Direwolf what is it, situation, names, do they really exist?

Anthony Golden

What is a direwolf?

A direwolf is a wild wolf that appears in the work of George R. R. Martin Song of ice and fire, as well as in the adapted HBO series, game of Thrones. This animal represents House Stark. Experts believe that this type of wolf is similar to the extinct species Canis dirus, whose specimens were more robust and heavier than common wolves.

In both the books and the television series a litter of these animals was found and given to the descendants of House Stark, who formed close relationships with their respective pets. Dire wolves are considered faithful, intelligent and courageous..

In the book the direwolf can also be related to a skin-changer (a person capable of entering the mind of any animal) and a warg (person who transforms into this animal).

Characteristics of direwolves

  • Dire wolves can grow as large as a pony when they reach adulthood.
  • They have large legs and heads compared to the rest of the body.
  • Among his physical features, it is also worth highlighting a pronounced and strong jaw, so his bite could be fatal.
  • Their fur usually ranges from black to gray, with green or blue eyes. In contrast, albino direwolves are white and red-eyed..
  • They usually live in herds.
  • They are intelligent and, despite their social characteristics, prefer to hunt alone..
  • You can join a pack of common wolves, but they will always stand out from the rest thanks to their imposing size..

Situation in Game of Thrones

The first appearance of these animals happened at the beginning of the story when Eddard Stark, his children (boys) and Theon Greyjoy find a dead wolf surrounded by several cubs.

Jon Snow convinces Ned not to kill the litter, but to give the young to the rest of his siblings. While they are taking them he realizes that there is one more, a white puppy with red eyes that later would become his pet.

Thus, the wolves found would be distributed to the rest of the Stark boys, who would remain with them at different times in history..

In the second chapter of the seventh season, while Arya prepares to go to Winterfell, she meets Nymeria, her wolf. For a moment she does not recognize her immediately, until later she realized that it was her former owner.

Then this wolf prevented Arya from being attacked by the pack of direwolves she led, and then she entered the forest..

The rest of the wolves, except for Ghost (Jon's wolf), have died. However, some fans of the series believe that Peludo, whose owner was Rickon, is still alive..

Song of ice and fire

In George R. R. Martin's book, direwolves also played an important role during the War between the First Men and the Children of the Forest, when they were summoned by the Greenseers (considered the wise men among the Children of the Forest)..

In this way, the direwolves fought during the battle alongside other mythological and equally powerful beings..

Names of the direwolves

After the delivery of each one of the wolves to the descendants of House Stark, each one placed a name on it; It could well be said that these correspond to a kind of alter ego of said characters:

Grey wind

It's the name of Robb Stark's wolf. He was the oldest of the litter and, therefore, the leader of this. With gray fur and green eyes, Gray Wind received that name due to the speed with which he ran.

In addition, thanks to its fierce attitude with its master, the animal served to demonstrate the power and worth of Robb in front of other members of the northern houses. Although both were renowned for their aggressiveness and skill during battle, they were killed.


Jon Snow's wolf is white and red-eyed. Being different in appearance, some fans claim that his appearance is a reflection of Jon's particularity..

It is characterized by its fidelity, since it accompanies its owner at all times. It received its name thanks to its appearance and because it does not emit any noise.

The animal is characterized by being incredibly intelligent and cunning, so it acts in order to protect its master. Likewise, it is believed that the relationship between the two is so close that Jon is able to enter the mind of Ghost.


It was Sansa's pet and is believed to be the most docile, polite and calm of the entire litter. Furthermore, it is estimated that she was called this way as a reflection of Sansa's desire to become an educated and elegant lady by chivalric standards..

On game of Thrones, Nymeria (Arya's wolf) attacked the heir to the throne, Joffrey Baratheon. In view of the danger she was in, Arya freed Nymeria so Cersei Lannister demanded the death of Dama, being the first of the direwolves to die..

Ned Stark tried to do it to avoid the suffering of his daughter. Later, her body was transferred to the Stark crypt, where she was buried..


She is Arya Stark's partner and is characterized by her gray fur and yellow eyes. Named after Queen Nymeria, ruler of the Rhoynar.

Nymeria attacked Joffrey Baratheon after a confrontation between Arya and Joffrey. In view of the danger that she knew she was in, her owner released her so that they could not harm her.

Despite her disappearance, Nymeria and Arya meet again when she goes back to Winterfell. Realizing that they both changed, they part ways. He is the only living wolf, apart from Ghost.


Before the fall, Bran Stark was unable to name his pet. However, he did not prevent her from staying with him the entire time he was in a coma.. 

When he woke up, just in the summer, Bran decided to call it that way, alluding to hope and optimism. Throughout the series, Summer remains defending Bran, until the moment in which the first one dies..


Rickon's pet, the youngest of the Starks, is believed to be the wildest and least trained of all. Unlike the rest, both Rickon and Peludo do not have much prominence, except when Ramsay Bolton are captured.

Furry's head was used as evidence to show that Rickon was well and under his power to the rest of the houses in Winterfell. Despite this, some believe that he is not really dead..

Are dire wolves in reality?

Dire wolves are fictional animals in Song of ice and fire, and in the series game of Thrones. However, they are based on Canis dirus (also called giant wolves and dire wolves), which are an extinct species that lived in North America and in the Pampa, Argentina, during the Pleistecene.

Despite their nicknames, these wolves are not too different from their relatives, the Canis lupus (or common wolves). They used to be robust, with short legs, thick fur and prominent jaws, as well as very powerful.

Curiosities of the direwolves

  • The actor dogs that participated in the series are a mix of husky, Alaskan malamute and German shepherd. The name of the breed is northern inuit.
  • Although these animals are beautiful, they are not docile. In fact, although they can be tamed, it is a process that requires patience and dedication. However, they are considered faithful and loving to their owners..
  • The training of the wolves for the production lasted a year.
  • Technology and effects were used to maximize the size and coat of these animals.
  • Since the fifth season of the Ghost series, he is played by an albino wolf. This wolf became George R. R. Martin's pet until he died in 2017.
  • The term "direwolf" refers to a being in Norse mythology with characteristics similar to those of a wolf..


  1. Canis dirus. (s.f.). On Wikipedia. Retrieved: April 11, 2018. In Wikipedia at es.wikipedia.org.
  2. Lady. (s.f.). On a Wiki of Ice and Fire. Retrieved: April 11, 2018. On Ice and Fire Wiki by ice and fire.wikia.com.
  3. Huargo. (s.f.). On Wikipedia. Retrieved: April 11, 2018. In Wikipedia at es.wikipedia.org.
  4. Huargo (A Song of Ice and Fire). (s.f.). On Wikipedia. Retrieved: April 11, 2018. In Wikipedia at es.wikipedia.org.
  5. Game of Thrones: How many direwolves are left alive? (s.f.). In Culturaocio. Retrieved: April 11, 2018. In Culturaocio of culturaocio.com.
  6. Direwolf. (s.f.). On a Wiki of Ice and Fire. Retrieved: April 11, 2018. On Ice and Fire Wiki by ice and fire.wikia.com.

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