The 83 Best Phrases of Julio Cortázar

Charles McCarthy
The 83 Best Phrases of Julio Cortázar

I leave you the best phrases of Julio Cortázar (1914-1984), Argentine writer and intellectual, author of numerous short stories, poetic prose and novels of great influence on Hispanic literature.

It is associated with magical realism for moving within the limits of the real and the fantastic, of the strange and unreal. His most recognized works are: Hopscotch, History of chronopios and famas, Bestiary, Game over, among other.

You may also be interested in these quotes from writers or these from famous books.

-I seem to have been born to not accept things as they are given to me.

-The absurdity is that you go out the door in the morning and find the bottle of milk on the threshold and stay so calm because the same thing happened to you yesterday and tomorrow it will happen to you again.. 

-Come sleep with me: we won't make love, he will make us.

-There are absences that represent a true triumph.

-Poor love that feeds on thought.

-All tomorrow is the blackboard where I invent you and draw you.

-Subtotal: I love you. Grand total: I love you.

-Music! Melancholic food for those of us who live on love.

-Books are the only place in the house where you can still be calm.

-I never give up on anything. I only do what is in my power to make things give up on me.

-It is not that we have an obligation to live, since life was given to us. Life lives itself whether we like it or not.

-How was I to know that what seemed to be a lie was true?

-Customs are concrete forms of rhythm, they are the quota of rhythm that helps us live.

-In reality, really difficult things are all that people think they can do at all times..

-Nothing is lost if you have the courage to proclaim that all is lost and you have to start over.

-We wanted each other in a dialectic of magnet and filing, of attack and defense, of ball and wall.

-How long will we continue to believe that happiness is just one of the games of illusion?

-That is why we will never be the perfect couple, if we are not able to accept that only in arithmetic is two born of one plus one.

-Your love torments me, it does not serve as a bridge because a bridge does not stand on one side ...

-If you fall I pick you up and if I don't sleep with you.

-Even the unexpected ends in habit when you have learned to endure.

-Let me in, let me see someday how your eyes see.

-As you did not know how to hide, I immediately realized that to see yourself as I wanted it was necessary to start by closing your eyes.

-Probably, of all human feelings, the only one that is not truly ours is hope. Hope is of life. Hope is the way that life fights back.

-If the human personality does not acquire all its strength, all its power, among which the playful and the erotic are fundamental drives, no revolution will fulfill its path.

-People think they are friends because they spend a few hours a week on a couch, a movie, sometimes a bed, or because they have to do the same work in the office.

-Behind this sad spectacle of words, the hope that you read me trembles unspeakably, that I have not completely died in your memory ...

-My evil way of understanding the world helped me laugh softly.

-The island invaded him and he enjoyed it with such intimacy that he was not capable of thinking or choosing..

-The truth is that I do not care if I do not understand women, the only thing that is worth it is that they love you.

-We walked without looking for us but knowing that we were to meet.

-I think we all have a bit of that beautiful madness that keeps us going when everything around is so insanely sane..

-There are absences that represent a true triumph.

-You look for what you call harmony, but you look for it right there where you just said that it is not, among friends, family, in the city ...

-Insignificant gifts like a kiss at an unexpected moment or a written piece of paper in a hurry, can be valued more than jewelery.

-I'm not going to tire you with more poems. Let's say I told you clouds, scissors, kites, pencils, and did you ever smile.

-My interest soon turned analytical. Tired of wondering, I wanted to know; behold the invariable and fatal end of all adventure.

-It happens that the cronopios do not want to have children, because the first thing a newborn cronopio does is rudely insult his father, in whom he obscurely sees the accumulation of misfortunes that one day will be his.

-Those of us who are worth something here are no longer sure of anything. You have to be an animal to have convictions.

-Reality is there and we in it, understanding it in our own way, but in it.

-Psychoanalysis shows how contemplation of the body creates early complexes.

-As if you could choose in love, as if it were not a lightning bolt that breaks your bones and leaves you stuck in the middle of the yard.

-Many people think that loving is choosing a woman and then marrying her. They choose it, I've seen how they do it. As if it were possible to choose love.

-They may think they choose a woman because they love her, but I think it's the other way around. You can't choose Beatriz. You can't choose Juliet.

-You cannot choose the rain that will get you wet and make you cold when you leave a concert.

-When quoting others, we quote ourselves.

-Date planners are the same people who need lined paper to write or who always scoop out toothpaste from the bottom.

-Sometimes he wished there was someone who, like me, didn't fit his era perfectly, but that person was hard to find. Then I found the cats, in which I saw behavior similar to mine, and the books.

-I don't think I love you. I think I just want the obvious impossibility of loving you. It's like the left glove that is in love with the right hand.

-Memory is a mirror that lies scandalously.

-I must say that I fully trust the chance that made us meet. I will never forget you and if I try I'm sure I won't make it.

-I love seeing you and making you mine just by seeing you even from afar. I love each of your moles and your chest is like paradise.

-You are not the love of my life, nor the love of my days, nor of my moment. However, I loved you and I still love you, even though we are not meant to be together..

-You look at me, you look at me closely, closer and closer and then we become cyclops. We look closer and our eyes get bigger, closer.

-We barely knew each other and already life was planning to part.

-All distractions open certain doors. You have to allow yourself to be distracted when you are not able to concentrate..

-I realized that searching was my symbol, the emblem of those people who go out at night with a blank mind.

-You have always been my mirror. In order to see me, I first had to look at you.

-But what is memory if it is not the language of feeling, a dictionary of faces and days and smells that are repeated like verbs and adjectives in a speech.

-When you leave your childhood, you forget that to get to Heaven, you only need a stone and the tip of your shoe.

-I am going to say the words that are said, I am going to eat the things that are eaten and I am going to dream the things that are dreamed and I know perfectly well that you will not be there. You will not be, you will not be a memory.

-When I think of you, it will only be a dark thought that tries to remember you.

-My love, I don't want you for you or for me, I don't want you for both of us together. I don't love you because blood forces me to love you. I love you because you are not mine, because you are somewhere else and you invite me to jump but I cannot do it.

-There are hours when the fact that you love me torments me (as much as you like to use that verb, you drop it on plates, sheets and buses), your love disturbs me because it does not serve as a bridge.

-I touch your mouth. With one of my fingers I touch the edge of your mouth. I touch it as if I was drawing it with my hand, as if it were the first time that your mouth was ajar.

-I just have to close my eyes to undo everything and then start over.

-If we bite, the pain is sweet. If we drown while absorbing each other's breath, death is instantaneous and beautiful.

-I feel you tremble against my body like a moon trembles in water.

-It was always late, always. Even if we made love a thousand times, happiness had to be something more. Something sadder than this peace we had and this pleasure.

-We no longer believe because it is absurd. It's absurd because we must believe.

-When it rained, the water entered my soul.

-He felt a kind of spiteful tenderness. It was so contradictory it had to be true.

-What we thought was love was perhaps that I was in front of you with a yellow flower in hand, you had two green candles in hand while time blew a rain on our faces that meant resignations.

-We were not in love. We only made love critically and detached. But then the terrible silence came and the foam in the beer glasses was transformed into tow, warmed as we looked at each other.

-Somewhere, there must be a garbage can in which all the explanations are. There is only one disturbing thing left: that one day someone will think of explaining the garbage can too.

-Before going to sleep, I imagined a plastic, changing universe, full of wonderful opportunities, an elastic sky, a sun that suddenly disappears or stays fixed or changes shape.

-You are like a witness. You are like someone who goes to a museum and sees the paintings. The paintings are there and so are you, near and far at the same time. I am a painting.

-You think you are in the room but you are not. You are looking at the room. You are not in the room.

-You have seen, you have truly seen, the snow, the stars, the plush footsteps of the breeze. You have touched, you have really touched, the plate, the bread, the face of that woman you love so much. You have lived, like a blow to the forehead, the moment, the gasp, the fall, the flight. You have known, with every pore of the skin known, that your eyes, your hands, your sex, your soft heart, you had to throw them away, you had to cry, you had to invent them again.


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