Top 20 Neuropsychology and Brain Injury Centers

Anthony Golden
Top 20 Neuropsychology and Brain Injury Centers

I have made a list with the 20 best neuropsychology centers and brain damage from Spain, based on the quality of services they offer and the professionalism of the teams.

Brain damage is one of the most important health problems in the world. Did you know that hundreds of people suffer every day from an immense variety of neurological disorders that lead to acquired brain damage?

Each year, about 6 million deaths are registered due to suffering from a stroke. Some 50 million people have been diagnosed with epilepsy, while another 35 million suffer from some type of dementia (World Health Organization, 2014).

All this without talking about head injuries, one of the main causes of disability and dependence. In the United States, around 99,000 people suffer serious sequelae, reaching a chronic state of functional disability (Cleveland Clinic, 2014).

Although there are currently millions of diseases, neurological pathologies stand out for the high number of deaths they cause and for the number of people who develop deficits and disabilities derived from brain injuries (García-Molina et al., 2015).

In Spain, more than 420,000 people have been identified in this situation, of which about 113,000 have some degree of disability recognized by public health services (Spanish Federation of Acquired Brain Damage, 2013).

A good part of these suffer from different sequelae that affect the behavioral, emotional, cognitive and sensory-motor areas that end up being an important source of dependency limiting social relationships, work activities and daily life.

In these cases, neuropsychological rehabilitation is essential to restore altered abilities and capacity and achieve the greatest possible independence (Huertas-Hoyas, 2015).

Finding a center adjusted to the characteristics of those affected is a complicated task in Spain, since there are few specialized and referral neuropsychological rehabilitation and brain damage services.

In addition, we cannot find a national registry of each one that exists, for this reason we want to show you some of the neuropsychological rehabilitation centers for brain damage what can we find in Spain.

What centers are included in the list?

Here those centers and institutions that include some of these characteristics within their services will appear:

  • Individualized patient care.
  • Multidisciplinary intervention.
  • Clinical practice and research area or R + D + I.
  • Intervention in adults and children.
  • Publishing content online.

In this list the order is not the most important since we will use a random enumeration.

Remember that in neuropsychological rehabilitation the fundamental thing is the type of care offered by these centers and institutions.

Also, surely there are many more that should be on this list. Leave us a comment and we will add it.

The best centers for neuropsychology and treatment of brain damage

NeuroRehablitation Service Nisa Hospitals

The inauguration of the Neurorehabilitation area of ​​the Nisa Hospitals meant the creation of one of the pioneering centers in the treatment of brain damage in Spain.

It offers rehabilitation programs tailored to the specific needs of the patient and characterized by multidisciplinary intervention.

It is a precursor center in the incorporation of scientific research and the use of new technologies.

It has several locations:

  • Hospital NISA Valencia al Mar (Valencia)
  • Hospital NISA Sevilla Aljarafe (Seville)
  • Hispital NISA Virgen del Consuelo (Valencia)
  • Hospital NISA Aguas Vivas (Valencia)
  • Hospital NISA Vinalopó (Alicante)

In addition, they offer educational and informative publications on their activity and brain damage..

Guttmann Institute

The Guttmann Institute (Barcelona) addresses the treatment of patients with brain damage from an interdisciplinary and global perspective through the participation of families.

It offers different areas of high specialization with attention to the adult and pediatric population.

In addition, it stands out for its research and teaching activity. Offers a significant number of degrees in the area of ​​neuroscience.

CRECER- Brain Injury Rehabilitation Center

The CRECER center (Seville) offers one of the brain damage care services with the greatest international projection.

It employs a multidisciplinary healthcare service and bases its activity on early access to rehabilitative treatments and scientific research and production..


Ineuro (Seville) is one of the few Clinical Neurorehabilitation centers whose work philosophy includes the Social Economy.

His project tries to combine a specialty and quality care together with economic accessibility. Ineuro is a cooperative formed by a transdisciplinary working group.

San Vicente Clinic

The Neurorehabilitation service of the San Vicente Clinic (Madrid) is another of the national centers of reference, thanks to the specialized treatment and its teaching and academic capacity.

It focuses on cognitive, physical, emotional and clinical support in the recovery of the patient. In addition, it is characterized by the use of advanced procedures and new technology..

CEADAC- State Reference Center for Brain Injury Care

The CEDAC (Madrid) is the only state public center for the care and treatment of people affected with acquired brain damage.

It offers a comprehensive and intensive rehabilitation. It has a reference area for brain damage professionals and institutions.

LESCER- Brain Injury Treatment Center

The LESCER center (Madrid) focuses on specialized rehabilitation through innovation, the integration of the family in the process, the commitment to the patient and the coordinated work of its team.

It stands out for its collaboration with different public entities such as administrations, hospitals and universities. In addition, it received the European Excellence Award in 2005.

APANEFA- Madrid Supervening Brain Injury Association

The association APANEFA (Madrid) focuses on the therapeutic approach of stabilized and / or chronic sequelae of brain damage.

It offers a specialized approach, through occupational, social, family, cognitive and physical intervention. In addition, it is characterized by offering a public access route through the Community of Madrid.

Bettina Paeth Neurorehabilitation Clinic

This Neurorehabilitation center located in Barcelona offers comprehensive care for acquired or congenital pathologies of brain damage.

It bases its activity on an approach integrated by speech therapy, psychology, neuropsychology, physiotherapy and occupational therapy..

In addition, it stands out for being a pioneer in the use of the Bobath concept in neuroscience and rehabilitation..

New Option- Acquired Brain Injury Association of Valencia

The Nueva Opción association (Valencia) focuses on supporting people affected by acquired brain damage through comprehensive rehabilitation, family support and ongoing guidance. 


The neurorehabilitation center (FIVAN) stands out for the use of the most innovative technology for the treatment of brain damage in children and adults.

DACE- Sevillana Association of Supervening Brain Injury

DACE stands out for defending the interests of those affected by brain damage.

In addition to generating a non-profit activity, it seeks quality intervention for all its users along with constant information and training. 

Francisco de Asís Center for Attention to People with Brain Injury

The Francisco de Asís center (Seville) is characterized by offering a wide variety of rehabilitation programs focused on residential care.

It has a multidisciplinary work team and the collaboration of the Junta de Andalucía, the European Union and the International Aproni Foundation.

IRNeuro- Institute of Neurological Rehabilitation

IRNeuro (Madrid) is another of the centers for interdisciplinary approach to neurological rehabilitation with a social and assistance project.

In addition, it has a blog with a great informative production.

INTEGRA-Brain Damage

Integra (Murcia) is a specialized and comprehensive treatment center for acquired brain damage.

It offers outpatient treatment, adapted to the individual conditions of those affected by a team of young and enterprising professionals..

ASTRANE - Social Health Care in Neurological Disorders

The ASTRANE center (Madrid) offers attention to brain damage through neurological rehabilitation and pedagogical intervention.

In addition, it combines clinical practice with training and dissemination of content about neuroscience and neurorehabilitation..


  1. Cleveland Clinic. (2015). Traumatic Brain Injury. Obtained from Cleveland Clinic.
  2. FEDACE. (2013). People with Acquired Brain Injury in Spain.
  3. García-Molina, A., López-Blázquez, R., García-Rudolph, A., Sánchez-Carrión, R., Enseñat-Cantallops, A., Tormos, J., & Roig-Rovira, T. (2015) . Cognitive rehabilitation in acquired brain damage: variables that mediate the response to treatment. Rehabilitation, 49(3), 144-149.
  4. Huertas-Hoyas, E., Pedrero-Pérez, E., Águila Maturana, A., García López-Alberca, S., & González-Alted, C. (2015). Functionality predictors in acquired brain damage. Neurology, 30(6), 339-346.
  5. WHO. (2014). Neurological Disorders. Obtained from World Health Organization.

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