The learning rhythms they refer to the time it may take a person to acquire knowledge. This chronological period, in which someone reaches a certain level of discernment, is directly related to the cognitive and physical capacity that an individual may have..
According to the doctor of psychology, Luis Bravo Valdivieso, we can distribute the learning rhythms in three groups; toslow, moderate and fast learning.
The slow learning pace is characterized by being slower than the common average. In this section, there are disadvantages to be able to store knowledge and evoke it once acquired.
To the aforementioned is added the difficulty processing auditory stimuli, delaying response to them.
This factor tends to intensify when viewed from a collective perspective. In the first place, their understanding with classmates will be precarious, as will their communication with the teacher. This would result in your motivation decreases over time.
It is common to observe that those classmates who take longer than usual to graduate from ESO, high school or high school, have only received little personalized attention from their teachers, and they are not to blame, it is not easy to attend one population of so many students.
To understand this, we can place ourselves in the position of a mother. Despite loving your child and wanting to be an exemplary mother, living conditions can be complicated after having a baby. Imagine now that it is not only one, but three, the situation would become exponentially more complicated.
The person who is in this category, are within the average standard of students with a "normal" learning rate. The acquisition of knowledge, concentration and the ability to cope with the environment are adequate.
We can classify these individuals as scientists, as Piaget well mentioned in his theory, only that in this case it is maintained for the rest of life and is exclusively linked to infantile cognition..
Those who have a moderate learning pace usually put concepts that have previously been studied or analyzed to the test. From this point of view, there is a greater chance of success in any activity you intend to do.
Living totally concentrated in the present is a characteristic of people with a fast learning pace. This is one of the wonders that allows us to have certain characteristics of concrete thinking.
Those with a fast learning pace can excel in a multitude of activities. However, it should be noted that we will not always learn quickly in the same tasks or occupations.
In the classical educational system, it has been observed that individual or retail needs are not fully understood by teachers. This results in that the student whose learning pace is more parsimonious, is neglected..
It is not a secret that we are all different, even it has been shown that even homozygous twins are not completely alike. Although in all their human potential there are homogeneous characteristics, they have variables in tastes or personality.
It is essential to understand this point, to know why some people show interest and skills in certain environments or learning environments.
There is currently a learner-centered approach, in this case, the acquisition of knowledge by the student becomes the teacher's most important task. That is, the education professional has to commit to the student learning.
Specialists in the subject consider that with this learning method, the student can be kept motivated, fostering concentration on academic issues..
The result of feeling motivated? ... Easy, awakening interest or curiosity towards knowledge, apart from encouraging abstract or creative thinking.
When teaching materials are combined, in conjunction with pedagogical strategies, the probability rate for the acquisition of new knowledge and compliance with rules is increased..
The personalized education model is not practical enough for public educational organizations, due to the high enrollment of students that they commonly handle..
Commonly, a teacher tends to have under his or her tutelage a considerable number of young people who are not necessarily entirely convinced that school is a “cool” place. It is there where all teachers must inspire curiosity and interest in what they want to teach..
The neuroeducation addresses this matter. Its postulates explain that we all have the same ability to learn, only that not all of us are excited or stimulated in the same way.
Our emotional center is a primary conditioner of our considerations or logical arguments, that is why stories awaken some internal sensation in us and make us act based on what we previously felt..
That is, we do not give money to a street child just because he is a child, but because perhaps we wonder if he has a family or we imagine ourselves or our children, going through those same living conditions.
In case we were going through the aforementioned conditions, of course we would love for someone to help us solve our food or housing conditions.
Well, it turns out that all of them arouse emotion. Those who listen and support them, in some way feel emotionally identified with those words, doing everything that is asked of them or thinking what they are persuaded to do..
In the same way, the education. That is, if ways to emotionally involve students are not sought first, the pre-established academic objectives will not be achieved..
Quino said it well "Educating is more difficult than teaching, because to teach you need to know, but to educate you need to be"
Therefore, to encourage study and understand those who have a slow learning pace, we must BE empathetic, funny and creative.
We will achieve much more with this strategy, than in more than 300 years of scolding, punishment or negative reinforcers.
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