

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