Top 10 Foods Against Cancer (Alkaline)

Alexander Pearson

Drink cancer foods -alkaline among them- is one of the best ways to prevent it. Leading a healthy lifestyle -including diet- is essential to avoid contracting any of the many types of cancer that exist.

Cancer is a disease that has affected humans for centuries. In fact, tumors have been found in fossils of mummies from Egypt or Peru and were already referred to in documents over 2000 years old (Ramayana from India or the Ebers Papyrus from Egypt).

Although some are partly hereditary, it is believed that most can be contracted due to lifestyle, one of the most important factors being food.

What is cancer? (briefly)

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of cells in some area of ​​the body and that involves a variety of conditions. 

Due to the imbalance, the body enters a process of deterioration that, if not treated quickly, can be fatal. Treatments are usually chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation therapy. 

Data to convince you of the importance of diet

Epidemiological studies in the United States conclude that approximately 80% of cancer deaths are due to environmental factors, highlighting diet with 33%, as well as tobacco.

On the other hand, there are numerous studies that show a positive association between the consumption of fruits and vegetables and a lower probability of contracting cancer. For example, the consumption of 1.5 pieces of vegetables has been shown to reduce the risk of uterine cancer by 40%. 

According to the research of the last 20 years, the consumption of fruits and vegetables reduces: cancers of the pancreas, breast, uterus and gallbladder by 50% and cancers of the mouth, esophagus, lungs, bladder and cervix by 20%.

According to the World Cancer Research Fund, diets containing leafy greens protect against stomach and lung cancer, while the consumption of crucifers (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower) can reduce thyroid and colorectal cancer.  

According to the world health organization (WHO), up to 30% of cancer cases could be prevented with an adequate and balanced diet.

10 foods to prevent, fight and reduce cancer (all are alkaline)


Several studies have found that people who take garlic are less likely to develop various types of cancer, especially in the esophagus, colon, and stomach. 


Broccoli contains sulforaphane, a compound that stimulates the body's protective enzymes and eliminates cancer-causing substances.

It will help you fight breast, liver, prostate, stomach, bladder and skin cancer.

3-Green tea

Green tea contains antioxidants called catechins that prevent cancer by preventing free radicals from damaging cells. 

4-Whole wheat bread or grain and cereals

Whole grains contain fiber and antioxidants, both of which reduce the risk of cancer. Eating whole grains can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. Among others, barley, brown rice, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta and oatmeal are whole grains.


It is a great source of lycopene, a carotenoid that fights endometrial cancer. Also prevents lung, prostate and stomach cancer.

6-Lettuce and spinach

Green leafy vegetables like lettuce or spinach are also a source of antioxidants like lutein or beta-carotene. 


According to a study from the University of Michigan, black beans reduce colon cancer.


The skin of red grapes is very rich in resveratrol, an antioxidant that limits the growth of cancer cells. Grape juice and wine (moderate) can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer.


Walnuts contain phytosterols, molecules that block estrogen receptors and slow cell growth. Help prevent breast and prostate cancers.

10-Oranges and lemons

They contain limonene, which stimulates lymphocytes, cells that fight cancer.


  • Carrots: high in beta carotene.
  • Pumpkin seeds: to prevent prostate cancer.
  • Papayas: they are high in vitamin C, which works as an antioxidant.

Do you have to consume a lot?

It is calculated (you have probably heard it already) that to notice the effects you should consume about 5 pieces a day, that is, about 400 grams of fruits and vegetables.

Before starting with food, it is important that you know that what affects the diet as a whole. Not by eating a food that has been shown to be beneficial will you be immune if you later eat other harmful foods.

In addition, it is also possible that despite the fact that you follow a diet that prevents cancer, there will come a time in your life when you can suffer it. Just as it is possible that someone eats the worst possible diet and still does not contract this condition.

However, it is clear and has been investigated that there are foods that prevent its appearance. Fruits such as watermelon, apple, cantaloupe, apple, and plum. Seeds like flax or sesame. And also foods such as cereals, probiotics (such as kefir), chocolate, garlic, onion or tomato.

Only fruits and vegetables?

No, you should also eat eggs, dairy, meats (mainly poultry) and foods with sugar, but all without overdoing it. The key is in balance.

What foods are the most harmful?

Those that should be avoided in excess are meats (they have a lot of cholesterol), foods that contain a lot of fat and calories, coffee, sweeteners and preservatives.

For coffee, I recommend switching to tea, some of which have antioxidant properties (green tea or white tea, for example).

As for how food is cooked, in general the more it is modified, the worse. That is, fruits and vegetables are best eaten raw (not cooked). And meats, if over-fried or grilled, can release substances called heterocyclic amines, which are carcinogenic..

Of course, "junk food" is very harmful, and it is highly recommended that you completely eliminate it from your diet: hot dogs, processed meats, French fries, pastries, donuts and anything that contains white and processed flour.

Other recommendations

He could not miss it, exercising is essential to maintain balance, avoid obesity and prevent heart and lung diseases. Also limit, and much better eliminate 100%, the consumption of tobacco or alcohol. 

Have you already started a better diet? What other tips can you give me?

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