The black work, in architecture, it is the initial phase of a construction. That is, the steps that must be carried out before carrying out the construction of an architectural project. In this first stage, the general details of the project to be developed are presented, such as the participants (client, architect and construction company), the description of the land, the plans of the work and the estimated cost.
In the same way, this stage includes the first activities carried out in the field, such as cleaning and delimitation. The black work can be divided into phases: 1-Administrative activities of the work, which include contact with the client, development of plans and bidding for construction. 2- Organizational activities, referring to the structures that must be provided by the contractor as security measures. 3- Preliminary activities, that is, everything that has to do with the preparation of the land on which it is going to be built.
The process prior to construction is one of the most important, since the quality of the final work will depend directly on the steps that were carried out in the initial phase. In this sense, the black work represents the bases of all construction.
Article index
The administrative activities of a work can be divided into planning, presentation of plans, bidding for construction and request for permits..
In this first stage, architects and engineers meet with clients to determine the purpose of the construction to be carried out. In addition to establishing the purpose of the construction, the existing relationships between the building and the space in which it is going to be built are discussed..
In the same way, it seeks to determine if the construction to be developed is integrated with the other buildings that surround it (if any) and if the gestation of this project is feasible..
Once the planning stage is concluded, the schematic plans are designed, which are the result of the discussions carried out with the clients, as well as the study of the land on which it is going to be built..
These plans are reviewed by the working group and, once the pertinent corrections have been made, the preliminary plans are created..
Finally, the final plans are developed; These plans are much more detailed than the previous ones and are divided into: architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical.
After having determined the feasibility of the project and having developed the plans, those in charge of the work will offer the tender.
The tenders are proposals presented by the owners of a work so that various contracting companies compete for the construction of the new building. The participants of the contest will receive the plans and develop a report that will include the estimated cost of the project to be developed..
The person in charge of the work will evaluate the submitted proposals and choose the one that best suits their interests..
The last administrative step is the request for permits to the competent authorities. For this, the master of work or the owner of the work must present the final plans and the results of other required studies, such as the environmental impact that the work would have or the conditions of the soil in which it is intended to build..
Organizational activities refer to the structures that the contractor must provide to the staff members, since it is their duty to guarantee safety in the work area..
The availability of first aid kits is part of this stage, as well as the establishment of offices, warehouses or warehouses and control booths.
Construction offices can be temporary or permanent, although they are usually temporary. They are usually built with recyclable materials and in some cases the use of portable cabins is used.
The cellar, or warehouse, is one of the most essential parts of a building. The establishment of the warehouse must be prior to the construction of the work since it will allow to protect the materials that will be used.
The construction of a work requires continuous supplies of water and electricity, so it is necessary to connect to the service lines of the town where it is going to be built or to have cisterns and electric generators.
This last phase refers to the processes that must be carried out on the construction site before starting to erect the work. Some of these are: demolition, land clearing, excavation, leveling, leveling, foundation.
Sometimes buildings are built on land that was previously occupied. In these cases, the old structure must be demolished. For this, the contractor must have a permit issued by the competent authorities.
It consists of removing the waste (in some cases, generated by the demolition) and all the vegetation present in the area in which it is going to work. It is necessary to emphasize that in the event of the presence of trees, they must be uprooted since, in the future, they could compromise the integrity of the work.
It consists of removing excess soil from the area or filling in any gaps that may exist in it, so that the surface of the land is uniform and optimal to lay the foundation for the construction..
It refers to the delimitation of the area in which you are going to work. This fencing can be permanent (a wall, for example) or temporary. The latter is the most common. Likewise, the logo of the construction company and safety signage are usually added..
The foundation is the last step of the preliminary phase and consists of laying the foundations of the construction to be carried out.
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