These are the most important philosophers of the Middle Ages, and it is convenient to know them because their philosophical production is still read and analyzed today..
The Middle Ages was a period after the Ancient Ages, which began with the fall of the Roman Empire and culminated with the entry into the Modern Age.. It comprises from the 5th to the 15th century approximately.
Although many often argue that it was a dark period in humanity, the truth is that the thought of many authors was a light, not only for that moment, but for our days, then, his theories continue to be valid in the classrooms.
For this reason, we want to introduce you to the most important philosophers of the Middle Ages.
Among the most important philosophers of the Middle Ages, we find the following:
Although he was not born properly in the Middle Ages, many authors include him among the most important philosophers to understand this historical period, due to his notable influence a posteriori.
He was born in Tagaste, present-day Algeria, and, although many thought that it was not possible to know the truth, Saint Augustine stood up to this skeptical statement and said that it was possible..
So, while the skeptics doubted almost everything in reality, St. Augustine proposed that many things can be doubted, except one: the doubt itself, thus trying to check the same skepticism.
Of course, Saint Augustine was a man doomed to God, and for this thinker, God represented truth itself. Likewise, he defined the notion of good by equating it to the divine will.
This Roman philosopher came from an important family, since the Catholic Church had three Popes from the Boethian line.
This author investigated a great diversity of topics, among which are faith, justice, destiny, arithmetic, music, geometry, theology, and even astronomy..
The work that is considered the most important of Boethius is called The Consolation of Philosophy, and he wrote it while he was in prison. In this text Boethius dialogues with philosophy, to whom he grants a female role.
In this work you can find lectures on happiness, good and evil, human freedom, providence, chance and destiny..
It is worth noting that his thinking was not along the same lines as that of Aristotle or Saint Augustine, but that he thought differently and focused his reflections on Christian theology, starting from the question: If God exists, why does evil exist?, And if God does not exist, where does good come from?
Some believe that this author, like Saint Augustine, did not live in the Middle Ages properly, but his thought did influence during this period..
He also devoted himself to the study of a variety of topics, including geography, history and astronomy..
His dedication to study was so prolific that he prepared encyclopedias and commented on the liturgy of the Church..
According to the proposals of San Isidoro, Jews had to give up their beliefs and convert to Christianity, but through the word. Very different from what others considered -such as the Visigoth king Sisebuto-, who better supported the use of force.
This medieval philosopher was very remarkable and his studies are very important today. He was of Irish origin and was considers him as the first creator of a philosophical system typical of the Middle Ages.
He was commissioned, by order of the French King Charles I, to translate Plato's works into Latin.
Scotus had very admirable ideas for his time, because, contrary to what most thought, for this philosopher, the universe did not arise from nothing, but even the ideas of time and space were manifestations of what was in the mind of the Creator.
It was revolutionary, in the sense of holding that authority should not censor reason, but rather should submit to it. However, These ideas, so scandalous for the moment, made his works banned and ordered to be burned by Pope Honorius III.
In addition to being a philosopher, he was a scientist and doctor, professing the Muslim faith. He is credited with having written more than 300 works in which he dealt with topics of medicine and philosophy. It is believed that he was the one who invented the tracheostomy. He was considered the greatest alchemist of the time.
For San Anselmo there was no doubt in stating that God was the supreme being, so much of his life was devoted to examining the divine attributes.
Between the debate of faith and reason, he considered that faith should be put first, but also appeal to reason, although he did not find many definitive answers to his doubts. However, from meditation he justified the existence of God.
This thinker not only dedicated himself to philosophy, but also to music, teaching and poetry.
His philosophical debates were oriented towards the reconciliation of realism with nominalism, considering that the principles of reason limited faith.
Likewise, was haunted by his controversial ideas for the moment, in addition to the censorship and burning of their works, being condemned as heretics.
In addition to their contributions to the Church, contributed to expanding Gothic architecture and improve Gregorian chant.
Almost nothing is known of his life, but he was influential in medieval times, whose works were studied in universities from the year 1220.
Its origin is Islamic, but it was born in Spain. He was a philosopher and a doctor, in addition to having studied mathematics and astronomy.
He tried to understand how thought was constituted in human beings, and how a person can be able to formulate truths.
In addition to these 10 most important philosophers of the Middle Ages, there are others whose study is still relevant today.
And you, what other philosopher would you include?
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