Mindfulness to relieve stress quickly

Basil Manning
Mindfulness to relieve stress quickly

We believe that people are capable of doing several things at the same time, we drive while talking on the mobile phone, we have a conversation while listening to the television news, we make a report and at the same time we listen to our partner, and much more. But are we really capable of that?

Careful! Our brain gets stressed

Our brain must deal with a lot of information. We force you to be able to process all incoming information through our senses and also to process it effectively. But our brain cannot. It constantly suffers a crisis and consequently, the capacity of the attention. That is, we become less productive.

The Stanford university conducted a study from subjects multitask and their conclusions were that indeed, we are less productive due to the amount of information that our brain must process and this makes us more prone to mistakes.

On the other hand, it is important to bear in mind that the functioning of our brain in terms of information processing is linear and therefore, if we perform multiple tasks, our brain will spend a few seconds each targeting of information thus causing there to be unprocessed information. In other words, our brain makes small leaps in all that information: first "phone call", then "conversation with the partner" and again to the "phone call".

When we force our brain to be multitask, action impossible to perform, we promote the stress, anxiety, and multiple psychopathological symptoms that makes life much more difficult.

Multitasking society

Unfortunately, our society lives under constant stress. We have been told that we are capable of multitask, But it has not been explained to us that we will be less productive causing more problems to achieve our goals or objectives, without forgetting that our interpersonal relationships will be disturbed. We are less and less able to focus on the full attention. It becomes difficult for us and when we try, our brain begins to work to offer us thoughts about our obligations, concerns and feelings.

Mindfulness as a solution

It is important to remedy. If we do, we will improve the quality of life and our emotional well-being and for this there are multiple techniques in psychotherapy that will help us to be able to live in the present, to focus on what we do or what is the same, to be able to develop and promote full attention.

One of these techniques is found in the Mindfulness. Thanks to Mindfulness, we will be able to visualize what we do, reduce stress and anxiety levels, but above all, to be more productive, more communicative and more perceptive.

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