Presidium meaning, synonyms, antonyms and examples

Egbert Haynes

The word "presidium”Refers to a government body or higher position in a branch. It has its origin in Latin and was later translated into Russian, being in the nations of a socialist or Marxist court one of the few that make use of a word in a tendency to disappear.

If we stick to the Royal Spanish Academy, it has two meanings for “presidium”. On the one hand, it indicates that in some socialist nations it is the highest body of government. On the other hand, he says that in some political parties or organizations of Marxist ideology it is the steering committee.


Article index

  • 1 Meaning
  • 2 Russian Presidium and other cases
  • 3 Synonyms
  • 4 Antonyms
  • 5 Examples of use
  • 6 References


The word "presidium" comes from the Latin "presidium", which means "protection", "defense" or "military garrison". It also comes from the Russian "prezidium", which means the same.

A presidium should not be confused with a presidio, the establishment where those deprived of liberty serve their sentence or the fortress where soldiers could garrison.

Russian presidium and other cases

In the Soviet Constitution of 1936, the role and place occupied by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet was made clear, which was part of the higher organs of power of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).

He himself exercised all the rights granted by the USSR in accordance with article 14 of the Magna Carta. Some of them were:

- He called the meetings of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, which were held twice a year.

- Promulgated decrees.

- Interpreted the laws of the USSR.

- He carried out popular consultations on his own initiative or at the will of any federated republic.

- It could annul what the Council of Ministers of the USSR and other Councils had and decided.

- It delivered distinctions and honorable mentions.

- He exercised the right of grace.

- Appointed and relieved the high command of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

- It decreed partial or total mobilizations.

- Declared a state of war in specific places or throughout the USSR in pursuit of the defense of the country and the security of the State.

During these years, in countries like Hungary there was what was known as the “Presidium of the People's Assembly”. In article 75 of the constitution of that communist nation, it was defined as a supreme organ of state power which was in permanent session.

It was led by a president, three deputies, a secretary and ten members. Among the tasks he had, the following stood out:

- It summoned the sessions of the People's Assembly.

- It determined the day of the elections of the People's Assembly.

- It delivered recognitions or honorary titles.

- He granted or withdrawn the citizenship of the nation and accepted his resignation from it.

- Exercising the right to forgiveness.

- It defined the administrative territorial divisions.

In Mexico this word is also used, which refers to the group of people who preside over a meeting, as well as the high place it occupies..

Today, some nations continue to maintain this name for an organism within their state structure. An example of this is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, better known as North Korea..


Some words similar to "presidium" are "presidency", "table", "board", leadership "," head "," stage "," government "," command "," guide "or" direction ".


Meanwhile, words that mean the opposite are "anarchy", "non-government", "misrule", "illegality", "disorganization" or "disorder".

Examples of use

-"Putin will meet with the Presidium of the Kazan State Council".

-"Vladimir Plathoniuc took, after his departure, the entire Presidium of the Democratic Party of Moldova".

-"Kim Jong-un became president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly".

-"The master of ceremonies is that he heads the Presidium tonight".


  1. Presidium. (2019). Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy. Recovered from:
  2. William B. Simons. (1980). "The Constitutions of the Communist World". Recovered from:
  3. Presidium. (2019). "Putin will meet with the presidium of the Kazan State Council". Recovered from:
  4. Presidium of the Soviet of the Supreme Soviet. Recovered from:
  5. Presidium. (2019). "North Korean leader receives new title as supreme president of the people". Recovered from:

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