Mangosteen properties for health

Philip Kelley

The properties and benefits of mangosteen for health are multiple: it is a powerful anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, improves the condition of the skin, protects the immune system, prevents diarrhea, regulates sugar, helps to lose weight, reduces cholesterol and others that I will explain below..

The mangosteen, with a scientific name Garcinia mangostana, It is a tropical evergreen tree native to the Sunda Islands and the Moluccas of Indonesia. It grows mainly in Southeast Asia, Southwest India, and other tropical areas such as Puerto Rico and Florida. The tree grows from 6 to 25 meters tall and its fruit is sweet, spicy, and juicy, with fluid-filled vesicles..

Dr. J. Frederic Templeman himself, a Board Certified Primary Care Professional for the United States and Canada states that “mangosteen provides powerful support for all systems and organs in the human body. I am convinced that this fruit will be, without a doubt, one of the best nutritional supplements forever ".

While on the other hand, Sam Walters, a medical specialist who in his curriculum shows experience in places like NASA, explains that "mangosteen provides enormous benefits for health and for all the organs of our body".

Definition and composition of the mangosteen


We talk about the mangosteen or Garcinia mangosteen to refer to the perennial tree typical of tropical areas of Asia, especially Indonesia. This tree can measure from 7 to 25 meters in height. It has an oval elliptical shape, covered with thick green foliage.

Now, its fruit is purple, turning red when it reaches maturity with an oval shape similar to that of a peach..

Inside is what is known as "meat", which has a taste between sour and sweet and a white color that can sometimes be reminiscent of garlic cloves..


The composition of mangosteen stands out especially for its high amounts of Vitamin C - of which we find 12% per 100 grams - and xanthones.

It also contains other types of nutrients such as large amounts of vitamin B, hydroxycitric acid, antioxidants and minerals such as copper, magnesium, manganese or potassium, as well as abundant percentages of fiber..

Benefits and properties of mangosteen

1- Powerful anti-inflammatory

Its use against inflammatory agents has spread throughout history thanks to the high levels of xanthones it has.

Experts such as Doctor Ragel Torres Collado, President of the Spanish Association of Naturopathic Physicians and Director of the Master of Naturopathic Medicine, Acupuncture and Homeopathy at the University of Valencia, defends mangosteen against other types of anti-inflammatories:

"Chemical anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen are being questioned, for all the side effects they have".

Anti-inflammation improves breathing, among other things, while helping people with reduced mobility.

2- Powerful antiallergic

According to a scientific study, eating mangosteen has been proven to combat allergies. As in its anti-inflammatory function, here it is the inhibition of histamine and prostaglandin that causes the suffered allergies not to reach more.

The reason is because certain substances called alpha - mangosteen and gamma - mangosteen can be found, which inhibits the release of histamine and the synthesis of prostaglandin E2 (which causes inflammation to be fought)..

3- Improves the quality of the skin

Its potential when it comes to keeping us rejuvenated has to do with its property as an antioxidant. This is due to the amount of xanthomas - especially alphaxanthones - that it has in its composition..

Its effects include a better appearance of the skin, reduction of inflammation and eczema or reducing the symptoms of various allergies and infections..

In addition, here we can point out that mangosteen is effective when it comes to fighting skin cancer, thanks to the fight of antioxidants against free radicals.

4- Protects our immune system

Mangosteen manages to strengthen our body against different infections and immunological problems due to its high content of minerals, vitamins or xanthones..

5- Prevents and improves diarrhea and dysentery

Thanks to the nutrients in its peel, we can improve and cope with this type of disease.

For diarrhea, the ideal would be to get a decoction of the bark. On the other hand, the peel can be used in the form of a dry powder, to treat dysentery..

6- Helps to lose weight

The mangosteen has different types of beneficial nutrients for our body and a low caloric content, which together with a correct diet and physical exercise helps to lose weight.

Without going much further, this type of fruit only gives us a total of 63 calories per 100 grams, without forgetting that it is not accompanied by any type of saturated fat or cholesterol.

As for fiber, it should be noted that for every 100 grams of mangosteen, 13% is fiber.

7- Regulate the sugar

Its regulatory function makes our blood sugar and glucose levels drop, reducing the chances of suffering from type 2 diabetes.

8- Protector against menstrual pain

In this property, not the fruit itself is important, but the roots of the tree itself, since the root of this plant regulates the woman's menstrual cycle, thus avoiding unnecessary pain and other types of irregularities..

9- cardioprotective property

Strokes or heart attacks will be a more bearable fear with the intake of mangosteen.  

The amounts of magnesium, manganese and copper in this fruit make it ideal to deal with heart or cerebrovascular diseases.

A group of scientists discovered that in effect, the intake of this type of fruit activates our defenses and against lipid peroxidation.

10- Lower cholesterol

Cholesterol levels will be reduced due to the hydroxycitric acid that mangosteen contains in its composition. These prevent the appearance of high cholesterol levels, especially in people of advanced ages.

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