The 63 Best Vegeta Phrases

Simon Doyle

I leave you the best Vegeta quotes, one of the main characters in the anime series Dragon Ball. It is about a prince of the Saiyans, an extraterrestrial race that comes to Earth looking for the dragon balls.

You may also be interested in these Dragon Ball phrases.

1- “I'll take care of everything. You don't have to try to train Kakarot, I'm sure you wouldn't stand it. Besides, I guarantee that I won't need your help to take care of the androids. "

2- [To Trunks] “Shut up kid! Where is your honor? Like all pureblood Saiyans, Kakarot would rather die fighting than win with the help of the hermit's seeds! He trained in the time room like us! "

3- [To Babidi] "You can control my body and my mind but there is something that a Saiyan will always have, his pride!"

4- “There is something certain in life. The strongest is above anyone and can conquer everything! "

5- "This is too much, it is enough that Kakaroto surpasses me in power, but now his son too?"

6- “How could I let this happen to my son? He sacrificed everything for me and I have done nothing but ignore him! Not! There is still time to change things! Cell, you have infuriated me! You humiliated me, you made fun of my Saiyan bloodline, but you went too far! "

7- “These dragon balls caught my attention. Think about the possibilities Nappa, if we can get hold of those spheres, we can wish for anything we want. Don't you think it's worth traveling to earth? "

8- [About Goku] “He has completely defeated me. First with his own actions and then through those of his son. "

9- [About Goku] “How? How dare you die like this? I never had a chance to test my strength against you. You died without fear. How does that leave me? I am not a warrior and I will never fight again. "

10- “I find it hard to believe that my cells are in your body. How did you turn out to be so ugly? What a waste. Although it's obvious where you got your strength from. "

11- "Kakaroto, you are impressive, I never had a chance against Buu, you are the only one who can fight him."

12- “I think I understand why a genius like me could never surpass you, I thought it was because you had someone to protect. I thought that your impulse to protect allowed you to use your abilities, this could be one reason. "

13- “I fought as I wanted, because it was fun to kill my enemies and feed my ego. You are different, you fight not to win but because you refuse to lose, pushing your limits no matter who your opponent is. "

14- “When you didn't kill me, it was because you saw that I could care about other people like now. Kakaroto, you are number one. "

15- [To Android 18] "Let me ask you, does a machine like you feel afraid?"

16- “While I was with you, I became one of yours. It was despicable. I even had a family and the land seemed like a beautiful place to live. "

17- "Trunks, never hug you when baby, let me do it now."

18- "What's wrong Freeza? Is your brain another one of your weak and unused muscles? "

19- “Kakaroto! Avoid the next attack if you can, if I miss, this planet will fall apart! "

20- [A Cell] "Are you ready to witness a power that has not been seen in thousands of years?"

21- “Yes, the perfect form of Cell is complete. Soon he will be the strongest adversary I have ever faced. "

22- “I say let it transform. If Cell destroys the androids, it will save me work! Fighting a single battle is simpler than four. I don't care how strong it becomes. I will beat him! "

23- "Now, if any of you want to go for Cell or the androids while I'm gone. Welcome back, I'll finish the job once they fail. "

24- “Don't remind me. I'm so upset that hurting someone like you will be the therapy I need. "

25- "Strength is the only thing that means something to me."

26- “Listen to me! I don't care about the people on earth but I promise that I will destroy Cell. "

27- “This cannot be happening. Every time I get stronger, a greater power appears to challenge me. It is as if fate mocks me with a smile, as Kakaroto does. "

28- “It seems incredible. With that fusion Piccolo has become stronger than me, even being a Super Saiyan. It is impossible! He is nothing more than a simple Namek! "

29- “Go play if you feel like it but leave Cell to me. I don't want anyone to get in my way, do you understand? "

30- [To Majin Buu] “You are nobody, just a magician. I am a warrior! The prince of the Saiyans! Vegeta !! "

31- "Hey Kakaroto, next time I'll be the Super Saiyan God and you'd better cooperate!"

32- [To Beerus] “How dare you! That's my Bulma, you wretch! "

33- [To Freeza] "At least try to die with honor and don't even dream of reviving again."

34- [To Freezer] “Thanks for the offer but I can't. That Kakarot bug can be very annoying, but our rivalry is what drives me to be stronger. I can't kill him. "

35- “I tried to warn you but here you are. I think you will always be a naive idiot. "

36- "Your fight is with me Kakaroto, unless you want more dead people in your consciousness."

37- "Tell me Kakaroto, are you a slave when you have what you want?"

38- “You don't care about Gohan. For a warrior yes and you know as well as I that Kakaroto will return to the other world in one day, I will not miss the opportunity. "

39- [To Kaio Shin] “Not important huh? What do you know? I spent most of my life under someone else's orders! I watched my race diminish at the hands of a few, tell me that it is more important than your own strength! "

40- “I have in me the blood of a Saiyan prince, Kakaroto is just a low-class soldier! Even so I had to see him overcome me, my fate went to waste. "

41- "Kararoto even saved my life as if he were a defenseless child, he stole my honor and his debts must be paid!"

42- [To Babidi] “Get out of my head! They won't distract me anymore! It will take more than your mind games to stop me! "

43- "I am the ruler of all Saiyans, even you Broly!"

44- “I'm a prince! The prince of the Saiyans! Why should I give my strength to a low-class warrior like you? Tell me why!"

45- [To Android 18] "If you give up now, I promise I'll turn you into something useful, like a toaster or a washing machine."

46- "Your warranty ended with me a while ago, you are going to be recycled!"

47- "There are very few who train as hard as I do to achieve this kind of power."

48- “You bowed before me, your enemy in the fight. That is like giving up. I cannot tolerate a Saiyan who acts like that. "

49- “Kakaroto, I have accepted the fact that you are the strongest Saiyan, but even so, I have no intention of being Saiyan number two! One day I'll beat you! I will defeat everyone in the universe! I will be number one! "

50- [To Majin Buu] "You're stupid, I'm going to tear you to pieces. Not a trace of you will be left! "

51- “Trunks, Bulma, this is for you. This is also for you Kakaroto. "

52- “You have been a good person Kakaroto, I have not. The other world is not for me. Fighting him will be a piece of cake, much better than my existence on earth. "

53- "Merge with you? I'd rather be dead! "

54- [To Goku] Do you want my help? You have the guts to come ask me that! Do you think i don't know what you did to me?

55- “I was in the other world! I know about your technique, your Super Saiyan phase 3. You hid it from me in our fight, you made me think I could beat you! "

56- “Enough of your lies! You are an insect! Don't you realize my humiliation? Get out of me!"

57- “So I'm right, After three millennia, it finally happened. A new Super Saiyan has emerged and I, the prince of the Saiyans, have been the witness of this lower-class warrior. "

58- “I am the only one who understands what he has become, even better than him. If Kakaroto could pull it off, then I can too! Until then, I am at your mercy. He is the strongest Saiyan in the universe. "

59- “Hey! What is happening? Curse! I don't feel different, is this how it should happen or not? Somebody say something! Am I immortal or not? "

60- "Is that all? It's over? You mean that when that guy dies, the dragon balls are useless? "

61- [To Trunks] “Silly, don't focus on beating Goku Black! Look beyond him Strive to be the strongest in the universe! You have Saiyan blood in your veins! My blood!"

62- [To Trunks] “You have that Mai girl to protect. If things go wrong, you and her must take the time machine back, do you understand? "

63- [To Goku] “He destroyed our home planet, it was him. Your father and mine, the whole planet, he tore it to pieces, no one survived but us, ask him if you want. He will tell you, he is proud of it. "

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