Sensitivity in Sensory Processing (SPS) is a set of neuropsychological traits discovered in the 1990s. Elaine and Arthur Aron were the psychologists who began to study it and establish its limits.
People who possess this set of traits have a higher sensitivity that makes it easier for them to detect small differences between stimuli. They can also process the sensory information at a deeper level than the rest of the population.
These authors related SPS to a personality type that they called "Highly Sensitive Person". It is thought that currently between 15 and 20% of the population has this trait.
Every day we interact with tens, hundreds and even thousands of people. We take the subway, we go by bus, we walk down the street, we shop, etc..
Every situation seems made to be shared with strangers. We share a seat with people who may be totally different from us. People with different ideas, different education and different way of understanding the world.
It is no wonder that from time to time, we are fed up with this obligation of coexistence in society. But this is complicated when you are a person with a special hypersensitivity. It is what has now begun to be called PAS - Highly Sensitive People.
Behind someone like that is an urgent need for esteem and a highly subjective view of reality. It is not that they want to attract attention, it is that normal affection does not seem enough.
It is not that they are stubborn, simply their way of seeing the world is like that. Have reactivity on guard and sensitivity to the surface.
Now, surely, you are recognizing yourself. And with this, many things that normally happen to you could be explained. You have undermined self-esteem, you are exhausted from being on your guard, you often isolate yourself socially. You have lost friends easily and have a hard time adjusting to your work environment.
You think you are at war with the world but, sorry, you're only fighting yourself. That is why you constantly defend yourself, although your worst enemy is none other than yourself..
You are not alone, it is not the world against you. It is subjectivity that is not letting you see that each one suffers their own tragedy. As Plato would say, be understanding, because every person you meet is fighting a tough battle.
Everything would be a little different if you learned to relax, if you let your guard down, if you learned to live with yourself. Doing so would open you up to the world. You have your own armor mounted. Surely or hold it. But you are so little objective that you do not see everything you have. You are not aware of how you are, all that you are worth and can offer. Knowing you, pampering you and loving you would change your life a lot. You should give yourself a chance.
Living on guard, as we said, is exhausting. To be alert, with the armor on and the nails prepared it is bringing very serious repercussions. Especially since we are not alone in the world. Although it is true that this way of feeling and seeing life, well carried out, does not have to be negative. The problem is when it has gotten out of hand and we stop being sensitive to become susceptible. A drama come on.
Expressing ourselves in an artistic way will make us break and open, unload our finest sensitivity. So we can return to the world with the toughest skin. Paint, write, take photos for breakfast for Instagram, but create. Do something with everything that torments you, channel it and make the most of it. Sounds too easy. I sit, paint and color and eat the world. It is not that either, but with simple keys we can start working.
First, your opinions. You know very well that in the cold you are not objective, that, in addition, you lose your mouth. In hot you tend to dramatize, you make a world of everything. Then come the regrets when at 24 hours you know that it really did not have as much importance as you had given it. Solution? Wait, hang on a day. Do not send the e-mail full of anger now or open WhatsApp to sing the forty. Just wait.
Besides you love it render a verdict on others. You judge him and you even seek psychological punishment. You should suspend that judgment, stop monitoring others. Understand that there are no good or bad, and not everything is black and white. Everything is relative and surely, by not knowing 100% of the other person, you are making a mistake.
But also you love it play fortune teller. You decide to forecast other people's behavior. With your imagination you invent a thousand and one conflicts, different discussions in which you are always right. You wait for the other one to come and I decided to beg your forgiveness. But it's never how you imagine yourself and you fight tirelessly to mount the mess. Everything would be easier if you stopped projecting what has to happen, you would be more immune to disappointment.
You have sensitivity, yes, but not as much empathy as you think. It's easier to put on some sneakers than to carpet the whole world. You must be the one who gains flexibility, the one who begins to accommodate to the world. Practice empathy.
And finally, avoid conflicts. Avoid all those possible situations that know that at some point they are going to get you in trouble. Are you paranoid if they read your whatsapps and they don't answer you right away? Easy, deactivate the connection time and the double blue tick.
As always, in life it will affect you only what you decide affects you. We each have a number of characteristics, abilities and, of course, sensibilities. We should never think that what we have or happens to us is a punishment. On the contrary, of those weaknesses we can get our strengths.
Use everything you have in your hand to grow and be better. Worth.
In this link you will find a simple test to discover if you are a highly sensitive person
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