Nootropics, do they really improve brain performance?

Alexander Pearson
Nootropics, do they really improve brain performance?

The sciences that study human behavior and mental processes are immersed in a profound change in mentality.

Years ago, psychology and neurosciences focused on the diagnosis and treatment of different mental and behavioral disorders, but for a decade it has been turning towards other lines of study and intervention that pursue goals such as the development of the potential of the human being, for example in their cognitive performance.

Nootropics are the result of research and tests in this area. These are psychotropic drugs and supplements designed to improve the performance of our brain.

Some types of nootropics can only be purchased by prescription from pharmacies. However, these are a minority and only in cases where they incorporate some type of pharmacological substance. But, as I have mentioned, the vast majority of nootropics are freely marketed and can be purchased at any online pharmacy, since they do not contain problematic components..

Of course, few ideas can be that interesting: nootropics could increase our cognitive abilities with the simple gesture of swallowing a pill. The questions arise when it comes time to unravel how exactly nootropics work, what effects (positive and negative) they can cause us and what is the current state of scientific studies that try to know all these questions. In this post I will try to answer, as far as possible, these questions.

Nootropics: a rough definition

It is still very difficult to define exactly the concept of nootropic. In fact, as nootropics are still being studied and reviewed, it is not surprising that the scientific community does not know how to classify them. It is a novel product that includes a wide spectrum of compounds, and each of them has different effects on our intelligence and memory..

The idea of ​​nootropic arose in the laboratory of the Romanian chemist and neurologist Corneliu Giurgea, in the early 1970s. Since then, nootropics have been studied in different universities, and this has caused several changes in how the academic community and society perceive it. possibility of improving intelligence using these pills.

Even with the limitations of having a unitary definition, the concept of nootropic can be defined generically as follows: nootropics are a heterogeneous set of synthetic compounds and supplements that, taken in their correct doses, improve our cognitive abilities and the brain functions.

Apparently these substances would have positive effects on memory, concentration, attention, creativity and intelligence. Some companies promote their nootropics claiming that they are also useful for alleviating anxiety or stress. It has also been found that they can prevent cognitive decline and increase the life expectancy of the elderly.

Are nootropics drugs?

A widespread but uncertain idea about nootropics is that these substances are included within psychostimulant drugs. Nootropics are not drugs since they do not contain chemicals that can cause any harm to the body, nor can they create chemical dependency. Thus, in principle they do not pose any danger, at least in the short term, to health..

Then, Why do many people still firmly believe that nootropics are drugs? The explanation is simple. Nootropics are also popularly known as "smart drugs." But, in reality, these substances are harmless to the health of consumers, and do not have toxic or addictive components, so it does not seem very sensible to continue cataloging them within the bag of psychotropic drugs. With some exception.

Where can you buy nootropics?

Some types of nootropics can only be purchased by prescription from pharmacies. However, these are a minority and only in cases where they incorporate some type of pharmacological substance. But, as I have mentioned, the vast majority of nootropics are freely marketed, since they do not contain problematic components..

Most over-the-counter nootropics are made up of a variety of ingredients, including herbs, neuropeptides, vitamins, and vasodilators. One of the main producers of natural nootropics is the American brand Nootropic Plus, which incorporates glutamine Y acetylcarnitine to your herbal and plant preparation. These products can be purchased in different types of establishments, such as large supermarkets, health food stores and supplementation shops..

Increasing interest in this class of brain stimulants

Why is the development of nootropics interesting for society? Well, there are different factors that make cognitive stimulants one of the most promising and useful ideas for the future of our species..

We live in a society whose productive dynamics require great concentration and sacrifice from employees. Increasing competitiveness and the search for maximum profitability with minimum effort can provide fertile ground for products such as nootropics to enjoy increasing popularity. Workers need optimal cognitive performance to be able to enhance their professional skills and to offer a plus to their companies. The nootropics would suppose, in this line, a simple, immediate and innocuous way to have a comparative advantage.

In fact, it is obvious that the rapid effect of nootropics on our cognitive performance is one of its main strengths. For any worker, it is much more efficient to be able to increase their intelligence by taking a pill than to spend weeks or months to enhance any of their cognitive abilities.

Maybe for this reason, many employees in the fourth sector and even students in high schools (especially in the United States) are the main buyers of nootropics. For these individuals, not offering excellent academic or work performance can be a setback in their professional careers, so the benefit of nootropics, for them, is obvious.

Do nootropics really work?

Are nootropics really effective? What scientific literature has been able to verify its effects?

The efficacy of cognitive stimulants has been the subject of intense controversy. The scientific results are not entirely conclusive, since several investigations have pointed out its positive effects, but others have not found evidence to consider that nootropics are more effective than placebo. Be that as it may, the concept of a nootropic is so diffuse and there are so many products sold under that name that talking about its effectiveness can be an oversimplification..

In short, and although there is much hope placed in cognitive stimulants, there is still no robust empirical evidence that allows us to firmly affirm that they are useful in improving cognitive abilities. What is certain is that, in a few years, science will discover which are the compounds that have a greater influence on enhancing our brain performance.

Bibliographic references

  • Chen-Yi, Wu and others. (2015). The Effects of Anti-Dementia and Nootropic Treatments on the Mortality of Patients with Dementia: A Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan. PLOS One.
  • (2012). Nootropic Ingredient Directory. Available at:
  • Ruiz Franco, José. (2005). Smart drugs. Editorial Paidotribo.

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