Men who collaborate more at home have less sex

Simon Doyle
Men who collaborate more at home have less sex

The results of a North American study called “Equality, household chores and sexual frequency in marriage ”.

This study states that the men who help the most with household chores traditionally attributed to women have a lower frequency of sexual intercourse in front of other men whose role at home is limited to household repairs or arrangements.

I wanted to highlight the word "traditionally" so that my comment is not branded as macho. No one, not even the most feminist person in the world, can deny that certain tasks such as ironing, shopping or cooking, have been traditionally attributed to women.

Today, luckily, things begin to be different and there is a greater distribution of tasks. Without going any further in my house, I am the one who does the shopping and cooks.

Continuing with the study, the researchers highlight the importance of gender roles in the sexual frequency of the marriage. The data have been obtained from the National Survey on Families. The data from this survey made it possible to cross the figures of the number of sexual contacts per month and the number of hours of male collaboration at home.

Taking as average a division of tasks of a 35% for men and 65% for women, the number of sexual intercourse is established in 4.1 per month. From here, an inverse relationship occurs: as the percentage of male collaboration in the home increases, the number of sexual relationships decreases.

For example, if the division were totally equitable with a 50% collaboration for each, the number of sexual contacts per month would drop to about 3.7.

The following graph shows this trend:


The results suggest that people have a kind of preset sex script unconsciously. For this script to be activated, it is important that both men and women behave in accordance with their traditional roles (and I re-emphasize the traditional word).

That is, a woman will be more attracted to seeing her husband fix a door rather than seeing him iron it. This attraction will lead to sexual desire and ultimately sexual activity..

However, the researchers issue a warning for those men who see all this as an excuse to help even less at home. The aim of the study was not to identify the degree of satisfaction of women with their marriages. Without a doubt this variable is also very important. Helping at home strengthens cohesion and trust in the couple.

From my point of view I think that over the years these results will have less and less validity. That is, there will be greater equality in the couple and new marriages will have forgotten "the classic way" of seeing the other member of the couple attractive..

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