Maqui 15 properties and nutritional composition

Alexander Pearson

The maqui It is an arboreal plant native to Chile and typical of the southern regions of Argentina and other countries of the Pacific area in Latin America. It can also be found in the tropics of Asia and Australia.

It is a green tree that is between 3 and 4 meters high and has long and abundant branches. It belongs to the family of elaeocarp. Its flowers are small and can be of various colors. Its fruit, also called maqui, is a black berry with a flavor similar to that of blackberries and can be consumed as fresh or dried fruit..


Among the most important properties of maqui we find its ability to prevent cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, its compatibility with people with diabetes or the protection it exerts on neurons.

In addition, the maqui (Aristotelia chilensis) is an antioxidant plant that serves to heal wounds, to prevent infections, to relieve inflammation or to alleviate the symptoms associated with gastrointestinal disorders, as well as to treat other health problems.

Before the Spanish colonization in America, the maqui was already consumed by the Mapuche people. This culture believed that the maqui was a sacred species due to its important positive effects on health..

It is a very complete plant, since from it, not only the fruit is used, but also the leaves. These are also edible and can be eaten in salads. Another way to prepare them is in infusions. This is the way that Chilean medicine has traditionally used.

For centuries it has been thought that the maqui plant is very useful for health problems. Its leaves have always been used to heal wounds or relieve a sore throat. Due to its numerous nutritional and antioxidant properties, this plant is commonly used as a dietary supplement.

Maqui is considered a nutraceutical food, since in addition to its nutritional value, it has other beneficial effects for human health.

Properties of maqui for health

1- It has great antioxidant properties

Chilean maqui. Morrana [CC BY-SA (]

Maqui contains the amount of daily consumption of antioxidants recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). It is one of the fruits with the highest antioxidant capacity, a capacity that is measured based on its ORAC rating (oxygen radical absorbance capacity).

A study published in the journal Food Chemistry in 2008 showed, through a methanol extract from this fruit, that it can be used as an antioxidant, cardioprotective and nutritional source.

Its antioxidant capacity is due to its richness in phenolic components, which help to avoid the oxide of fats, protecting cells from the damaging activity caused by free radicals. Consuming antioxidant products is very important to avoid future infections.

2- Prevents cardiovascular diseases

The ability of maqui to combat oxidative stress in cells, makes it a guarantee to avoid heart disease.

In the study that I cited above, it was verified with animals that the methanol extract of the ripe maqui fruits, prevented the damages of the heart in processes of change of rhythm in the blood flow.

3- It is a good complement for people with diabetes

The antioxidant properties of food also serve to fight diseases such as diabetes.

In the case of maqui, anthocyanidins play a fundamental role. These substances, belonging to the group of flavonoids, accelerate the absorption of glucose in the blood and improve the body's tolerance to sugars.

4- It has anti-inflammatory properties

Leaves with maqui. Dick Culbert from Gibsons, B.C., Canada [CC BY (]

In addition to the nutritional values ​​that maqui has, it also has other substances beneficial to health, including phytochemicals.

An article from 2010, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, states that the phytochemicals present in maqui limit the formation of adipocytes, cells where fat accumulates. In addition, the phytochemicals present in maqui stop the inflammation processes..

5- It is a good complement to combat some sexually transmitted diseases

Among its many beneficial effects, are the properties of maqui to fight viruses.

In November 1993, a study was published in the journal Phytotherapy Research on the antiviral effects of maqui. In this research it was shown that the bioactive components of this fruit were used to combat diseases such as genital herpes caused by the HSV 2 virus.

However, it was not possible to show its efficacy with the human immunodeficiency virus or HIV, which causes the AIDS disease (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)..

6- Reduce cholesterol

In addition to reducing oxidative stress in the body, maqui has been shown to be efficient in eliminating unnecessary fats from the body, as well as low-density lipoprotein or LDL cholesterol, the "bad" cholesterol..

In 2015, a group of researchers published a study in the Journal of the American College conducted with healthy, overweight, smoking adults who were given maqui extract, three times over four weeks.

Finally, the ability of this fruit to combat cholesterol was demonstrated, due to its high content of anthocyanidins.

7- It is a good remedy against dry eyes

The scientific name of maqui is Aristotelia chilensis. Denis.prévôt [CC BY-SA (]

Dry eyes is a problem that affects a large part of the world population and that is becoming more and more common due to some of the causes that cause it. Although, the lack of hydration of the eye can be due to age or hormonal changes, more and more people suffer from it due to external factors such as staring at the screens for an excessive time.

Several studies have shown that maqui extract increases tear production, fighting oxidative stress in the lacrimal glands. As a result, more and more eye drops and solutions contain maqui extract to combat dry eye symptoms..

8- Protects the skin from ultraviolet rays

The anthocyanins present in red fruits, such as maqui berry, due to their antioxidant properties, are increasingly used in cosmetic products, especially those intended to prevent skin aging.

These substances protect the skin from exposure to UVA rays and prevent premature aging of skin cells, caused by continued exposure to the Sun..

The consumption of maqui and other foods with antioxidant properties, as well as being responsible when exposing yourself to the Sun, can prevent other more serious diseases, such as skin cancer.

9- It is analgesic

Mapuche Indians already used maqui leaves therapeutically to alleviate pain processes. These customs have been inherited by traditional Chilean medicine, but the efficacy of maqui to combat pain is scientifically proven?

A study published in 2011 in the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, demonstrates the effectiveness of this plant to treat pain, as well as inflammations, of which I spoke before. Its effectiveness is due to methanol and alkaloids present in the leaves of the plant.

10- Prevents some types of cancer

Aristotelia chilensis flowers. Gagea [CC BY-SA (]

The antioxidants present in maqui are good to prevent diseases such as cancer.

In 1976, in a study, 519 samples of this Chilean plant were analyzed. Of these 156 extracts, gave indications of having anticancer activity, although this effect was only confirmed in 14 of the samples, of the 519 that were initially.

In addition, an investigation from 2011, published in the Latin American and Caribbean Bulletin of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, verified the effects of maqui juice on cells infected by colon cancer. After the experiments, it was concluded that this fruit was effective in anticancer activity.

11- It helps you lose weight

As I have said before, among the benefits of maqui, are that of helping to control the levels of fat and sugars in the blood.

By slowing down the absorption of sugar by the blood, the body produces more energy, preventing the formation of more fat in the body.

The consumption of this product, accompanied by a healthy and balanced diet and daily exercise, can help you lose weight.

12- Stimulate your defenses

The antioxidant properties of maqui help strengthen the immune system.

In addition, to collaborate with the defenses in the fight against diseases, the polyphenols present in the maqui protect the healthy cells of the organism.

13- Protects neurons

Fruits of the maqui. Denis.prévôt [CC BY-SA (]

The maqui, as I explained previously, is rich in polyphenols, bioactive substances that give it antioxidant properties. Some properties, which by preventing the aging of cells, fight the appearance of diseases as serious as Alzheimer's.

A research article from 2012 focuses on the properties that maqui has to combat this neurodegenerative disease. According to the study, published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, Maqui extract has a fundamental neuroprotective function when treating Alzheimer's.

This work of protection of the neural network is carried out through a direct interaction with beta-amyloid molecules, the main components of senile plaques that cause Alzheimer's.

14- It is advisable for people who suffer from respiratory disorders

Researchers from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile carried out an experiment in 2015 with non-habitual smokers (approximately 3 packs of tobacco per year) in which their respiration was analyzed, before and after starting a treatment with extract of maqui. Consumption of maqui was shown to improve lung respiration due to anthocyanidins.

Before this study, there were experiments with animals that showed that the antioxidant substances present in some vegetables improve lung damage.

15- It is astringent

Traditional medicine already used maqui to combat gastrointestinal conditions such as diarrhea.

Its effectiveness in combating this digestive disorder is due to the fact that maqui, like other plants, has organic substances called tannins. These particles have astringent properties and make maqui an ideal product to consume when suffering from diarrhea..

In addition to treating gastroenteritis, traditional medicine has used maqui to relieve the symptoms of other digestive disorders such as gastritis or ulcers..

Nutritional composition of maqui

The journal of the Chilean Pharmacology Society published in 2012 a review article on maqui and its nutritional and medicinal properties.

This article collects the following nutritional values ​​for every 100 g of maqui fruits:

Maqui also contains a high percentage of Vitamin C and trace elements, among which Bromine, Zinc, Chlorine, Cobalt, Chromium, Vanadium, Titanium and Molybdenum stand out..

Ways to prepare the maqui according to traditional medicine

Infusion for diarrhea

Boil 10 grams of fresh fruits in a liter of water. Cover and let stand for 5 minutes.

Recommended dose: It is advisable to drink two cups a day for three days.

Infusion for sore throats and other oral infections

Place 10 grams of fresh parts or 5 grams of dry parts of the plant, usually flowers, in a liter of water about to boil. Once cooled, filter the infusion.

Recommended dose: It is advisable to drink three cups a day for a week.

Infusion for stomach ailments such as ulcers or gastritis

Add one liter of water to 15 grams of fresh or dried leaves. Let stand 5 minutes and filter.

Ointment for the treatment of skin conditions

Crush 30 grams of fresh fruits in the mortar, add base cream and 50 grams of beeswax. Mix everything and heat in a bain-marie for 30 minutes over low heat.

In addition, to heal external wounds it is recommended to crush 20 grams of dry leaves and apply them twice a day. 


  1. Céspedes, C. L., El-Hafidi, M., Pavon, N., & Alarcon, J. (2008). Antioxidant and cardioprotective activities of phenolic extracts from fruits of Chilean blackberry Aristotelia chilensis (Elaeocarpaceae), Maqui. Food Chemistry, 107 (2), 820-829. 
  2. Pacheco, P., Sierra, J., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G., Potter, C. W., Jones, B. M., & Moshref, M. (1993). Antiviral activity of Chilean medicinal plant extracts. Phytotherapy Research, 7 (6), 415-418. 
  3. Bhakuni DS, Bittner M, Marticorena C, Silva M, Weldt E, Hoeneisen M. (1976). Screening of Chilean plants for cancer activity. I., Lloydia, 39 (4), 225-243.

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