The 20 Most Famous Seers in History and Today

David Holt

There are famous seers They have stood out for the accuracy or madness of their forecasts and for the seriousness of the events to which they referred. A seer is a person who has the ability to see the future, to guess it, to foresee it. 

In general, psychics work with percentages of correctness in their predictions. A good seer can be fifty or sixty percent correct. That is already considered a very high figure.

Seers live off the trust of their customers. If the confidence is unlimited, it does not matter much if it is correct or not, the person will already suggest himself defending all the predictions of the seer and adapting them to his reality.

The seers have different ways of seeing the future. Some dream and, based on their dreams, with their symbols, make their predictions.

Others have visions while awake, clear visions, with images, which are later interpreted in different ways. Others use objects such as Tarot cards, read hand lines, etc..

List of famous seers


His name cannot be absent when talking about famous seers. His prophecies are still used today to explain the most surprising and terrible facts..

He himself said that he was not a prophet and that he did not guarantee that his famous prophecies would be fulfilled. Some of his visions, which many still hope will come to pass are:

  • Great earthquake in the United States, which will affect other countries.
  • To be parents, you will need permits or licenses that will be granted by the power of attorney. There is no freedom to beget children.
  • People will refuse to pay taxes and there will be a great tribulation.
  • Humans will be able to understand and speak to animals.
  • The world economy will collapse.
  • "The sky will open, the fields will be burned by the heat".
  • Advances in medicine will allow humans to live two hundred years or more.
  • There will be a great eruption of the volcano Vesuvius, in Italy.
  • Differences between languages ​​will disappear, thanks to a machine that will translate everything into a universal language.
  • It also gives a date for the end of the world: the year 3797.

It has multiple defenders who claim that many historical events were predicted by Nostradamus. Among others: the great fire of London; the 2nd World War; the birth and fall of Hitler; the fall of the twin towers in 2001; the passing of Princess Diana, etc..


In Greek mythology, Cassandra was the priestess of Apollo and reached an agreement with him so that he would grant her the gift of prophecy in exchange for a carnal encounter with him..

Cassandra was granted the gift, but she declined his end of the bargain. He rejected the god and he, furious at his betrayal, spat in his mouth. That meant she kept her gift of prophetess, but from then on, no one would believe her anymore..

Knowing the truth but no one believed him was the particular tragedy that Cassandra would suffer forever, the prophetess par excellence.


Seer and futurologist who started in a surprising way: he worked as a weatherman on television and one day he could not remember, live, the forecasts he had read for the next day; had to improvise a forecast and was totally right.

From that day on, he only gave his predictions in this way, improvising, getting many more hits than orthodox meteorologists. Accurately predicted Kennedy's death in 1963.

He made surprising predictions, of which not a single one was fulfilled, since they were only extravagances without any foundation, perhaps a joke that he wanted to play on his followers. Let's see some of them:

  • He said that in 1970 Fidel Castro would be assassinated by a woman.
  • That actress Mae West would be the first female president of the United States.

In 1983 many women would go bald in the city of San Luis due to toxic fumes. Then, a few days after that event, there would be long lines of men in court, asking for the divorce of their bald women.

These and other crazy things, to which more absurd, were expected to happen, at least his thousands of followers. Criswell died before the dates on which his prophecies had to be fulfilled arrived, thus sparing him that embarrassment..

Madam lenormand

Napoleon's seer. Madame Gilbert taught him the divinatory techniques of the Etteilla tarot. Later he set up his own seer cabinet.

In this place he met three famous figures of the French Revolution: Marat, Robespierre and Saint Just, whom he predicted a violent death. This fact made the authorities suspicious of her and she was arrested.

She would be the confidant of Josefina and her personal soothsayer, as well as Napoleon, although the latter had little faith in these soothsayers. After his divorce from Josefina, he passed laws against seers and cartomancy in general..

Joan quigley

President Ronald Reagan's private astrologer. This man would reveal in his memoirs that most of the important decisions he made were carried out in agreement with the astrologer, who always looked to see if the alignment of the planets was correct..

Given the scandal caused by this revelation, Nancy Reagan, two years later, denied that this had been the case, downplaying the figure of Joan.

But Quigley assured that both the press conferences, as well as the take-off times of the presidential plane and many other protocol details, were set according to the predictions of the stars he consulted..


Russian monk who ended up being decisive in world history. A niche was made in the court of the last tsars of Russia, with Nikolai II. His advice and decisions were very taken into account.

He was considered a mystic and had the ability to heal and see the future. The great trust that Tsarina Alejandra Fiódorovna placed in him was due to the fact that he alleviated the illness of his son, Tsarévich Alexis Nikoláyevich, who suffered from hemophilia.

The truth is that the child, after passing through the hands of the "mad monk", improved ostensibly and, from then on, Rasputin (Grigori Yefimovich) would be an important part of the tsar's palaces. He went so far as to appoint senior government officials. A palace conspiracy of several nobles ended his life, but killing him was very difficult.

They came to poison him, but he did not fall. Then they shot him, but he got up and fled, terrifying his murderers, who did not conceive that a man with a lot of poison in his stomach and several bullets in his body could keep walking. They finally captured him and threw him into the Neva River in St. Petersburg. They were not fully convinced of his death.

Edgar cayce

American seer who possessed the ability to answer questions on various topics after entering a hypnotic trance state.

These responses were known as "life readings" and he did them while under hypnosis. At the same time he answered, he guessed the health status of the person who asked him the questions.

He is considered the father of holistic medicine and one of the leading psychics of the 20th century. He practiced "regressions" to past lives, something so fashionable today, but not so much in his time.

He was visited by thousands of people who sought him out to help them with their unsolvable problems of all kinds..

Brahan the seer

His name was Coinneach Oddhar and he was born in the Scottish Hebrides in the 17th century. He was gifted as a clairvoyant, although in reality he always worked as a farmer. He used, for his visions, a stone that he always carried with him.

He made prophecies that were not understood in his time, making him look like a madman, although many of his contemporaries believed what they said..

For example, he went so far as to say: "The day will come when long lines of horseless carts will travel between Dingwall and Inverness and, more surprisingly, between Dingwall and the Isle of Skye." If we think of a railway, it is possible that his visions were quite accurate.


He is the most famous Spanish seer of all time. He has been imitated and is still remembered. His name is actually Rafael Payá Pinilla.

During the Franco era, thanks to his supposed gifts as a seer, he made many useful contacts that would later serve him to appear on television and participate in the horoscopes of magazines and newspapers..

In the 80s Rappel appeared almost daily on some television or radio program. He is also a dressmaker and businessman. For ten years he was head of public relations at the Florida Park nightclub in Madrid.


Seer of ancient Greece. He was the first person to write a selection of nymph-inspired prophecies. In them they told him about the future battles against the Medes and the Persians.

In today's Greece, anyone with divinatory skills or who simply guesses a future event is still called "bakid".

Vasili Memchin

Russian seer from the 14th century who foresaw the coming to power of Peter I the Great. Count Vladimir gave much credit to his extraordinary abilities.

Monk abel

His name was Vasili Vasiliev. He was a Russian peasant who lived from 1757 to 1841. He predicted, well in advance, the deaths of Tsarina Catherine II and Paul I, as well as Russia's war against Napoleon's France..

Wolf messing 

Predicted the fall of the German Third Reich. 


Bulgarian seer who predicted the defeat of Hitler, that Bulgaria would be communist, the death of Stalin. He also came to see that Kennedy would be assassinated, Nixon's election victory.

He said that Gagarin, the famous Russian astronaut who was the first man to leave Earth orbit, was not actually dead but had been abducted by aliens.. 

Shaykh Sharif

Tanzanian boy who had the gift of seeing the future.

Kotanraju Narayana Rao 

Born in 1931, this Indian, an astrologer by profession, predicted the excessive growth of his country, India, the fall of Saddam Hussein at the hands of the Americans, the war in Iraq, the drought that would devastate India in 2002, the earthquake in Gujarate and the fall of the Soviet Union.

Serguey vronski 

Latvian seer who predicted the death of Hitler, the defeat of Germany, the dominance in the world of the yellow race, that there will be a single religion in the future, the instability and misery of Russia for a century, with a flourishing interval of ten years.

René Genon

Mystic of the twentieth century who saw that Atlantis will be found and it will be from that moment when the current civilization will have come to an end.


Transsexual seer who predicted the divorce of Mexican Paulina Rubio. He also predicted that the next pope would be an Ibero-American. He is very successful on Mexican television and deals with horoscopes. His nickname, Mhoni, derives from the English word "money"..

As she herself has related, her psychic powers come from a lightning strike that struck her in Cuba in 1989. She is not very correct in her predictions, but having become a famous figure in the mass media, people pay more attention to their successes than to their failures, as it usually happens.

Montse Anglada

Spanish seer who, after a trip to Egypt, claims to have received the strength of Sekhmet and, through that energy, can heal evil eyes, envy and other negative energies. She can be seen in early morning programs receiving calls and inquiries.

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