For many years I have been practicing a Chinese martial art known as TAI CHI CHUAN whose literal translation is "empty hand" (fist) of the "fundamental principle" (ultimate supreme absolute) which is an internal style of martial art that consists of a series of circular and harmonic movements that are performed slowly, fluidly and with a high level of concentration in the body, as well as in the space that surrounds it and in the time that passes when executing the movements.
Taichi Chuan is based on the dualistic concept of Chinese philosophy, I-Ching, according to which the universal forces Yin and Yang are united and in constant interaction, thus originating all things and beings that exist, under a dynamic conception of the movement and creation.
The main benefits of practicing Taichi are the internal energy balance, better stress management, the feeling of relaxation and tranquility, the recovery of physical and mental energy, the strengthening of the immune system, the perception of being in a moving meditation, spiritual development, as well as the learning of techniques of Self Defense.
I want to talk to you about how what I have learned in Tai Chi Chuan during all these years has served me as a psychologist and coach, as well as in my daily life..
The art of being "Warrior of Life" it is based on having a strategy. All of us must follow the path that our inclinations indicate and mark us.
There is not a single path, there are hundreds. However, the path of the warrior of life It is the path of strategy and there are those who believe that learning the arts of strategy is useless in the face of a changing and overwhelming reality. The true science of martial arts involves practicing them in any circumstance and passing them on to others. From teacher to disciple.
Every warrior must follow his path and make life his "dojo or tatami", which is the "place where the roads meet", a space where martial arts are practiced..
To begin on that path, the warrior has to know the great and the small, the true, the superficial and the deep. This is the Earth way.
The second way is the Water Way, because that's how our spirit should be. Water takes the shape of the container that contains it; it can be a stormy sea or a faint waterfall. The greatest things can be accomplished by doing the smallest; so do those who follow the path of strategy. If a small part is known, thousands of important things will be known.
The third Path is that of Fire. Fire has a wild spirit, regardless of whether it is big or small. The big is easy to discover, not so with the small. It is important to reflect on this, you must learn the value of constantly practicing making decisions quickly. It is vital in the path of the strategist that there is permanent training to ensure that the spirit remains unchanged, no matter how difficult the situation that must be faced..
The Way of the Wind it is the fourth way. The wind gives an account of the traditions, of our ancestors. It is important to know others and then to know yourself. It is not enough to practice every day, the spirit must accompany our actions so as not to fall into the error of believing that we are on the true path, without it being the case. This type of confusion can lead to other major.
The fifth way is the Path of the Void. The void is that which has no beginning or end. His teaching focuses on observing and not observing, on acting naturally, on following the natural rhythm of things, flowing with them, in order to be in harmony with nature..
Each thing has its own rhythm. The warrior will only reach the exact rhythm of the strategy with great dedication and an intense degree of training. Rhythm and cadence are fundamental on the Way of martial arts. Even in the void there is rhythm.
Throughout his life, the warrior follows a rhythm in each act he performs. Everything has an ascending or descending cadence and it is important that one can be differentiated from the other. In this way, there are different rhythms in the strategy, and it is essential to reflect on them..
The rhythm can be harmonic or not, there is one appropriate and one inappropriate, one fast and one slow. Each warrior must find his own rhythm and understand what allows him to advance and what stops him on his way. To know this is to understand what is the heart of the road.
Recognizing what rhythm is blocking us is essential to achieve the true value of the strategy.
The warrior will learn to defeat his enemy when he finds the rhythm that is born from the Void.
Now I am going to name the principles of the path that must be followed by those who wish to learn the art of Strategy..
It is important to embed these principles at heart and exercise the Way of Strategy. You have to internalize and carry them out so as not to know defeat, even if you face many enemies that constantly lurk.
Only if you assume to follow the heart way, and you practice it seriously and without rest, you will win in the battles of life. We must train to achieve control of our being.
The Path of Strategy is the one that directs the spirit to victory, and it is the one that allows our own transformation and helps to achieve honor..
I want to end with these words: "Does this path have a heart? If you have, the road is good; if not, it is useless. Neither path leads anywhere, but one has a heart and the other doesn't. One makes the journey joyful; as long as you follow him, you are one with him. The other one will make you curse your life. One makes you strong; the other weakens you ". Carlos Castaneda.
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