The 80 Best Phrases of C. S. Lewis

Abraham McLaughlin
The 80 Best Phrases of C. S. Lewis

I leave you the best phrases by C. S. Lewis (1898-1963), British literary critic, academic, radio host and essayist, whose best-known works are The Chronicles of Narnia, Letters from the Devil to His Nephew Y Cosmic trilogy.

You may also be interested in these phrases from famous books.

-Difficulties often prepare a normal person for an extraordinary destiny.

-You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream..

-Extraordinary things only happen to extraordinary people.

-We are what we think we are.

-True humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less.

-Someday you'll be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.

-The experience: that is the most brutal of the teachers. But you learn, my God, you learn.

-I distinguish four causes of human laughter: joy, fun, joke and lightness.

-Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is looking.

-You can do anything by typing.

-Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art. It has no courage to survive, instead it is one of those things that give survival value.

-If we find ourselves with the desire that nothing in this world can satisfy us, the most likely explanation is that we were made for another world..

-Eating and reading are two pleasures that combine admirably.

-Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of any solid and lasting happiness in our lives..

-What you see and hear depends to a large extent on your situation, it also depends on what kind of person you are.

-Friendship is born the moment one man says to another: What! You too! I thought it was just me!.

-Failure, repeated failures, are footprints on the road to achievement. Fails on the way to success.

-The task of the modern educator is not to cut down forests, but to irrigate deserts.

-Humor implies a certain sense of proportions and the ability to see oneself from the outside.

-Love is something more severe and splendid than mere goodness.

-Miracles don't break the laws of nature.

-We don't meet ordinary people in our lives.

-Things don't happen the same way twice.

-Don't you dare not dare.

-There are many, many better things ahead than anything we leave behind.

-The present is the point where time coincides with eternity.

-I can't imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it just once.

-The pain I feel now is the happiness I had before. That is the deal.

-Humans are always claiming properties that are equally ridiculous in heaven and hell..

-Adventures are never fun while you're having them.

-If there were no work and no whip, there would be no stable, no hay, no dungeon, no oats.

-No book is worth reading at the age of five, if it is not worth reading it also at the age of fifty..

-Pain, injustice and error are three types of evil with a curious difference: injustice and error can be ignored by the one who lives within them, while pain, on the other hand, cannot be ignored, it is an evil unmasked, unequivocal: everyone knows that something is wrong when they suffer.

-Malicious words can hurt your feelings, but silence breaks your heart.

-I believe in Christianity just as I believe the Sun has been: not only because I see it, but because of what I see in everyone else.

-Write about what really interests you, be it real or imaginary things, and nothing else.

-With the possible exception of the equator, it all starts somewhere.

-God allows us to experience the low points of life to teach us lessons that we could not learn otherwise..

-Christians do not believe that God will love them because they are good, but that God makes them good because He loves them..

-Jokes, as well as justice, appear with language.

-Men are not irritated by mere misfortune, but misfortune they consider an affront.

-No one ever told me that pain feels so much like fear.

-If you seek the truth, you will find comfort in the end; If you are looking for comfort, you will find neither truth nor comfort.

-Made-up things seem much more important than real things.

-To be enormously and effectively bad, a man needs some virtue.

-If you love deeply, you will be deeply damaged. But it's still worth it.

-We have prepared men to think of the future as a promised land reached by heroes, not as what anyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes per hour, whatever you do..

-Man can neither make nor retain an instant of time; all the time is a pure gift.

-You can't know, you can only believe - or not.

-We must all be very careful with our genius, taking into account the difficulties we must face.

-It is not simply fatigue as such that produces the irritation, but the unexpected demands on an already tired man.

-When we lose one blessing, another is often given in its place unexpectedly..

-We laugh at honor and then we are surprised to find traitors among us.

-There is something in all this that I do not understand: but if one day we need to know, you can be sure that we will..

-When they have truly learned to love their neighbors as themselves, they will be allowed to love themselves as their neighbors..

-Nothing is so strong as to deprive a man of his best years.

-An explanation of the cause is not a justification for the reason.

-There is still hope when we face an unsolved problem without prejudice. However, there is no hope if we act as if the problem does not exist..

-There is nothing that spoils the taste of a good meal more than the memory of another magical but perverse meal..

-Of course, like any person with common sense, he remembered that one should never lock oneself in a closet.

-I don't expect to find old heads on young shoulders.

-Of all the vices, only cowardice is purely painful: horrible to anticipate, horrible to feel, horrible to remember; leisure has its pleasures.

-Hatred is often the compensation by which a frightened man makes up for the sufferings of fear. The more afraid you are, the more you will hate. And hate is also an antidote to shame.

-We will not consider any experience that we may have miraculous, whatever it may be, if in advance we maintain a philosophy that excludes the supernatural.

-Education without values, as useful as it may seem, only makes men a more intelligent demon.

-If the entire universe does not make sense, we should never have discovered that it does not make sense. Just as, if there was no light in the universe and therefore there were no creatures with eyes, we should never have noticed the darkness. The darkness would be meaningless.

-A man cannot diminish the glory of God by refusing to worship Him any more than a lunatic cannot put out the Sun by scrawling the word "darkness" on the walls of his cell..

-Can a mortal ask God a question that is unanswerable? Yes you can, just enough to reason that all nonsense questions are unanswerable.

-Humans are amphibians: half spirit, half animal. As spirits, they belong to the eternal world, but as animals, they inhabit time.

-Don't use big words all the time, don't say "infinitely" when you really mean "a lot." Otherwise you will be left without the right words when you want to refer to something really "infinite".

-God cannot give us peace and happiness without Him, there is simply no such thing..

-Let us pray that the human race never leaves Earth to spread its harmlessness to the rest of the universe..

-There are two types of people, those who say to God "your will be done" and those to whom God says "ok, well, do it your way".

-Writing is like a "lust", or like "scratching when itchy." The writing comes as a result of a very strong impulse, and when it arrives, I, for my part, have to remove it in one go.

-Always try to use language in such a way that it is clear what you want to say and that what you say cannot be interpreted in any other way.

-Christianity, if it is false, is simply irrelevant. If it is authentic, it is vitally important. It's the only thing that can't be half.

-Long before the story began, we men alienated ourselves from women and did a lot of things together. They were good times.

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