The psychological disorders in adolescence They are common and early detection is a great advantage in preventing them from advancing into adulthood. Mental disorders or psychological problems are characterized by changes in mood, thinking and behavior, or some combination of them.
They can cause a person's discomfort or a decrease in their quality of life and in their ability to function properly physically, mentally, and socially. More than half of all mental disorders and addictions begin at the age of 14 and 3 out of 4 begin at the age of 24.
It is difficult to estimate the number of adolescents who have a psychological disorder for several reasons:
Some of the mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders that can occur during adolescence and childhood are described below. Each of them can have a great impact on the general health of the person.
Anxiety disorders are the most common in adolescence.
Adolescents with these disorders experience excessive worry or fear that interferes with their daily life.
They include:
Major depression can occur in both adolescence and childhood.
Some teens who have depression may not value their lives and can lead to suicide.
In this disorder there are changes in:
Bipolar disorder is characterized by exaggerated mood swings between depression and mania (high arousal).
Between both extremes, periods of moderate arousal may occur.
During a period of mania, the adolescent may not stop moving, sleep, talk, or show lack of self-control..
Without a doubt, ADHD has been overdiagnosed in recent years. Currently, it is believed to occur in 5% of adolescents.
An adolescent with hyperactivity lacks attention span, is impulsive, and is easily distracted.
Learning disorders affect the adolescent's ability to receive or express information.
These difficulties can be shown with problems in writing, language, coordination, attention or self-control..
This disorder is characterized by the behavior of adolescents in an impulsive and destructive way.
Adolescents with these disorders may violate the rights of others and the rules of society.
Anorexia nervosa affects about 1% of adolescent girls and fewer boys.
This disorder can seriously affect eating and it is important to treat it promptly and by a professional.
Adolescents with bulimia vary from 1-3% of the population and, as in anorexia, try to prevent weight gain, although in this case by vomiting, using laxatives or exercising obsessively.
Schizophrenia usually begins in the late teens or early adulthood.
It can be a devastating disorder with very negative consequences for well-being and quality of life.
Adolescents with psychotic periods may have hallucinations, withdraw or lose contact with reality, among other symptoms.
Suicide can also occur in adolescents and in 90% of cases there is a mental disorder.
It is advisable to be alert to those worthy of depression and especially teachers prevent school bullying.
Everyone experiences mood swings. However, in adolescents this trend is more marked.
In a short space of time they can go from feeling excited to being anxious or irritable.
Due to the hormonal and brain changes that occur in this vital period, there are those constant ups and downs.
However, psychological disorders can cause excessive emotional reactions or have negative consequences in social and personal life.
These symptoms are not always obvious, although parents, teachers, and other authority figures should be on the lookout for any signs..
Some red flags are:
It can be difficult to distinguish between normal changes in a teenager and symptoms of mental illness..
If your child shows one or more of these changes and it has an impact on his life, it is best to speak with them and seek a professional to better evaluate the case and provide possible treatment.
The consequences can be short or long term.
In fact, most mental disorders that are diagnosed in adults begin in adolescence, although other disorders that occur in adolescence can decrease in adulthood if they are treated..
They are often associated with consequences such as:
Mental disorders can be successfully treated and the earlier they are detected and treated, the more likely there is to be a cure.
The type of treatment that works best for an adolescent depends on the adolescent's needs.
There are different options:
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