Micropoems to see life from a different perspective

Philip Kelley
Micropoems to see life from a different perspective

What's behind a book like this? because according to the very author Jordi Solis, his source of inspiration was loneliness, the inability to relate to others, the toxic people around him, the heartbreak and unhealed wounds, all of which kept him mired in a life devoid of meaning.

All these feelings finally managed to surface thanks to his will to survive, as Solis himself calls it.. The words began to flow and the author did not miss the opportunity to put them on paper in such an intelligent way, which will surely be of help to so many others in similar situations.

Little reflections and micro poems

Jordi divided his book tell me who's wrong with you into three very well differentiated sections, in all of them there is some micropoetry and some reflections.

The first deals with romantic relationships, love and heartbreak. The second is about lived experiences and emotions, and the third is about reflections and short stories related to aspects of life..

There are people who pass through our lives and leave traces for better or for worse, this is part of what Jordi reflects in his work; tries to tell us how there are people who at certain times go through our lives and manage to move our emotions, how we relate to them and without us noticing, they make us grow as human beings or fill us with negative feelings and drag us into the dark, a vicious circle from which it is not easy to get out.

But the author had the insight to notice that something was wrong, since he was not able to recognize his reflection in the mirror and was unable to relate to his friends.

There was a need to get all that out from within and he found it in words, a means to vent, to express his emotions and to tell his experiences and what it is like to see life from his perspective.

A title that says a lot

When we detail the title, We can already see that it is about those who are being protagonists or a special part of our lives, people who in one way or another come to change our way of seeing things or at least try to do so, which can affect us in different ways.

And when we read the texts it is indeed like that, but there is more, since the author shows us his intelligent and acute way of perceiving things, especially the details that make the difference and gives us reason to reflect on the way we behave with others.

A book for those who are hurt

Among so many reflections and micropoems, one glimpses the need to help those who suffer and seek relief from their spite between songs, who are falling without being able to stop, and who can achieve in the texts the necessary strength to survive.

Micropoems for women

Only a being as especially sensitive as women has the ability to see and understand the small details that life shows us and that are so important, those things that Solis exposes in his book, tell me who's wrong with you, through the micropoems that are made especially for them.

Solis an author full of sensitivity

Of that there is no doubt, because what is evident in the book is that he has the gift of being able to look at things in a very special and very own way, which he has captured in the texts in such a way that it allows us to look at them almost as He sees them, and reminds us that in effect we let life go by without dwelling on the things that really add value to us and that can make us change for the better..

Everything that surrounds us has a reason for being, everything, and Jordi makes us see the importance of evaluating each detail seen from his own perspective, combined with words that deep down have a meaning beyond what you perceive with the first reading and that when we manage to find the underlying message, we closer and closer to the author.

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