The 9 most prominent colors that start with F

David Holt
The 9 most prominent colors that start with F

The most popular colors that begin with the letter F with Fuchsia, Strawberry and Raspberry and the color Flamenco.

Even so, there are many other colors that begin with the letter F that we will see in the following list. As with many other colors, here we will find examples of colors that get their name from elements of nature, such as animals, fruits or foods.

We are going to see in detail these 9 colors and the HEX, RGB and CMYK codes that are necessary to obtain them..

Most popular colors with the F

1. Fuchsia Color

The Fuchsia Color or also called Magenta color is probably the best known of all the colors that begin with the letter F. It is a pink with great intensity and hue that is often used for aesthetic reasons.

It gets its name from an artificial dye called Fuchsin that when applied to wool and silk gave them a name similar to that of fuchsia flowers. The name was later changed to Magenta in commemoration of the blood red color of the battle of Magenta..

The Fuchsia color has the following values:

  • RGB: 255 0 255
  • CMYK: 0 100 0 0
  • HEX: # ff00ff

2. Feldgrau color

The Feldgrau color is also called "Field Gray". It is the official color for German soldiers' costumes for most of the 20th century. As we mentioned, the Feldgrau is a dark gray color with greenish tones..

The Feldgrau color is obtained from the following values:

  • RGB: 77 93 83
  • CMYK: 17 0 11 64
  • HEX: # 4d5d53

3. Fire Color

The tan color is an intense orange with a high saturation and luminosity. Fire is an element that has a wide spectrum of colors ranging from yellows and oranges to even some blues. This range of shades depends on the light and the temperature. However, there is a certain international convention in representing fire with the color orange that we have highlighted here..

The Fire color is a mixture of the following values:

  • RGB: 255 57 13
  • CMYK: 0 78 95 0
  • HEX: # ff390d

4. Ferrari color

Surely you can imagine where the name of this curious color comes from. Exactly, it is about the well-known car brand. The Ferrari color is halfway between red and orange and is the symbol and distinctive color of the legendary Italian bodywork..

The Ferrari color is a combination of the following values:

  • RGB: 255 40 0
  • CMYK: 0 84 100 0
  • HEX: # ff2800

5. Raspberry Color

Another color from elements of nature is red with purple hues and a lot of saturation. Obviously gets its name from the tasty fruit.

As a curiosity we can also highlight that the Raspberry color is the most typical of the Cossack flags.

The Raspberry color has the following values:

  • RGB: 229 27 79
  • CMYK: 0 79 59 10
  • HEX: # e51b4f

6. Color Fandango

The Fandango color is a lilac or violet with a high saturation and medium luminosity. It is also known as the color purple.

This color is obtained from the following values:

  • RGB: 183 52 136
  • CMYK: 0 51 18 28
  • HEX: # d6d5d0

7. Flan Color

The color Flan is a light brown almost yellowish that gets its name from the coloring of the famous dessert. This color has become a trend in recent years to bring warmth and comfort to indoor environments..

The Flan color is mixed with the following values:

  • RGB: 243 212 174
  • CMYK: 0 12 27 5
  • HEX: # d6d5d0

8. Flamenco Color

The Flamenco color is a very light pink with little luminosity. Its name is given by the well-known pink flamingos that can be found in the vicinity of the salty lagoons. It is a very versatile and popular color for bold and eye-catching designs..

The Flamenco color has the following values:

  • RGB: 255 199 201
  • CMYK: 0 22 21 0
  • HEX: # ffc7c9

9. Strawberry Color

After Fuchsia, probably if you have to think of a color that starts with F, the first color that comes to mind is Strawberry. It is an intense pink color that gets its name from the resemblance of the famous fruit.

The Strawberry color is well known and has the following values:

  • RGB: 255 42 91
  • CMYK: 0 84 64 0
  • HEX: # ff2a5b

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